Entries by Sam

Explain why the product or service exemplifies this topic. Provide three actionable recommendations for enhancing this product or service’s digital presence in ways that are different from how it is currently being marketed.

Real-world product or service Choose a single topic from Module 7 or 8. Module 7: New Retail or Desktop Manufacturing Module 8: Pay What You Want or Freemium Model Then find a real-world product or service that exemplifies the topic of your choice. The product or service should NOT repeat what was already discussed in […]

Provide a brief narrative explaining the conditions that must be satisfied, including the profitability of an individual firm, in a perfectly competitive industry’s LRE. Explain what the firm’s economic profit is in this state and how it is achieved.

Micro Economics Question Introduction, Questions 6-11 Questions 6 through 11 ask you to consider the general impact of the war in Ukraine on the market for wheat. The April 30, 2022 issue of The Economist had an article titled “Can Brazil help with food shortages around the world?”. You do not have to read the […]

How are these people feeling and what drew them to activism? List some of the recent tragedies that have led to this response. Have you ever been drawn to activism and why? If not, why?

9.2 Behind the Activists: Self Evident Watch, Read, and Respond: Behind the Activists: Self Evident https://www.pbs.org/video/behind-the-activist-feat-rachel-cargle-ijeoma-oluo-dlbpcz/ Links to an external site. https://www.npr.org/2020/08/10/896695759/black-activist-burnout-you-can-t-do-this-work-if-you-re-running-on-empty Links to an external site. Respond in 2-3 sentences for each question. 1. Name the main speakers in the film and what their background is. 2. How are these people feeling and what […]

What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month? What skills did you learn through the month? How many meetings did you attend?

Internship report (Report Components) Task(s) What are the activities and tasks given to you during this month? New skill(s) What skills did you learn through the month? Meeting(s) How many meetings did you attend? Difficulty/ Challenge(s) What are the difficulties you had this month? How did you overcome these difficulties?   Learning What did you […]

Prepare a summary report about the different data structures you studied in this course: Linked lists, Queues, Stacks, Trees, heaps and priority queues.

COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND ARCHITECTURE COMPUTER ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT ACADEMIC YEAR: 2022-23 Spring SEMESTER COURSE: DATA STRUCTURES CIS 202 Assignment 2 Prepare a summary report about the different data structures you studied in this course: Linked lists, Queues, Stacks, Trees, heaps and priority queues. Explain the main features of the Data Structure list their usage and […]

Explain your stance on the pros and cons of current drug intervention programs and the legalization of drugs. How is this stance supported by what you learned about addiction and the mechanisms of drugs?

Discussion 6 Respond to the following in a minimum of 200 words plus reference Select and discuss one of the commonly abused drugs mentioned in Ch. 14 of your textbook. What new information did you learn that stood out to you on this specific drug? Explain your stance on the pros and cons of current […]

Describe the neurophysiological underpinnings of the disorder. Provide 3 therapeutic interventions used to treat the disorder, and describe how each treatment helps to reduce or manage the symptoms of the disorder.

Lost and confused Biology, as applied to the study of brain functions, is an important part of understanding behavior. Learning the anatomy of the brain, the nervous system, and the endocrine system provides a person in the field of mental health with a basis for researching and treating disorders. In this week’s assessment, you look […]

How long will it take to organize this activity? How will you market this activity? When will you start to market this activity? How many people will be necessary to manage the activity?

Business Plans Question PART 1. Prepare a brief letter of interest to the College. Three paragraphs: intro, body, and closing. State why you are the best company for this event. (Think SBA letter for format.) Please look at the pdf file uploaded for format. PART 2. Prepare a brief, not more than 150 words, business […]

What seem to be the successes, failures and consequently the main policy lessons of the US COVID fiscal policy response, giving particular attention to its innovative features? How is federal fiscal policy affecting the outlook for the US economy over our forecast period?

Spring 2023   Midterm 2 Essay Question Due in submission folder Sunday May 14 11:59pm  2023. (The one and only set of multiple-choice questions will be due then as well.) Type right into this document and submit it to d2l. Congress passed three large Covid fiscal spending bills in 2020 and 2021 these have changed our […]