Entries by Sam

In second year nursing students, will high fidelity simulation compared to didactic teaching improve confidence levels in caring for critically ill patients in 6 weeks?

Reference List   “In second year nursing students, will high fidelity simulation compared to didactic teaching improve confidence levels in caring for critically ill patients in 6 weeks? References are for the intervention, which will be a pre/post survey to assess student’s confidence levels from both educational settings. Tips for list: – Review the Reference […]

Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables.

Statistics Analysis Calculate the mean, standard deviation, skew, 5-number summary, and interquartile range (IQR) for each of the variables. Create a box-plot for the “Annual Sales” variable. Does it look symmetric? Would you prefer the IQR instead of the standard deviation to describe this variable’s dispersion? Why? Create a histogram for the “Sales/SqFt” variable. Is […]

After listening to his perspective on work-life balance consider a programmatic change you would like to propose for organizations to improve work-life balance for their employees.

TED Talk by Nigel Marsh about Work-Life Balance One of the video links for this week was to a TED Talk by Nigel Marsh about Work-Life Balance (https://www.ted.com/talks/nigel_marsh_how_to_make_work_life_balance_work (Links to an external site.)). After listening to his perspective on work-life balance consider a programmatic change you would like to propose for organizations to improve work-life […]

Construct a Proposal that covers your thoughts and ideas about the topic(s) you’re considering for an essay. Construct a PIE Outline that provides a thesis statement and a loose plan for how your essay will be organized.

Classification / Distinction / Compare + Contrast Essay This file will walk you through the process of essay proofing, which is the incremental construction of an essay piece by piece. After reviewing this document you will be able to: Construct a Proposal that covers your thoughts and ideas about the topic(s) you’re considering for an […]

Explain your goal and current level of optimal challenge with the goal. Analyze both the intrinsic and extrinsic factors that are part of your motivation toward this goal. Analyze personality factors that play a role in your interest and motivation toward this goal.

Motivation and Performance in Personal and Professional Life Write a 3 page paper about yourself and one of your goals. Because it is a paper specifically about you, it is best to write in first person (using pronouns I, me, my, and so on). In your paper, do the following: Explain your goal and current […]

Do research on an issue in the field in management. There are many issues such as productivity, bullying in the workplace, conflicts of interest, discrimination, employee safety, hiring practices, sexual harassment, fraud, internet usage, and environmental.

Field in management. Do research on an issue in the field in management. There are many issues such as productivity, bullying in the workplace, conflicts of interest, discrimination, employee safety, hiring practices, sexual harassment, fraud, internet usage, and environmental. There are so many issues that managers have to deal with that you should have no […]

How does the United States structure class today? Discuss the realities of gender inequality in the workplace. Why do women earn less than men? What are the basic concepts in the study of race and ethnicity? How do sociologists think about racism?

Exam 2 Questions Answer 3 of 4 questions in essay format. The answer should be submitted in a typed, double-spaced format, in a MS Word document. Each answer should be 250 to 500 words in length (1 to 2 pages). The answered question is worth up to 25 points. You may use any source available […]

Place a description of the plant, including where it is found and its natural habitat; what does it do for that habitat; and a picture of the plant.

Wetland Plants Search the Internet and find 10 common wetland plants (5 Freshwater & 5 Saltwater Species) native to Georgia. Produce a Powerpoint or Google Slides that contains a slide for each of those species. On each slide you need to place a description of the plant, including where it is found and its natural […]

In your short response (5-7 sentences), what work(s) by Ai Weiwei do you consider social practice and why?  Be sure to justify using the definition you read from the Tate.

Ai Weiwei and Social Practice 1. In your short response (5-7 sentences), what work(s) by Ai Weiwei do you consider social practice and why?  Be sure to justify using the definition you read from the Tate! Not all of Ai Weiwei’s work can be classified as social practice but some definitely can! First, read the […]

Describe, with the aid of load diagrams/graphs, the characteristics of typical loads for the following four types of machinery driven by three-phase motors

BTEC National level 3 engineering Describe, with the aid of load diagrams/graphs, the characteristics of typical loads for the following four types of machinery driven by three-phase motors i. Cranes and hoists ii. Cement mills iii. Machine tool applications iv. Centrifugal pumps Guidance: description should contain 500-600 words, and draw by hand the 4 torque/speed […]