Entries by Donald

Critically analyze a retail organization/company in the UK by carrying out an external environmental analysis using appropriate international marketing theory.

These tasks consists of critically analysing and evaluating the strategy of an organisation with a view to recommending strategic options for further growth and international expansion. Your first task is to critically analyse a retail organisation/company in the UK by carrying out an external environmental analysis using appropriate international marketing theory. Using secondary research of […]

Describe the cultural identity of a particular cultural group and how the culture’s identity is represented symbolically in the culture’s communication patterns, values, language, architecture, pastimes, art, relational roles, societal systems, behaviors, etc.

1. Describe the cultural identity of a particular cultural group and how the culture’s identity is represented symbolically in the culture’s communication patterns, values, language, architecture, pastimes, art, relational roles, societal systems, behaviors, etc. (Comp 2.1 Interpret the meaning of symbols across cultures.). 2. Compare and contrast symbolic representations of a particular cultural group via […]

Compare your assigned countries homicide statistics to the United States and Germany. How does crime compare between your assigned country and the United States and Germany?

Current Events Incorporating library databases and Internet research, conduct a news search on your assigned country (Canada) and criminal justice related issues, type a paragraph summary of at least six (6) news articles, and cite the article in the text of your analysis and at the end of the assignment in proper APA format. Your […]

Put yourself in the position of an entrepreneur who is developing a new product or service to introduce into the market. Briefly describe the product.

Choose a product or service. Identify at least two significant factors for each of the four SWOT components. Provide specific information for controllable aspects (the marketing mix) as well as all uncontrollable environments.  For example, is the company doing a good job promoting its services? Regarding uncontrollable factors: what part(s) of the economy (GNP, inflation, […]

Is being an American a religion in which you just have to have faith in the Power structure? What are the proposed advantages of a national identification card? What are some of the possible disadvantages of a national identification card?

How do we know what happened on 9/11?” Where did we get our facts as to what happened? Are the criticisms of the 9/11 Congressional Report relevant to the discussion of how to prevent 9/11? Is there a pattern of Government deception and cover-up that is relevant when determining future policy on Terrorism? How do […]

The developmental period of infancy is marked by rapid growth and development, both physically and cognitively. As an early childhood professional, how would you nurture development for this stage?

The developmental period of infancy is marked by rapid growth and development, both physically and cognitively. As an early childhood professional, how would you nurture development for this stage? What role does attachment play in infant development? The original post must include information from a professional, scholarly source that is outside the course. Cite the […]

How has information technology supported the development of monopolies – Amazon, Microsoft, telecom companies? Will these monopolies survive?

How has information technology led to the struggle between online and brick-and-mortar stores? What do the next 5-10 years look like? How has information technology opened up the potential for 5G networks? Are there any downsides to the implementation of this technology? How has information technology impacted the use of robots in your local stores? […]

Do you believe that annual or semi-annual performance reviews are enough to motivate and retain employees and to correct performance when necessary? Defend your point of view.

What are the elements of effective performance management? Would you enjoy being evaluated using a social performance management system where your co-workers are free to leave and see feedback provided by others about the quality of your work? Do you believe that annual or semi-annual performance reviews are enough to motivate and retain employees and […]

Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest: Does daily chlorhexidine baths decrease the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infections?

Reflect on your proposed research question or problem of interest: Does daily chlorhexidine baths decrease the rate of central line-associated bloodstream infections? Write a two page paper. -Write a paper that describes and summarizes the various data collection strategies used in quantitative and qualitative research and those strategies used to gain participant trust. -Identify and […]

Analyse, the professional, ethical, cultural and social behavior that would have to be modeled by you in a strategic role, during the decision-making and implementation of the innovation.

Propose a change management strategy by reviewing the existing organisational culture and strategic goals. Your change management strategy should in a holistic approach refer to structure, technology, culture, human resource and organisational goals (Note: ensure you include all the relevant aspects- may or may not be all of them). Outline a detailed functional plan to […]