Entries by Sam

Write SQL statements to create and use a database called Homework. Write SQL statement needed to create the books table.

Sql statements for introductory programming Write sql statements to perform the following tasks. When complete turn in your SQL file into blackboard assignment 1. Write SQL statements to create and use a database called Homework (3) 2. Write SQL statement needed to create the books table. (10 pts) • Choose appropriate data types: The ISBN […]

Why does L5 incur higher manufacturing and logistics costs than L6? What are some of the costs that are incurred in L5 and not in L6? Are there any costs that apply to only L6 but not L5?

Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain Case Study Instructions Read the Dell Inc.: Improving the Flexibility of the Desktop PC Supply Chain Case Study (pg 65) Submit a response to each of the end-of-case discussion questions. Each question must be answered thoroughly, and responses must be supported by the concepts introduced in […]

As you reflect on the various readings and concepts associated with critical thinking and decision making from the course, what themes, patterns, and inter-relationships emerge in your perspective? How does the construct of emotional intelligence that is presented in the article by Daniel Goleman add to your perspective?

Week 8 Discussion Questions As you reflect on the various readings and concepts associated with critical thinking and decision making from the course, what themes, patterns, and inter-relationships emerge in your perspective? How does the construct of emotional intelligence that is presented in the article by Daniel Goleman add to your perspective? 300 words work. […]

Select 2 concepts from Chs. 3-5 that you believe are present in the blog entries. Describe the chapter concept in your own words. Explain how the concept is present in the blog entry.

Healthcare Professional Blog Analysis Step 1: Review Chs. 3-5 and select a blog authored by someone who is a professional working in the healthcare realm. This may include physicians, therapists, administrators, midwives, epidemiologists, etc. Option #1: Find a blog on your own. For professional blogs, typing in a specialty or profession in your search engine […]

Using Microsoft Word, provide a summary of what is going on in your article (do not rewrite the article, just provide highlights of the main idea in the article.

GOVT2305 ques WATCH THE VIDEO BEFORE STARTING Current Events Project: Research any social, governmental, or political event that has occurred within 2023. You may find an event that has happened within any of these governments- federal, local or state within the You may not write about news outside of the U.S. You may not complete […]

Look up the senior management group at Walmart and decide to whom Luther should write. Compose a letter that you think would be appropriate for Luther to send to Walmart.

CASE STUDY Luther Henderson was a long-term frequent Walmart shopper often spending $325 weekly on groceries and other merchandise for his family of seven. That is, until he lost his part-time job that helped to supplement his regular job as a police officer. Luther, however, knew that in a few months he would be able […]

Which material seems to be unaffected by the temperature of the water? Which material is most greatly affected by the temperature of the water?

Solubility Curves Using the following graph to answer the questions. 1) Which material seems to be unaffected by the temperature of the water? 2) Which material is most greatly affected by the temperature of the water? 3a) Which material dissolves the most in 15OC water?  b) Which material dissolves the least? 4) At what temperature […]

Discuss the concept of employment at will. Then discuss the exceptions to employment at will based on contract law and public policy. What is your view of this rule? Do the public policy exceptions to the rule give enough protection to employees?

Sports law questions INSTRUCTIONS In short essay format, answer the following four questions. For each answer, support your position with at least two (2) peer-reviewed sources not used in class. Further, short essay answers should be at least 200 words and long enough to adequately answer the question presented. Bullet point answers are not permitted. […]

Which approach or approaches to sustainability from Chapter 9 were utilized by Herman Miller? Were different approaches used at different times in their history?

CASE STUDY Read the attached case study, “Herman Miller and Its Rainforest Chairs,” from Marianne Jennings, Business Ethics, Case Studies and Selected Readings, 9e, Cengage (2018). https://www.studypool.com/questions/download?id=2812820&path=uploads/questions/690540/20230417230116herman_miller_chapter_9_ldr515.pdf&fileDownloadName=attachment_1 Then go to the Herman Miller website and review its self-reported sustainability initiatives: https://www.hermanmiller.com/better-world/sustaina… Summarize the key facts from the case, adding anything else you might glean from […]

Evaluate 3 competitors’ products or services, and the benefits that your product or service offers that they do not. Describe how you will address specific objections that the potential customer may raise during your meeting.

Entrepreneurship Question Answer the following in 750 to 1100 words: Develop 5 questions you will ask to build rapport and learn more about the customer. Evaluate 3 competitors’ products or services, and the benefits that your product or service offers that they do not. Describe how you will address specific objections that the potential customer […]