Entries by Donald

Choose 1 interest group between:Federal and state government, Employers, Consumers and Insurers. What do you think are their main concerns regarding public health and the role of policy?

Find a list of interest groups which are health care stakeholders. Choose 1 interest group. What do you think are their main concerns regarding public health and the role of policy? a. Federal and state government b. Employers c. Consumers d. Insurers e. Practitioners/Providers f. Provider organizations g. Technology producers 2. Should the US ultimately […]

Choose one of these characters and discuss whether he or she is sympathetic or unsympathetic:Rip Van Winkle from Irving’s “Rip Van Winkle”, Protagonist from Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”, Paul from Lawrence’s “The Rocking-Horse Winner”

 Create a character analysis essay built on close readings of one text from Module 1. You will focus on one specific aspect of the characterization and provide support from the text. Remember that characterization may be revealed through the character’s own thoughts, speech, and actions; through another character’s speech, thoughts, or actions toward that character; […]

Identify which two sociological theories ( Disorganization theory and Differential Association theory )capture the line of thinking/motives of the offender, and explain your rationale.

Scenario Two teens have set up shop in an abandoned warehouse on the edge of town, distributing alcohol to their underage high school peers. They feel that there should be no charge for breaking and entering or trespassing because the warehouse was abandoned. • Identify which two sociological theories ( Disorganization theory and Differential Association […]

Write a paper on a Showrunner we have not covered. What makes their voice and style different? What were the conditions inside the industry and outside that helped it get their show/s made?

Write a paper on a Showrunner we have not covered. What makes their voice and style different? What were the conditions inside the industry and outside that helped it get their show/s made? Where did their show air and how did that channel/streamer effect the series? What themes do their shows explore? How is this […]

Translate the premises and conclusion into the symbols of propositional logic. Construct a truth table in which you analyze the argument for validity.Is your argument valid or invalid?

Translate the premises and conclusion into the symbols of propositional logic. Construct a truth table in which you analyze the argument for validity. You can construct a truth a table by inserting a table into a Microsoft Word document (from the INSERT option in Word, choose “table.” You will then have an opportunity to choose […]

Identify a culture you participate in outside of the family. Discuss the culture and the characteristic of it . What is your role and responsibilities in this culture?

The first part focuses on a culture within the family including older adults within the family [Use the West African Culture called the Ashanti Culture by Akan’s] The second part is to identify a culture you participate in outside of the family (ex. work culture). [Use the American culture] -Identify the culture. -Discuss the culture […]

“Egypt is a gift of the Nile” Analyze the quote  and give reasons. What are the unique features of ancient Egypt geography? Why it is essential to sustain life in Egypt?

“Egypt is a gift of the Nile” Analyze the quote  and give reasons. What are the unique features of ancient Egypt geography? Why it is essential to sustain life in Egypt? (Mesoptamia is not said as agift of the Tigris and Euphrates) How did geography affect Ancient Egyptian culture?  How did the pyramids show the strength and power of Egyptian pharaohs? The construction of the pyramids is an amazing feat of technology. Yet no-one knows for […]

What do you think of Hammurabi’s laws? Do they seem fair? Were they just or harsh punishments? Does our society have harsh punishments today? Have we made any progress in four thousand year?

Think about the main legislative system in your own country (Spain in my case). (equality before the law, who propose/pass it,…) – Write a paragraph or two pointing out its  main weaknesses and strengths. Think about which law do you consider the best, and which one the worst. Give reasons for your choice. About Hammurabi’s Code […]

Choose one of the four models of culture and personality studies and one of the three models of social structure and personality studies.Evaluate each of the models you chose and explicate why culture and personality approaches are no longer used, while social structure and personality approaches remain productive.

The prompts are designed to stimulate critical and creative thought and the objective is to demonstrate your knowledge of course materials. In your essay support your discussion by following the citation instructions at the end of the prompts. You can cite more examples but this does not guarantee a higher score. In your essay’s text, […]

What coping strategies are most effective in reducing postpartum stress? For this topic, focus on specific coping strategies for stress and test the effectiveness of these strategies for mothers who have recently given birth.

What coping strategies are most effective in reducing postpartum stress? For this topic, focus on specific coping strategies for stress and test the effectiveness of these strategies for mothers who have recently given birth. Be sure to review the literature to find appropriate measures for stress. Note: A successful paper in this area would not […]