Entries by Donald

Identify at least one of the major religions in the area. Introduce the origins of the religion and how it expanded throughout the region. Investigate and describe the religion’s key teachings/beliefs, and any other interesting facts you discovered in your reading.

One important process in human history was the transition from “hunter-gatherer” societies to settled “complex” civilizations. For this Milestone, you will identify the features of complex societies, analyze real historical examples, and discover how culture can shape civilizations. Select ONE region to research from the list below: East Asian Civilizations Early American Civilizations Islamic Civilizations […]

State clearly and succinctly the presenting problem(s) of this family, that is, what caused them to come in for help or being referred for help by others. Do you see other issues as well? What do you see are the strengths of this family?

The “Rizzo” family, consisting of Father Antonio (53), Mother Anna (50), daughter Sophia (22), and son Marco (18). The family came in for family therapy after Marco dropped out of his first semester at a community college. As a high school student, Marco had attended your agency, a community-based organization located in the neighborhood for […]

Establish the significance of a topic, idea, person, event, or process in Church history for the period covered in this Church History course, and why it matters.

Establish the significance of a topic, idea, person, event, or process in Church history for the period covered in this Church History course, and why it matters. Briefly discuss the essential elements of what constitutes this as being significant enough to be included in recorded Church history. 2. Discuss how the significant topic chosen influences […]

Write a paper on Nikes brand; – what’s their brand message – the message they give out in their advertisements -what they are doing for the community before and during covid -Did they change their logo during Covid, why or why not?

Write a paper on Nikes brand; – what’s their brand message – the message they give out in their advertisements -what they are doing for the community before and during covid -Did they change their logo during Covid, why or why not? -What they did and/or how they adjusted to covid 4 citations needed.

What country originally settled most of what is now called Latin America? In general, how were the Native Americans who originally lived in those places impacted?

Explain the forces that drove Europeans to exploration. Link to your instructor’s lecture on YouTube: https://youtu.be/rs_xland_FY Readings in your text particularly pages 16-19. Documentary: The History of Europeans in America. Based upon the above documentary, write the following essay. In the first paragraph of your essay, address the following: What country originally settled most of […]

Identify the social media platform that best works for your population and state why. What Evidenced based program will you model your program after from the literature.

Post an outline of your social media campaign proposal paper. The outline should shape how to would like to organize your paper in the most sensible way. Here are a few bullets to help guide you: I. Rationale for Selecting your population (The problem/issue with alcohol use among your target group) II. Identify the social […]

Describe and analyze the broad range of talent management efforts that use software applications to help you Director to make an educated decision.

You, as a HR Generalist, have been asked by your HR Director for your recommendations in terms of what tools your organization could use to better manage the talents of your employees. This will help to develop policies and procedures in managing your human capital. Please develop a PowerPoint presentation to your Director addressing the […]

Choose two of the authors and write a dialogue for them. (Hobbe and Nietzsche) OR (Locke and Barthes) The authors can be discussing one of the selections from the Contemporary Connections or you can choose another contemporary example of their ideas.

Hobbes and Locke are concerned with government and seem to challenge each other’s view of human nature. Galileo challenges the (religious) ideas of his day and creates a new way of conceiving our relationship to the world. Nietzsche and Barthes challenge the creation of meaning. For this paper, you need to imagine these thinkers in […]

Look around the county you live in and think about something that would help your community. Explain why and how your community would benefit from this project.

Community Paper: (20%) During this semester you will be given the opportunity to reflect on ideas from the readings and relate these ideas to sociological theories, social problems, community programs, social actions, and social politics. You will be developing a project/paper about something that is needed in YOUR community. Look around the county you live […]

Find a source about research on any Criminal Justice related topic. Evaluate the source by providing answers to each of the four questions used to evaluate information provided. Where did the information come from?

What is information literacy? Your response to this question should be at least 1 paragraph in length. Attempt to explain information literacy in your own words (use examples if you wish) Find a source about research on any Criminal Justice related topic. Evaluate the source by providing answers to each of the four questions used […]