Entries by Donald

For the rest of the year you will be working on the final project, a Photo Essay.You will determine the purpose of your essay as you would with any article: to inform, to entertain, to persuade, or impetus for change.

For the rest of the year you will be working on the final project, a Photo Essay. Photo essays present a series of photographs intended to tell a story. They combine carefully chosen photos with writing in the form of captions or full descriptions to evoke a series of emotions in the viewer. Famous journalists […]

What method would you choose to estimate BFP if it’s necessary? Why?How many grams of protein should he ingest on a daily basis to maintain (in a healthy way) his current weight?

The patient just graduated college with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and is working full-time for the Department of Transportation. He is 25 years old, diabetic and lactose intolerant. His blood pressure is 134/91, he weighs 225lb, he is 5ft 9in tall and his waist circumference is 44in. He had a cholecystectomy when he was […]

What significant inflows and outflows of cash are indicated on the statement? In other words, are there any operating, investing, or financing activities that significantly contributed to the overall change?

Return to the company website that you researched for the unit 1 and 2 discussions and search for the most recent annual report. This may also be listed as the “10-K,” which is the name of the required SEC annual filing. From the annual report, (10-K), search for the statement of cash flows. Once you […]

Identify and discuss at least 3 different types of nongovernmental police or security forces. You may also choose to profile 3 real-life private detectives or bounty hunters by presenting a biography and history on them and their exploits.

Identify and discuss at least 3 different types of nongovernmental police or security forces. You may also choose to profile 3 real-life private detectives or bounty hunters by presenting a biography and history on them and their exploits. You may combine the above two tasks as long as you explore at least 3 forces or […]

Select an older adult (65 years of age or older) to interview for approximately one hour.What other stressors/distresses in life at this time? Include those related to: basic growth need deficits; under or over affiliations with others; and insecure attachments (review developmental tasks for this age group)

Select an older adult (65 years of age or older) to interview for approximately one hour. Do not choose a family member or someone that you know well for this experience. You might try to arrange an interview with someone from church, in your neighborhood, the relative of a friend, a co-worker, etc. Please conduct […]

Select a company on the Fortune 500 list.What is their primary strategy regarding the use of digital, internet, and mobile technologies? What other technologies have they pursued?

Select a company on the Fortune 500 list. It should be a company that is not primarily known for software and ecommerce (ex: do not choose Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Microsoft, etc…) Write a paper of 5 to 6 pages, answering the following questions: Assess their competitive position in the industry using Porter’s Five Forces model […]

The Internet may not make corporations obsolete, but the corporations will have to change their business models. Do you agree? Why or why not?

The Internet may not make corporations obsolete, but the corporations will have to change their business models. Do you agree? Why or why not? Should all companies use Facebook and Twitter for customer service and advertising? Why or why not? What kinds of companies are best suited to use these platforms?

Analyze how two applications of graph theory are being used within your area of specialization. Explain how graph theory has advanced knowledge and practice within your specialization.

The famous Swiss mathematician Leonhard Euler (1707–1783) started working in the area of graph theory in 1736. He successfully used graph theory to solve the Seven Bridges of Konigsberg problem.  Since then, others have used graph theory to solve problems in multiple fields, including the Chinese Postman Problem, DNA fragment assembly, and aircraft scheduling. In […]

Carefully read the case “Uber: Digital Disruptor” on page 389 of your textbook.Summarize the organization’s overall situation/predicament as accurately as possible linking business impacts to causes

Carefully read the case “Uber: Digital Disruptor” on page 389 of your textbook. Prepare a one page memo for a specific decision maker within the case. Summarize the organization’s overall situation/predicament as accurately as possible linking business impacts to causes. In order to do so, you will need to identify the elephant in the room […]

The speed and the wavelength of a water wave on deep water are 18.0cm/s and 2.0cm, respectively.  If the speed in shallow water is 10.0cm/s, what is the corresponding wavelength?

Periodic waves in deep water have a wavelength of 2.7 mm. The waves then hit a boundary at an angle of 35° and the waves then have a wavelength of 2.2 mm in the shallow water. With what angle does the water propagate into the shallow water? Use the circle below to draw the waves […]