Entries by Sam

What is semantics and why is it important to teach students about semantics (i.e. the relationship between words, phrases and sentences)?

Discussion Post It is important for teacher to help ELLs understand how individual words, phrases and sentences work together to form meaning. Another important component is vocabulary. ELLs also need effective vocabulary instruction. Based on your readings this week: What is semantics and why is it important to teach students about semantics (i.e. the relationship […]

Share any similar cases that you found. How did conducting research and going through each step of legal analysis help you to reach this conclusion? Analyze how you applied critical thinking and legal analytical skills to assist you in this regard. What new research and/or analytical tool or method did you try for the first time this week? What do you think you do well and what would you like to strengthen so that you continue to improve?

Week 6 Attempt Using the Model Penal Code, answer the following: 1) Michelle needed money to pay her rent. She is behind 3 months in rent and fears being evicted. She decides to rob Capital One Bank. Michelle asks her roommate Cheryl to help her. They agree to split the money 60% Michelle and 40% […]

Explain why decision trees, one of the oldest methodologies in ML, are vital to sound ML learning algorithms. What is Dimensionality Reduction and why is it used in ML? What are Outliers and why is there detection and handling vital in ML algorithms and processes?

Assignment #2: Critical Substantive Concepts of Machine Learning Please complete the Module 2 readings before completing the assignment. Make sure that all responses are in your own words. Plagiarizing/copying and pasting from the Internet are against University policy. 1. In a 50+ word response, explain why Occam’s Razor is a vital principle in Machine Learning […]

What is Occam’s razor? Why is it vital in Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence? What can happen if you do not follow Occam’s Razon while solving a complex problem?

MachinL-md2 Module 2 DQ 1 Read the brief reading on Occam’s Razor and answer the following questions: What is Occam’s razor? Why is it vital in Machine learning and Artificial Intelligence? What can happen if you do not follow Occam’s Razon while solving a complex problem? Module 2 DQ 2 Read the Brighterion white paper, […]

Describe your overall experience during the internship and internship course. What do you now understand best about the focus of this internship course? Where do you still have the most room to grow in the focus of this internship course?

Self Reflection The Self-Reflection will reflect upon your experiences at your employment site during this internship course and what you have learned. Include how these experiences may have furthered your career or caused you to rethink your career goals. Your work should include your experiences, observations, and the key concepts based on the internship and […]

Describe the Korean cultural practice tae-kyo. Is this practice congruent with allopathic recommendations for prenatal care? How do food choices among Koreans differ with pregnancy and postpartum?

NUR505 Div. in Adv HLTH Pract After studying Module 5: Lecture Materials & Resources, discuss the following: Jay and Sue Kim, ages 29 and 26 years and married for 2 years, immigrated from South Korea and settled in Los Angeles. They have lived in a small one-bedroom apartment since their arrival. Both graduated from the […]

Identify and describe a health promotion program theory or conceptual model. Explain how the model or theory is applicable to the initiative.

Community Needs and Health Screening Initiative Directions For this assignment, you will pick one recommended screening from the United States Preventive Task Force A and B Recommendations. An initiative is a project or event, so something in the community is ideal; workplace location for employees is also fine. Please include the following suggested level one […]

What are your thoughts about Me marketing examples posted? Do you see positive or negative ethical aspects in these examples? How would you evaluate these marketing examples from a business perspective?

Business discussion This discussion refers to the marketing examples posted in this module. Review the posted material and share your thoughts about at least three of the examples by submitting a comment of about 250 words. In your comment, also refer the following questions: What are your thoughts about marketing examples posted? Do you see […]

Define the clinical key question of interest. Identify the studies of the database search that represent the highest levels of evidence found Identify the statistics discussed in the study as it relates to confidence intervals or statistical description.

MN504 Unit 4 Descriptive Statistics Overview Purpose: The purpose of this assignment is to review the statistics presented in the articles you reviewed in relation to your clinical topic. You will provide a brief overview of statistics in the studies.  The PICOT question the reflects the clinical areas of interest is; : For the emergency […]