Entries by Sam

Given that almost all societies sanction marriage and limit who can marry whom, does the history of marriage help us understand the nature of family life? If so, how. If not, how not.

History of Marriage Required book to answer questions – Coontz, S. (2005). Marriage, a history: From obedience to intimacy, or how love conquered marriage. Viking Adult. ISBN: 067003407X (pages-1-103, pp. 104-195, pp. 196-313) Answer the 2 questions separately on 2 separate pages Do not integrate them into 1 paper. Questions 1. Stephanie Coontz divides the […]

What did you think the probability of winning the car was, before you watched the video? How can you use probability and probability rules in arriving at the answer? What probability ideas does this demonstrate and use? Explain and give examples.

MODULE 3: PROBABILITY PROJECT The purpose of this Probability Project is to show your understanding of what you have learned in Module 3. You will watch a video and apply the appropriate probability concepts from this module. You will discuss your !earnings in a 2-page paper as outlined below. Instructions This is a fun assignment […]

What type of knowledge does Bill have for his whistling ability? Explain how the theory of Bounded Rationality extends upon this theory. Explain what is meant by ‘satisficing’ in this theory.

Short Answer Assignment Week 7 Sam is impressed by Bill’s ability to whistling a tune. Sam asks Bill how he does it, and Bill replies that he doesn’t really know, he can just do it. What type of knowledge does Bill have for his whistling ability? [1 point] Explain your answer [1 point]. Sam starts […]

Do we have an obligation to future generations to change the way we are impacting the planet? What about an obligation to other species on Earth? Why or why not?

Chasing Ice Discussion Consider and comment on what you knew about climate change and the climate crisis before watching the film. Have your ideas shifted or changed? How? In what ways? Balog admits that he was previously skeptical about humans’ ability to alter the chemistry of the air we breathe, but he changed his mind […]

Identify one thing that would present difficulty for Leanne, including the lesson component where it is found. Explain why this part of the lesson would present Leanne with difficulty.

EDUC499 Identify one specific learning need that Marco has, other than comprehending new math concepts. To address this need, describe one differentiated instruction strategy, other than repeated presentations using varying techniques. Explain why the differentiated instruction strategy that you described above would effectively address the specific learning need that you identified above. For exhibits: 4,5,&6: […]