Entries by Donald

Identify characteristics of professional behavior including emotional intelligence, communication, and conflict resolution. Your assignment is to write a letter to yourself on your graduation day

The purpose of this assignment is to give you the opportunity to reflect back on what inspiration you will take with you through the program, what lessons you will take away from the course, and the ability to write a letter to your future self about where you hope you will be when you graduate […]

Assess the maturity of your organization (Citgo Corporation – Corpus Christi Refinery).If the evaluation of your organization is extremely good, identify what Stage of maturity you think your organization is at.

Assess the maturity of your organization (Citgo Corporation – Corpus Christi Refinery).  Use only the Stage 1 PMO Questionnaire: The Project Office, found on page 660 in Appendix B of the Hill text. Complete the assessment for each of the 20 questions and calculate the overall rating (in the excel document attached) If the evaluation of your organization […]

Compare and contrast the traditional marketing process and the electronic marketing process. What key elements of the processes are the same and which are different?

Compare and contrast the traditional marketing process and the electronic marketing process. What key elements of the processes are the same and which are different? Your responses should be substantive, and reflect analytical and critical thinking skills, as well as, a thorough understanding of your reading assignment. A typical response should consist of 100-150 words […]

Discuss a key concept or topic in Texas politics and to show a basic understanding of academic research and reporting skills.

There are two writing assignments worth 100 points each. The purpose of the essays is to provide students an opportunity to discuss a key concept or topic in Texas politics and to show a basic understanding of academic research and reporting skills. Students should offer evidence for their arguments. Thus, submissions that are more comprehensive […]

What is the relationship between applied research and basic research? Provide an example from your selected studies, of how each contributes to the body of knowledge.

Search for research articles from peer-reviewed publications in the University Library. Ebscohost is the best database to locate peer-reviewed research articles. Examples of peer-reviewed publications are listed in Table 2.1 in Chapter 2 of Methods in Behavioral Research. Select four research articles to review. Include at least one applied research article and one basic research article in your […]

Create a problem statement.Identify the specific problem you wish to address. The documented problem may be a practical problem or issue in the profession or study context without an acceptable solution. 

Create a problem statement. Your problem must come from a critical issue that must be addressed, otherwise negative consequences will occur or continue.  In most cases, scholarly citations within the past 5 years are required to support the problem you will investigate. Articulate a concise problem statement. Include appropriate published or relevant primary sources to […]

Compare and contrast the two companies in terms of how well or how poorly they are performing in the areas of profit, debt, and asset turnover. Use appropriate ratios in your analysis

Answer the following question regarding the companies Apollo Global Management and American Financial Group; Identify two items or issues that cannot be derived from the financial statements of the two companies that you selected for your research. Explain why these items or issues would be of concern to investors and other stakeholders. In your rationale, […]

What are the main political and economic risks that ABB must deal with given that it has a strong focus on entering emerging economies?

ABB, headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, is a major competitor in the power and automation technologies industries across the major markets globally. It has 140,000 employees operating in almost 100 countries. In fact, it has five major businesses—power products, power systems, discrete automation, low voltage products, and process automation. It operates in eight major regions: (1) […]