Entries by Sam

Given your target population (e.g., African American), if the problems are viewed from their own perspective, how the social reality can be interpreted differently? What cultural values (or beliefs) and historical context should be considered in your research design and interpretation of the findings? Why?

Social Work Question Purpose: students will be required to submit their research proposal as a final product of this course. Through this assignment, student will demonstrate that they will be able to: Select a researchable topic and develop problem statements and research question and hypothesis. Explain the use of critical thinking skills in the examination […]

What laws govern or pertain to the issue? What ethical obstacles affect how the medical community addresses the issue? How do ethical theories apply to the issue?

Poverty in Healthcare Compose a focused paper that explains and describes your healthcare issue or topic from a cultural and ethical perspective of inquiry. (You will cover two perspectives in one paper.) Form and answer two levels of research questions for each inquiry to address your chosen topic. Choose a “Level 1 Research Question/Writing Prompt” […]

In the following passage there is an argument. The passage is laced with emotive terminology. If you strip the passage of its words that evoke your emotions, do you think the argument is persuasive?

Philosophy questions Answer these discussion questions. 3. The following story appeared in Sunday’s edition of the Ogden (UT) Standard-Examiner. It was titled: “Report Suspicious Activity.” In it there is an argument. What’s the conclusion of the argument? And what reasons lead to that conclusion? NOTE: one or more of the premises or the conclusion may […]

Conduct research on any ONE of the topics below to build a focused report that covers a certain area with all necessary information such as facts, advantages, disadvantages, current state, challenges, and threats.

Report About mobile computing Section A: [30 marks] Introduction Over the years, technology has revolutionized our world and daily lives. Technology has created amazing tools and resources, putting useful information at our fingertips. Modern technology has paved the way for multi-functional devices like the smartwatch and the smartphone. Computers are increasingly faster, more portable, and […]

View the How to Overcome our Biases? Walk Boldly Toward Them video. Write an original post (at least 250 words or more) on your thoughts, feelings and similar experiences. Use at least one reference to support your ideas.

Module 1 – Unconscious Bias Our biases can be dangerous, even deadly — as we’ve seen in the cases of Michael Brown in Ferguson, Missouri, and Eric Garner, in Staten Island, New York. Diversity advocate Vernā Myers looks closely at some of the subconscious attitudes we hold toward out-groups. Instructions: View the How to Overcome […]

Create a poster presentation to communicate an implementation plan to bridge the gap between the evidence you will research and clinical practice.

Implementing Evidence-Based Practice Create a poster presentation to communicate an implementation plan to bridge the gap between the evidence you will research and clinical practice. You will then record audio of no more than five minutes presenting your poster. Background on the clinical problem. PICOT question. Stakeholders that will be impacted. Action plan for implementation. […]