Entries by Donald

The function f is defined for positive y and all x by f(x,y) = x2 lny−y lny. Find the critical (or stationary) points of f and determine whether each critical point is a local maximum, local minimum or saddle point.

A firm is the only producer of a particular good. The firm’s marginal revenue function is MR = 9−q, where q denotes the quantity of the good produced by the firm. The firm’s fixed costs are 12 and its average variable cost function is 1 + q/2. Find an expression for the firm’s profit function, […]

What is the relationship between your companies and their respective employees and investors? How do these relationships affect financial performance?

Compile the information from all the papers attached. Then answer the following questions below. What is the relationship between your companies and their respective employees and investors? How do these relationships affect financial performance? Are there any issues outstanding for your companies? How do these issues affect the overall financial viability of your companies? Compare […]

List three different traits or characteristics that you find as fundamental to have as an educator of ELL students and explain why you feel these traits are so important.

Goal: The purpose of this assessment is to create an advocacy and professional growth action plan. What is your plan on how to become that kind of educator? • How can you advocate for ELL students, both within schools and as citizens outside of educational contexts? Product: in essay format, discuss three advocacy principles that […]

What motivates you professionally? Are you one who is motivated by perks and other incentives or do you have an inner drive to succeed? What is your proudest accomplishment so far this year and what motivated you to achieve it?

Motivation is critical within every organization and every facet of life. In business, it involves every sub-division, it affects productivity, it aids in the setting and achievement of goals, it improves relationships, and it helps to build stability. Outside of business, motivation is the level of intensity in how we do things. Motivation can be either intrinsic or extrinsic. Either way, it determines the drive […]

Identify a relevant research topic and question. (Research shows that the use of technology has adversely affects the socialization of children). Create an annotated bibliography that you plan to use in your research paper that includes eight to ten appropriate, credible sources.

Identify a relevant research topic and question. (Research shows that the use of technology has adversely affects the socialization of children.) Perform preliminary research. Develop an arguable, research-based thesis statement. Devise strategies for finding useful sources in an online or physical library. Evaluate the credibility and relevance of a source to the argument. Determine whether […]

Develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with which you are familiar, or use Addendum D to Chapter 11 (pp. 202-206) to help you select a hazard.

Following steps 1-11 of the Hazard Analysis and Risk Assessment Guide in the course textbook (pp. 171-174), develop a risk assessment for a serious workplace hazard with which you are familiar, or use Addendum D to Chapter 11 (pp. 202-206) to help you select a hazard. Evaluate the hazard and its associated risks, and then […]

If you could enter either the value segment or the premium segment of the wine industry, which one would you choose? Why? What insights can you provide about the threat of buyers in the premium wine industry?

   If you could enter either the value segment or the premium segment of the wine industry, which one would you choose? Why? 2.What insights can you provide about the threat of buyers in the premium wine industry? 3.If Passalacqua were to purchase the East Side Building as offered and sell 2000 cases per year, […]

Choose a current injustice (local or global) that you would be willing to commit an act of civic engagement or protest for. Briefly summarize the Injustice, then compare two ways your chosen Injustice is similar to one of the Injustices presented in the films we screened

Using the articles from the Reading Packets, and considering the films we screened in class, what injustice, locally or Globally, would you commit an act of CIVIC ENGAGMENT or PROTEST FOR? In your answer consider, and offer answers to these questions: Why this injustice? What is your connection to it or why does it touch […]

Find a US cultural artifact that relates to the topic in readings from chapter 8, Race, Ethnic Groups and Racism. Describe how your cultural artifact symbolizes the readings for Lauer and Laurer (2019)

Find a US cultural artifact that relates to the topic in readings from chapter 8, Race, Ethnic Groups and Racism. Describe how your cultural artifact symbolizes the readings for Lauer and Laurer (2019) chapter 8 (attached). Relate the artifact to the reading from this chapter by quoting the reading at least one time. Examples of […]

Find a character in a film who is experiencing an identity crisis. In a 200-300 word response, show how this quest for identity drives the plot of the film. Discuss how and why the character struggles with identity and sense of belonging

“This story of the loss and regaining of identity is, I think, the framework of all literature.” — Northrop Frye, The Educated Imagination The quest for identity or suffering an identity crisis or identity loss are recurring patterns of plot in literature, tv shows, and movies. This recurring pattern is called an archetype. You will […]