Entries by Donald

Research and identify at least 3 types of major complaints often filed against correctional officers for misconduct ( either by an inmate or another correctional officer)

You have been advised by the warden that the agency is going to seek national accreditation by the ACA and the he has designated you as the accreditation manager. One of the arrest that will be looked at is internal policies dealing with officer misconduct. there have been several incident s in the past in […]

Analyze the strategic fit between the business vision and the key elements of the business strategy, considering domestic and global environments.

Analyze the strategic fit between the business vision and the key elements of the business strategy, considering domestic and global environments. Analyze the alignment between business strategy, customer needs, and overall teaching and learning model to determine how organizational value has been established. Creates organizational value in the recommendations provided. Demonstrate the ability to plan […]

Recognize the dynamic, complex and interdependent nature of managerial work; and apply theoretical models and concepts to current management practices, problems and issues.

Talk about why Mintzberg created an interpersonal role and provide examples to support the statement. Mintzberg’s theory has been denied by Shapira and Dandar’s theory claiming there is only to preliminary roles of informational and decisional please include this too and deny the theory and use it to further support the Informational role in Mintberg’s […]

As part of your action plan, how would you assess a potential job candidate’s teamwork skills? Discuss the benefits of using reference checks when hiring individuals for your team.

Required Activity: In this 34-minute interview, Kevin Ryan discusses what he considers to be the key building blocks of starting a new venture: ideas, people, and money. Consider using the following discussion questions: Assume you are a new manager at Nomad Health, Kevin Ryan’s latest start-up which is focused on developing a website where doctors […]

Evaluate the benefits of the introduction of the Consumer Right Act 2015, Trade description Act of 1968, The Supply of Goods and Services Act of 1982, Consumer Protection Act of 1987 and General Product Safety Regulations of1994.

Your application was successful and you have been called in for an interview. Because the firm specialises in helping organisations address issues relating to employment and consumer protection you want to impress the recruiter with your knowledge on this topic. The secretary of the partner already told you to prepare for a 10-15 minutes interview […]

What role did chance, assumptions, and curiosity play in Warren and Marshall’s research on Helicobacter pylori?Describe how the story of Warren and Marshall’s discovery illustrates the process of science.

Do you think it ethical and appropriate for Marshall to have used himself as a test subject and swallowed a sample of Helicobacter pylori? What precautions did he take? Would you do it? Why or why not? 2. How did the colloidal bismuth subcitrate (CBS) experiment provide evidence supporting Warren and Marshall’s hypothesis? 3. Answer […]

Select a current diversity issue in the workplace, and research the issue from a variety of perspectives. Write a 6-7 page analysis of a concept or issue related to workplace diversity.

Current Diversity Issue Research Paper (Team assignment) – Due week 6 Description Groups of 2-3 students will form and select a current diversity issue in the workplace, and research the issue from a variety of perspectives. Examples of topics include age, sexual or religious discrimination, gender diversity/discrimination, LGBTQ issues, diversity issues in Europe, diversity issues […]

Research 6-8 poems written by one author to construct a thorough analysis of the poet’s voice. Create an 8-poem original collection and perform a voice and tone study on themselves and their collection

For this path, students will select a poet who was covered by the course and perform a voice and tone study on that author. Their essay must meet the above requirements as well as the following path-specific requirements. 1. Research a Poet’s Body of Work: Students who have selected the scholarly path must research 6-8 […]

Provide an illustration showing the different approaches to business ethics. You should then provide examples of ethical issues that could affect the operations. Also provide examples of “absolute” and “relative”ethics.

You are working for “Computing Supplies Ltd” and you are an idealist: you only buy Fair Trade, you work in a charity shop over the week-end, you often participate in charity runs, and every year you attend community beach cleaning events. Although you’ve already tried to approach the subject of Corporate Social Responsibilities, nobody has […]

Show the reflection for a straight wave entering a curved barrier.  Draw your own example on loose leaf.  Make sure the barrier is not a semicircle only a shallow curve.

Reflection – Show the reflection for a straight wave entering a curved barrier.  Draw your own example on loose leaf.  Make sure the barrier is not a semicircle only a shallow curve. Refraction – Draw your own example on loose leaf using the question below.  Periodic waves in deep water have a wavelength of 1.9 […]