Entries by Sam

What did Claire Potter mean that “the police did not get their payoff”? Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as a movement and the protests that are occurring today? How is the Stonewall Riots a marker for the Gay Rights period?

Stonewall riots Watch the C-SPAN video interview with Professor Claire Potter from the New School in New York City. https://www.c-span.org/video/?456730-9/1969-stonewall-riots Then answer the questions 1. What were the Stonewall Riots? 2. What did Claire Potter mean that “the police did not get their payoff”? 3. Can you draw any parallels between the Stonewall Riots as […]

Who is the Company, SAP? What services do they provide? In answering this question, also, list how many large companies use SAP and where SAP is used? List the names of three or more companies which use SAP.

SAP Assignment View the three videos on SAP, which you can access via MindTap Module 11. The videos are: Conversational ERP – Lesson 1 – What is ERP? — (15 min) Link: https://youtu.be/kGQ1fNQVbj8 What is SAP: The Absolute Beginners Guide – (25 min) Link: https://youtu.be/K-TWZwcybLo What is SAP? Why do we need ERP? Beginner Tutorial […]

What has caused the growth of the illegal sale of human organs in some countries, a concept unthinkable 100 years ago? What has caused the growth of selling human organs on the black market?

Topic 5 DQ 1 Summarize the causal cause and effect chain used by the writer in the article from The New York Times. Was the argument persuasive? Why or why not? What has caused the growth of the illegal sale of human organs in some countries, a concept unthinkable 100 years ago? What has caused […]

Identify ethical issues in clinical supervision. Delineate the responsibilities of supervisees. Describe the roles and responsibilities of supervisors.

Discussion School counseling intern Juan Torres is a 25-year-old Puerto Rican man who is interning at a predominantly White high school. His site supervisor, Mrs. Lindt, has contacted his university supervisor and professor Dr. Cottone with concerns. When Dr. Cottone asked Mrs. Lindt about her specific concerns, she seemed vague in her description. Dr. Cottone […]

Why did the British begin importing opium to China? What impact did the importation of opium have on China’s population? How did the Chinese government respond?

“New Imperialism” in Africa. Answer these questions in as much detail as possible. 1.. Identify and explain three reasons European nations used to justify the establishment of the so-called “New Imperialism” in Africa. 2. What role did the gin and tonic play in opening Africa to British colonization? 3. Why did the British begin importing […]

Is the advice needed? Is the advice wanted? Is the advice given in the right sequence? Is the advice coming from an expert? Is the advisor a close and trusted person? Is the advice offered in a sensitive, face-saving manner?

When Advising Does and Doesn’t Work 1. Recall an instance when someone gave you advice that proved helpful. Review the guidelines for offering advice in this section and see if you recognize any that your advice giver followed. I can recall a time when the advice I received was given in the right sequence. During […]

Do these six categories make the world modern? How is he using the terms Modern and Now? What evidence is he using to support his thesis?Does it make for a convincing argument? Why or why not? What were the greatest strengths of his argument?

Book Review Do these six categories make the world modern? How is he using the terms Modern and Now? What evidence is he using to support his thesis?Does it make for a convincing argument? Why or why not? What were the greatest strengths of his argument? Is there a different category you would add or […]