Entries by Donald

Research the target customer segment using credible sources (consider using the online University Libraries) to discover how your chosen segment uses and what they expect from mobile devices.

Step 1 Research the target customer segment using credible sources (consider using the online University Libraries) to discover how your chosen segment uses and what they expect from mobile devices. It’s very possible that you’ll find information that only indirectly affirms their expectations and uses. Use this credible information (and not just your opinions) to […]

What types of activities did female patriots (that is, supporters of independence from England) undertake in the service of American independence?

Write a formal essay in which you respond fully, carefully, and accurately — following ALL of the guidelines explained above — to the writing prompts/questions below. Make sure that your essay is organized so that, in addition to an introductory paragraph and a concluding paragraph, there are separate paragraphs for your responses to each of […]

Pick one of these example interactions and reflect on the one-to-one communication skills and what the professional did or did not do well in the scenario and what values or ethical issues may potentially arise from the interaction. 

Demonstrate the following knowledge and understanding of explanations for the distribution of health and differential access to health care in the UK and account for the health and care outcomes of differing social groups. One-to-one working skills required to work with individual clients within a case study scenario interaction and reflect on and assess the […]

Write a 2 page paper analyzing the fact pattern scenario below. Please use your own state law (i.e., the state in which you reside or last resided). Of course, you will cite the relevant state law and constitutional doctrine and applicable case law.

Write a 2 page paper analyzing the fact pattern scenario below. Please use your own state law (i.e., the state in which you reside or last resided). Of course, you will cite the relevant state law and constitutional doctrine and applicable case law. Your analysis should include application of the topics covered during the past […]

Write a paper describing the project manager’s role in monitoring tasks, directing resources, managing change requests, and preparing for project closure.

This assignment will help you understand how projects are monitored and controlled. Prompt: Research indicates that organizations believe that once the project management plan is developed, no further actions are necessary until the project is ready for delivery to the customer or project sponsor. In considering this statement, write a paper describing the project manager’s […]

How can the company get a general understanding of what is being discussed, and how it changes from week to week?Describe your text mining solution including choices of text preprocessing and data mining techniques (e.g., association rule, k-means, decision tree, etc.). 

Suppose that you work for AT&T, which runs customer discussion groups on its website. There are active discussion happening simultaneously – too many for the company to monitor them all. How can the company get a general understanding of what is being discussed, and how it changes from week to week?Describe your text mining solution […]

What relevance does social class have for the study of social movements? What is power? Why is it important to analyze power when looking at social movements?

What relevance does social class have for the study of social movements? (400) 2. What is power? Why is it important to analyse power when looking at social movements? (800) 3. Use the Internet to research the women’s suffrage movement. Why is the suffrage movement a good example of a social movement? What arguments did […]

Discuss the negative health consequences associated with the use of anabolic steroids.What kinds of considerations might be involved in a person’s decision to use them?

Essay Prompts: 1.) Have you or someone you know ever been prescribed a psychotropic medication? Whether yes or no, be sure to share your experience along with the information below. a.) What side effects are associated with differing treatments? 2.) Discuss the negative health consequences associated with the use of anabolic steroids. a.) What kinds […]

Is illegal immigration a threat to the country? What do you think the government should do about it? Don’t just give opinions. Provide specific evidence.

Analytical Paper To varying degrees, many individuals see immigration as a source of great strength for the United States or as a grave threat. An estimated 12 million illegal immigrants reside in this country, many of them in Texas and most from Mexico. A recent attempt to pass a more strict immigration bill in the […]

Show how the rhetoric of the Working Men’s Party, and people like Carney, draw really directly and specifically on those reports of, and language about, Chinese sexual deviancy, women being held in prostitution,etc.

The timeline and location of the research paper focuses on the second half of the 19th century. So roughly 1850’s to 1899 in California. The paragraph below is basically what the paper is going to be about with my thesis statement at the end. It should also be copy-pasted and put at the beginning of […]