Entries by Donald

What kind of security risks might these devices pose? As computers become more integrated into our daily lives, how does the job of computer crime law enforcement units change? Provide two specific examples.

Computers are becoming smaller, faster, and more powerful. They are also integrated into more devices, systems, and infrastructure. Currently it is possible to purchase a refrigerator with a built-in screen for World Wide Web access, and other home appliances are also available for incorporation into newly constructed or retrofitted “smart houses.” What kind of security […]

Create an argument through the use of historical evidence. Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources. Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history

Create an argument through the use of historical evidence. (SLO1) Analyze and interpret primary and secondary sources. (SLO2) Analyze the effects of historical, social, political, economic, cultural, and global forces on this period of United States history. (SLO3) Critical Thinking Skills (CT) – to include creative thinking, innovation, inquiry, and the analysis, evaluation, and synthesis […]

Write a short paper comparing the tutorials you identified. Explain which tutorial you preferred based upon how it helped you answer the following questions: How does virtual memory extend the memory available to applications? What are the drawbacks of a page fault when a virtual memory page is not resident?

Search the Internet to find two tutorials on virtual memory as it is used in modern workstations, servers, or mobile devices. Write a short paper comparing the tutorials you identified. Explain which tutorial you preferred based upon how it helped you answer the following questions: How does virtual memory extend the memory available to applications? […]

Discuss your own views about cybercrimes and punishment. Provide your own judgments about deterrent effects against committing cybercrimes such as sending out spam, launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, distributing malware, or committing credit card fraud.

Discuss your own views about cybercrimes and punishment. Provide your own judgments about deterrent effects against committing cybercrimes such as sending out spam, launching denial-of-service (DoS) attacks, distributing malware, or committing credit card fraud. Should society strive to increase perceptions of the possibility of being caught and more harshly punished? Please elaborate with classical theoretical […]

Write an essay outlining the brief history of and improvement of patient care in Ontario focusing around technology and the widening scope of practice for paramedics In Ontario, Canada. This should be mentioning the BHP ( Base Hospital System ), BLS and ALS

Write an essay outlining the brief history of and improvement of patient care in Ontario focusing around technology and the widening scope of practice for paramedics In Ontario, Canada. This should be mentioning the BHP ( Base Hospital System ), BLS and ALS and how technology such a stretchers, ambulances, cardiac monitors and other pieces […]

Do you believe children today still experience this type of epiphany from their daily experience within a technologically infused society? Consider the role of technology and the impact of the vanishing “nuclear family.”

Both James Joyce’s “Araby” and Annie Dillard’s “The Chase” portray the coming of age of two young protagonists.  Joyce’s “Araby” portrays the coming of age of a young boy who lives in an impoverished town.  Though he navigates through his young life filled with dreams and aspirations of beauty and promise, he eventually encounters disappointment […]

Demonstrate your learning, as described in the Course Learning Objectives section of this syllabus. Emphasis will be on the understanding of the problems, critical evaluation as well as the ability to clearly communicate proposed solutions.

You will be responsible for a final term paper or, which focuses on a topic of your choice related to one of the Change Management business topics that we have discussed in our course. Apply this topic to a specific change that you are currently experiencing or leading or one you have been through recently. […]

What is the difference in self-care knowledge and attitude between American and Saudi students in the U.S.? How do Saudi male students perceive personal hygiene as compared to female students?

Oral diseases tend to be linked to specific behaviors of an individual. That is why specific infectious disease prevalence had declined when personal hygiene was improved. Oral and hand hygiene are examples of activities that have been noted to impact the health of individuals (Cruz & Bashtawi, 2015). This research will analyze the nature of […]

Take the characters in Oedipus Rex and Medea, and consider the following: Who is the protagonist? Defend your choice. Why do they do what they do? Are they self-motivated, or manipulated by outside forces? Are they capable of change or growth? Why or why not?

Take the characters in Oedipus Rex and Medea, and consider the following: Who is the protagonist? Defend your choice. Why do they do what they do? Are they self-motivated, or manipulated by outside forces? Are they capable of change or growth? Why or why not? Do their actions impact others? If so, who and how? […]

Define hypertension, classification, clinical presentation and hypertensive crisis.  What stage does the patient have? What is the treatment goal? What types of complications could this patient have later, if his hypertension is not properly treated? 

YY is a 56yo African American male who works as a shipping manager for local distribution center.  He has untreated hypertension (BP readings has been elevated on the last 3 occasions).  He lives with his 10yo son.  He is divorced 5 years ago.  He experienced occasional headaches, but other than that, he said he feels […]