Entries by Sam

Draw on your knowledge of the Five Dimensions of Culture, as presented by Engleberg and Wynn and how they affect intercultural communication, as presented in the Communication and Diversity lesson.

Intercultural interview and paper You will interview at least two people who belong to cultural groups other than your own and who themselves are from different cultures so that you may reflect on and analyze your intercultural communication competence as well as the importance of cultural diversity awareness. As part of your analysis, you should […]

What did you learn about yourself, about the world, or about public or global health? What people were you serving? Identify (or create) a strategic objective and an intermediate indicator for the place you volunteered. Did you see or experience anything unexpected?

Volunteer Activity Reflection After your volunteer experience is concluded, write a two-page reflection on your experiences. The reflection should include the dates and hours you volunteered and the name(s) of the contact person or persons you worked with from the organization. Explain what you did for your volunteer activity. Be sure to address all of […]

How does public planning theory inform planning practitioners? What are the common themes that bind the literature review and interviews?

Mid-term Your paper examines the role of public planners and how the practice of planning intersects with public planning theory. Interview a planner and ask the following questions? The paper should include: Introduction Question: How does public planning theory inform planning practitioners? Literature Review Methodology- questions/interview / Canned interviews American Planning Association What are the […]

What is it about? Where is the speaker? Why did you chose this speech? What can you tell about the audience? Is the topic appropriate for the audience? Is topic relevance discussed? Are main points clear and logical?

TED talk First paragraph – Topic: Tell me about this presentation. What is it about? Where is the speaker? Why did you chose this speech? What can you tell about the audience? Is the topic appropriate for the audience? Is topic relevance discussed? Are main points clear and logical? Second paragraph – Structure: Does the […]

Determine how the hospital could charge and be reimbursed using the two methods. In this case, which would be better for the hospital? How do each of these payment models contribute to or detract from the goal of the Triple Aim?

Week 2 Hawes Models of payment to healthcare organizations have begun to shift from paying for volume (fee for service) to paying for value (quality). Using a Venn Diagram, compare volume-based versus value-based reimbursement. Be sure the overlapping area contains the commonalities between the two systems.Use the editable template for the Venn Diagram, which is […]

What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How will you measure their progress?

Netflix Metrics Now that you’ve identified the organization’s SWOT, you need to determine the project and its objectives and metrics. This project should be based on an unmet opportunity for the organization, or to minimize a potential threat. What does the organization need to do to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage? How […]

Can we make rational and logical decisions independent of emotional influence, particularly regarding social issues and/or moral judgements?

Emotions and Rational thinking. Aristotle argued that human is a rational being that makes human distinct from other animals. Can we make rational and logical decisions independent of emotional influence, particularly regarding social issues and/or moral judgements? Support your answers with neurobiological understanding of emotions and rational thinking. Section I. General Instruction Students are required […]

If the actor seems unnatural in the part, is it because he or she tends to be over dramatic or wooden and mechanical? Is this unnaturalness more apparent in the way the actor delivers the lines or in the actor’s physical actions?

Film to be evaluated: Darkest Hour Provide a paragraph to discuss Gary Oldman’s portrayal of Sir Winston Churchill. Discuss one of the following areas. Do you agree or disagree with their assessment? •Is the actor consistently believable in the portrayal of the character, or does he or she occasionally fall out of character? •If the […]