Entries by Donald

Assess how, and to what extent, corporate social responsibility can be coordinated with an organization’s obligation to maximize profits for its shareholders.

Assess the impact of corporate social responsibility policy on the workplace and the corporate world. Assess how, and to what extent, corporate social responsibility can be coordinated with an organization’s obligation to maximize profits for its shareholders. Identify a potential ethical issue at a real-world organization. You may use the organization and issue you used […]

Can the political leader of a non-member state of the International Criminal Court be judged by this court on crimes against humanity committed inside that state’s territory?

Give your own opinion based on international law sources and use as much comparative cases as possible. If you were the Prime Minister of Spain, would you recognize the independence of Kosovo? What is jus cogens? Do you agree with diplomatic immunity? Did the US violate international law by invading Iraq in 2003? Is the […]

Discuss the use of prisons/jails as confinement facilities for those who have mental health issues. Where do you believe those persons should carry out their criminal sentence? Why? 

Given the limited impact of the exclusionary rule on crime fighting and Miranda on conviction rates, what purposes do they serve? Discuss the deterrent effect of the death penalty. Does it work? (a) If selective incapacitation and gross incapacitation do not reduce serious crimes, what actions can be taken to decrease such crimes? Is it […]

Recommend a policy that resolves the ethical issue you have identified. Evaluate ethical decision making models and associated parameters applicable to the recommended policy.

Imagine that the CEO of an organization has asked the human resources department to review the company’s policies. You, personally, have been asked to propose a policy that the organization can implement to address an ethical issue you have identified. You may use the organization and issue you have used in the other course assessments. […]

Assume there is not a valid contract between Sam and the chain store. Analyze the elements of a quasi-contract and a promissory estoppel to determine whether the chain store would prevail on a claim of either.

Case Study Two: Sam Stevens lives in an apartment building where he has been working on his new invention, a machine that plays the sound of a barking dog to scare off potential intruders. A national chain store thatsells safety products wants to sell Sam’s product exclusively. Although Sam and the chain store never signed […]

Assume you are a manager hiring a new employee to work for your firm. How could intuition help you to make the selection decision? Research sources to validate your statements.

Watch Dan Ariely’s TED talk “Are We in Control of Our Own Decisions?” In this 17-minute video from 2008, Dan discusses how we are not as rational as we think when we make decisions.Discuss the following: Your reaction to the video. Discuss how OB principles can explain why it is so hard to be purely […]

According to the DSM-IV-TR, name three criteria that must be present to diagnose PTSD. What is the difference between PTSD and acute stress disorder, according to the DSM?

You are working the evening shift in an inpatient psych unit.  the patients are in the day room watching a movies when suddenly someone starts yelling.  You and the other staff rush to the day room to find JJ a 55 yo male patient crouched in the corner behind a chair yelling at the other […]

What is the focus of qualitative nursing research in professional nursing practice? What methodologies are used to conduct qualitative research?

Why are ethical principles important when conducting research on human subjects? What is the focus of qualitative nursing research in professional nursing practice? What methodologies are used to conduct qualitative research? Why should the BSN-prepared nurse critically appraise published research studies? How does the BSN-prepared nurse critically appraise published research studies?

What barriers does Janii face to becoming more physically active? Be very specific in your notes and explain why? For example, if she has a specific medical condition, discuss why this presents a problem?

What barriers does Janii face to becoming more physically active? Be very specific in your notes and explain why? For example, if she has a specific medical condition, discuss why this presents a problem? How can Janii overcome any challenges she faces and what is the solution. There’s one particular step that needs to be […]