Entries by Donald

Consider the memories the characters in After Life choose to live with for eternity. What do their choices suggest about what is important in life and about how to live a good life?

“Stoic and Epicurean thinkers spent much time devising techniques and thought experiments. For example: imagine that today is the last day of your life. Are you ready to face death? Imagine, even, that this very moment – now! – is the last moment of your existence. What are you feeling? Do you have regrets? Are […]

Explain how flight simulation is used in human factors research and whether it has validity. Explain the impact of automation on human factors research.

APA papers are a critical part of your learning in this course. Spend the time to research your chosen topic thoroughly and provide a comprehensive and pointed paper. The paper must be a minimum of 2-3 pages, APA formatted with a correct reference page. The works cited page is in addition to the 2-3 page […]

What are the differences and similarities between strategic management and planning for the private and public sectors?

1. Discuss the complexities and politics associated with public/government based organizations. 2. What are the differences and similarities between strategic management and planning for the private and public sectors? Additional Instructions: -You must use at least 1 of the references on the attached “list of references” for each of the questions. -Make sure you cite […]

Develop sound analytical frameworks to grasp the process of decision making with respect to making investment in fixed assets and the methods used to evaluate new projects.

Develop sound analytical frameworks to grasp the process of decision making with respect to making investment in fixed assets and the methods used to evaluate new projects. Understand what free cash flow is and how to measure it. Understand a company’s capital structure and dividend policy. The following information is available for Solley Corporation: Debt: […]

Illustrate and analyze the two losses with personal experiences. Discuss what Frankel says about the loss elements you’ve selected and relate them to your own experiences

Author Joseph Taglieber sums up Bishop’s poem as something “Most of us can identify with trying to put on brave faces regarding loss; yet actually mastering losing is another matter entirely. Bishop’s faltering speaker represents human nature’s inner struggle with making art out of our struggles.” Step One: Select two losses Bishop describes in her […]

Determine how a critic of your position might try to argue against it using other ethical reasons, and present a rebuttal or counter-argument in defense of your judgment.

Complete a 1,000 to 1,250-word case analysis of one of the specific cases presented in the textbook or of your own choosing. The case cannot be one that we used in our class discussions. You need to choose an individual medical case (examples of cases are Baby Fae, Kerri Wooltorton, Terri Schiavo) and not a […]

Using specific examples from Stasiland, explain what the Berlin Wall symbolizes about the broader Cold War of the late 20th century. Do you think it is useful to use the Berlin Wall as a symbol of the Cold War standoff between East and West, or is it overly simplistic to do so?

1. Using specific examples from Stasiland, explain what the Berlin Wall symbolizes about the broader Cold War of the late 20th century. Do you think it is useful to use the Berlin Wall as a symbol of the Cold War standoff between East and West, or is it overly simplistic to do so? 2. Describe […]

Does the clinical practice guideline adequately address the health problem? Describe.Does this clinical practice guideline adequately direct the healthcare provider in the management of a patient with this problem?

Briefly describe the health problem you have identified. DIABETES morbidity mortality epidemiology pathophysiology related to this health problem PRACTICE GUIDELINE: Diabetes – American Diabetes Association .Describe the clinical practice guideline used for this problem. Reflect on the questions included. Expand on your answer using support from evidence Does the clinical practice guideline adequately address the […]

Analyze the challenge scenario presented in the case study regarding the acquisition of a technology platform to schedule clients for services at BDWC. Review the Build versus Buy Tool Example for reference

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, read the Bright Day Wellness Center (BDWC) case study and review each tab in the Build versus Buy Tool Microsoft Excel workbook beginning with the purpose and instructions, including the total cost of ownership (TCO calculator) and the tab showing graphical results. Analyze the challenge scenario presented […]

How do Beowulf and Gilgamesh exhibit their leadership traits in their respective societies? How does heroism reflect in both Beowulf and Gilgamesh?

The heroic ideas in Beowulf suggest that one must always seek glory in life by being courageous and exhibiting nobility in his/her actions. Additionally, ones legacy should remain even after death and it is important to boast for achievements (Merchant, 2017). The poem’s events also confirm that strength, courage, warriors’ loyalty and political knowledge and […]