Entries by Donald

Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births. Identify at least one support service within your community for preterm infants and their family.

Discuss disparities related to ethnic and cultural groups relative to low birth weight infants and preterm births. Describe the impact of extremely low birth weight babies on the family and on the community (short-term and long-term, including economic considerations, on-going care considerations, and co-morbidities associated with prematurity). Identify at least one support service within your […]

Constructivist theories regard children as active learners or “little scientists”. Based on your understanding of constructivism, how would you describe active learning?

Constructivism and Active Learning. Constructivist theories regard children as active learners or “little scientists”. Based on your understanding of constructivism, how would you describe active learning? • What instruction methods support this approach? • How does this approach support the developmental needs of young children. The original post must include information from a professional, scholarly […]

Explain how multiple requests of cloud consumers can be managed in the cloud environment at the state of using multiple virtual machines. 

Suggest an architect for the front and back end system. Illustrate how it can be connected to the public cloud. Discuss all the needed requirements for the implementation of file system distribution to be adopted by Al Bashayer Meat Company S.A.O.C in the cloud environment. Explain how multiple requests of cloud consumers can be managed […]

What forces drove changes in dating conventions between 1900 and the 1960s? Your response should identify at least three ways dating changed (from three different chapters), explain what prompted the change, and reflect on the larger meaning or significance of the change.

What forces drove changes in dating conventions between 1900 and the 1960s? Your response should identify at least three ways dating changed (from three different chapters), explain what prompted the change, and reflect on the larger meaning or significance of the change. Early in her book, Bailey observes that the transition from courtship to dating […]

Describe how Project Management techniques can help in Operations Management. How should Project Management be used in the organization you chose? What would it look like and what would be the benefit?

Complete a chart outlining the functions of an organization you are familiar with or have worked for. You can use the assignment from week 1, introduce the organization, and provide the chart  Make sure you adjust your week 1 assignment to any feedback from your instructor. Depending on the industry of your chosen organization, describe […]

Describe and analyze two relatively recent intercultural encounters you had. Those encounters could be dissatisfactory, satisfactory, or between.

Describe and analyze two relatively recent intercultural encounters you had. Those encounters could be dissatisfactory, satisfactory, or between. But be sure to incorporate as much as possible concepts, ideas from the course (textbook). You do not have to Responds to the problem. The problems have no single correct answer, but the better responses utilize the […]

Discuss a particular philosophical problem and the different ways it has been attempted to be solved (e.g. the debate between empiricist and rationalists in regard to knowledge)

Write a paper on any philosophical topic of your choice. (get your topic approved by me!) The goal of your paper is to explain a particular philosopher’s views on a particular philosophical topic (e.g. Descartes’ view on epistemology), or to discuss a particular philosophical problem and the different ways it has been attempted to be […]

Study the case of Kyllo V. United States pertaining to the use of thermal-imaging devices constituting a legal search of a home.What is the holding in Kyllo? Explain the significance of the fact that the thermal-imaging device is not in “general use.”

Study the case of Kyllo V. United States pertaining to the use of thermal-imaging devices constituting a legal search of a home. Once you have read the case in its entirety, answer the discussion questions below; What is the holding in Kyllo? Explain the significance of the fact that the thermal-imaging device is not in […]

Analyze the security features within mHealth technologies and list the biggest securities threats for this technology. What is the biggest security/privacy implication facing mHealth technologies.

Analyze the security features within mHealth technologies and list the biggest securities threats for this technology. Analyze the privacy features (or lack there of) within mHealth technologies and list all the potential privacy breaches for this technology. In your own words (from reading the assigned material) what is the biggest security/privacy implication facing mHealth technologies. […]