Entries by Donald

What are some theological agendas that have affected interpretation in the past? Are there any contemporary cultural issues that would affect interpretation?

Investigate the Historical Context of the Passage. Use the bible passage and larger context of the whole book to figure out: Who? Who wrote the passage? The author go beyond the name. What was the mindset of the author/ relationship between author and God or audience/ the author’s circumstances? Understanding who wrote it changes how […]

Provide a plan to deal with this provider’s actions based on your knowledge of the law, ethics, and the internal guidance you are said to have in your organization.

Regardless of the provider type, when you are in an administrative position, you more likely than not will be asked to render a decision about a person’s continued relationship with your organization. This exercise will provide you with practice applying this week’s concepts to a scenario involving a provider. Here you are being asked to […]

Spend 30 minutes in prayer after your finish your study of the passage but PRIOR to the beginning of the development of the lesson plan.  Then write a ½page reflective response. Place this response at the beginning of the Lesson Plan.

Prayer Exercise.Spend 30 minutes in prayer after your finish your study of the passage but PRIOR to the beginning of the development of the lesson plan.  Then write a ½page reflective response. Place this response at the beginning of the Lesson Plan. Spend the 1st15 minutes praying for an openness of your heart to God’s truth. Be responsive to any directions […]

Read the book written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning – Sonnets from the Portuguese. Write an explanatory academic essay after the reading. Make sure you create a good thesis to go with your paper.

Read the book written by Elizabeth Barrett Browning – Sonnets from the Portuguese. She was a later part of the English Romantic movement, a second wave as it were. Her husband, Robert Browning , an equal to the great early English romantics, was kind of too, but his style was tending towards the ways of […]

Prepare a neat and organized report for the Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) of ToolsCorp Corporation. The purpose of this paper is to obtain permission from them to go forward with the next step (developing a full-blown business plan) for ToolsCorp’s strategic initiative to break into the global marketplace

ToolsCorp Corporation is a fictitious company that does not exist anywhere. For the purpose of this course, it is located in Tennessee. As members of the senior management team of ToolsCorp Corporation, your group has been asked to prepare a neat and organized report for the Strategic Officers Steering Committee (SOS-C) of ToolsCorp Corporation. The […]

Analyze strengths and weaknesses of leader in all five domains (communication and relationship management, knowledge of health care environment, leadership, professionalism, and business skills).

Contemplate the effectiveness of a nurse leader in a formal leadership role (charge nurse, director of nursing, nursing manager, administrator, or nursing instructor). This nurse could be a current manager, or a leader you identify from a past encounter. From the list, select “Nurse Executive Competencies.” Write a three to four page paper (in addition […]

Junius Williams related the/his history of Newark, community activism, and Black Power with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Make an argument either agreeing or disagreeing with this connection?

Junius Williams related the/his history of Newark, community activism, and Black Power with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Make an argument either agreeing or disagreeing with this connection? 1. Junius Williams related the/his history of Newark, community activism, and Black Power with the Occupy Wall Street movement. Make an argument either agreeing or disagreeing with […]

Demonstrate an understanding of the running of a business venture. Apply key entrepreneurship and small business theories and principles.Critically examine how entrepreneurs manage networks and relationships.

Introduction: Entrepreneurship starts with an idea. This idea, in turn, should be demonstrable and feasibly executory through the Business Plan. As a tool, the Business Plan is used to start, run, and grow the venture that undergoes refinement overtime. Its importance is two-fold: Firstly, to obtain funding and, secondly, to set out what you seek […]