Entries by Sam

Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education.

Sped quiz questions Define and distinguish among the following terms: impairment, disability, handicap, and at risk. Explain why disability labels do not tell us what and how to teach and why labels are used in special education. Define and give examples of each of the three types of intervention—preventive, remedial, and compensatory. Define and describe […]

What outcome was Ms. Grady hoping to achieve by talking about study habits during the Back to School meeting? Do you feel her strategies were useful? Why or why not?

A PLACE TO STUDY Questions 1 What outcome was Ms. Grady hoping to achieve by talking about study habits during the Back to School meeting? Do you feel her strategies were useful? Why or why not? 2 Was Ms. Grady’s expectation for how the pencil case should be used reasonable, especially considering she gave him […]

How do Martin Buber, Emanual Levinas, and Elie Wiesel differ from Victor Frankl in their views of the possibility of finding meaning in response to the Holocaust?

Response to the Holocaust How do Martin Buber, Emanual Levinas, and Elie Wiesel differ from Victor Frankl in their views of the possibility of finding meaning in response to the Holocaust? What do the terms freedom, responsibility, and suffering mean to Frankl? Does the fact that Wiesel and Frankl endured the concentration camps give their […]

Identify financing challenges and solutions for sustainable development and provide suitable recommendations based on independent research and discussions with peers and specialist practitioners from your industry.

Sustainability & Business Submit a report with the aim to discuss the linkages between business operations and the environmental and societal challenges with regard to sustainability. For this task, choose an organisation/industry or you are familiar with as a frame of reference, to answer all questions given below. a) Demonstrate extensive, detailed and critical knowledge […]

What differences can you identify in Maddy’s and DeQuan’s responses to their teacher’s question? What similarities can you identify?

NOT TIME FOR STORIE Questions1 How did Ms. Ward’s behavior in this scenario fail to ensure an equitable and just learning environment for all her students? 2 What differences can you identify in Maddy’s and DeQuan’s responses to their teacher’s question? What similarities can you identify? 3 In anticipation of another “outburst,” Ms. Ward gave […]

In 350 words, discuss your initial understanding of the passage and how the reference material changed that understanding of the passage.

Connect reference material to the passage in Jazz First, read the passage in which the reference occurs: pp. 7-8 in Jazz by Toni Morrison. Then read the material in the reference link (http://northbysouth.kenyon.edu/1998/health/hospny.htm). Then reread the passage in light of the new information. In 350 words, discuss your initial understanding of the passage and how […]

One of Kate’s reasons for not standing during the Pledge was that she didn’t feel the words accurately represented everyone’s reality. What are other reasons people might feel compelled to not stand during the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance?

PROTESTING THE PLEDGE Questions1 How, if at all, should Mr. Harrold’s personal opinion about protesting the national anthem or Pledge of Allegiance inform how he responds to the student’s question at the end of the case? 2 Should teachers address social or political issues mentioned during casual conversations by students? Should they address these issues […]

Discuss ways that cultural, language and environmental differences of a student might put a student at risk for being labelled as a student with a disability. What are three things that you as a teacher could prevent this from happening.

Responding to different scenarios   Answer each of the four questions below: Word count for each question is indicated below. This includes all text (headings, in-text citations, captions and direct quotes). It excludes the Reference List. (Each scenario should have a minimum of 3 references. make sure to number each scenario being answered). 1. In […]

Debate the following: Corporate law should be changed to prohibit management from using most of the legal methods currently used to fight takeover?

Debate This: Takeovers Mario Bonsetti and Rico Sanchez incorporated Gnarly Vulcan Gear, Inc. (GVG), to manufacture windsurfing equipment. Bonsetti owned 60 percent of the corporation’s stock, and Sanchez owned 40 percent. Both men served on the board of directors. Hula Boards, Inc., owned solely by Mai Jin Li, made a public offer to buy GVG […]

Should Ms. McGrath have interrupted George’s reading despite her own ground rule? Why or why not? If she had decided to interrupt his reading, how might she have addressed George’s anti-Muslim sentiments?

ISLAMOPHOBIC READ-ALOUD Questions1 Should Ms. McGrath have interrupted George’s reading despite her own ground rule? Why or why not? If she had decided to interrupt his reading, how might she have addressed George’s anti-Muslim sentiments? 2 Ms. McGrath had developed a reputation for being balanced on controversial issues, which is part of what allowed her […]