Entries by Sam

Identify the purpose of the research and describe the claims and conclusions the author(s) make(s). Describe the results of the research and how they conducted it. Do the results support the author(s) claims? How does this research fit into the big picture?

Social Media Week 2 Select a scholarly article on social media and education from one of the APUS Library databases. Make sure you are choosing a peer-reviewed article from an academic journal. https://www.apus.edu/apus-library/index.html Write a short paper, 500-750 words in length, in which you: Summarize the article BRIEFLY. (1 paragraph) Identify the purpose of the […]

How does SANTŌ Kyōden critique society in Playboy Roasted á la Edo? Include a close analysis of an image, text, or visual-verbal element in your response.

Playboy Roasted á la Edo Expressing an opinion and persuading others to see the validity of that opinion by marshalling evidence and crafting words is a necessary skill for participating in a society that values the open exchange of ideas. With that purpose in mind, students will compose a response to the texts we have […]

Discuss the responsibilities that management has to ensure that everyone has a fair opportunity to work and earn a living. What training programs should be in place? What resources should be available for all employees including managers?

Executive Order on Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation. This EO focuses on ensuring that employers do not discriminate on the basis of gender or sexual orientation. Research this EO and from an employers’ perspective, discuss the responsibilities that management has to ensure that everyone has a fair […]

What is the APN’s obligation to the patient? Is the APN required to inform Jocelyn’s parents about her sexual activity? Can Jocelyn give her informed consent? What type of contraceptive is the best choice for Jocelyn?

Contraception for Adolescents The United States has the highest teen pregnancy rate among developed countries. In recent years, however, the teen pregnancy rate has been dropping, which is attributed largely to improved contraceptive use. Counseling is particularly important in adolescent girls to ensure they understand their contraceptive options and use contraception consistently. One-third of teenagers […]

What is the Advanced Practice Nurse’s ethical duty in the above scenario? What is the ethical duty of the parents when thinking about the “best interests” of the child? Should the Advanced Practice Nurse continue the patient-parent relationship and why?

Refusing Pediatric Vaccinations Phoenix, a 24-month-old boy, is brought in by his mother for his annual well-child physical examination. The provider notices that the child has yet to receive vaccination against measles, mumps, and rubella (MMR) and reminds his mother of the need to have her son immunized. The mother is hesitant and states that […]

What is Shari’s risk of being a CF carrier? What are the pros and cons of knowing that one is a carrier for an autosomal condition? What role should Shari play in deciding about CF carrier testing? What are the risks and benefits of knowing one is a BRCA carrier?

Genetic Testing & Screening of Children Every year, approximately 4 million children undergo genetic testing as part of newborn screening. This is the most common form of genetic testing in the entire population. Other children undergo genetic testing as part of a diagnostic workup for clinical problems (from progressive muscle weakness to developmental delays) or […]

Which techniques will you employ in data analysis? Why are these techniques the most suitable to answer questions regarding your chosen topic and in alignment with your selected research approach?

Standard of Facility Maintenance (SOFM) The preservation and conservation of library materials goes beyond the care and handling of rare books and artifacts. It applies to all materials housed within the physical infrastructure of the library. Implementing a Standard of Facility Maintenance (SOFM) process where every library utilizes the same technology, housing of materials, and […]

Does the provider have an ethical obligation to intervene on behalf of the fetus as a patient? What are the best interests of the pregnant woman and how are they determined? What ethical considerations, other than best interests, can inform the decision-making process?

Maternal-Fetal Conflict Pregnancy is a unique circumstance in medical ethics because of the absolute requirement to access the fetus only through intervention on the pregnant woman. Increasingly, as medical advances have offered the promise of therapy to the fetus, fetal interests have been considered separately from maternal interests by clinicians, policy makers, and the bioethics […]

What options should be offered to the parents for resuscitation and treatment? If informed parents request resuscitation and intensive care but the clinical team feels they are inappropriate, is the team nevertheless obligated to provide it?

Critically Ill Newborns The newborn intensive care unit (NICU) is a common setting for difficult ethical challenges, often involving life-and-death decisions. These may include withholding treatment such as resuscitation, mechanical ventilation, or surgery, or withdrawing life-sustaining medical treatment such as mechanical ventilation and artificial nutrition and hydration. Such decisions are frequently faced because of the […]