Entries by Sam

What type of Buddhist concepts are discussed and with time whether there has been a change of interpreting or choosing these concepts. What for of Buddhism is commonly used in these works

Identities of transmission of Buddhism in to the west: Modernist Literature 1.The research investigates the above writers and the mentioned texts and, the period from 1900 onwards. will take each writer and analyse the representation of Buddhism in their work. 2.The study will also look at whether there is a transformation of the Buddhist identity […]

What is the ethical issue, why is this an issue, and what should Luke do about it?

Assignment #3 Ethical Theories to Apply: Golden Rule and Virtue Ethics 1. Task You work in the Ethics Department for ABC Company (ABC). Your department is dedicated to advising its employees about their ethical obligations in the corporate setting. You are an internal consultant who provides advice and most importantly, recommendations for action to employees […]

Why is there so much disagreement concerning the definition of “family”? Do you think there is a “normal” family? Why or why not? What makes a family?

Marriage and Family The essay needs to be on the following topic: Why is there so much disagreement concerning the definition of “family”? Do you think there is a “normal” family? Why or why not? What makes a family? Reference the following book, Marriages, Families, and Relationships: Making Choices in a Diverse Society Mary Ann […]

Explain how your chosen culture is represented in the United States. Discuss whether your culture individualistic or collectivistic. Explain some of the values of your culture.

Vikings Research Paper Content: Begin with an introduction with a thesis statement. Provide a brief history of your culture. Explain how your chosen culture is represented in the United States. Discuss whether your culture individualistic or collectivistic. Provide at least one example. Detail some of the artistic (art, music, architecture, dance) contributions of your culture. […]

How might the MSN-prepared nurse support positive health outcomes through a holistic approach and expanded competency with advanced assessment, pathophysiology and pharmacology?

Advancing Holistic Health: Synthesis of Learning MSN-prepared nurses are uniquely positioned to lead holistic nursing care across a variety of healthcare delivery contexts. Reflect upon the learning that has occurred in Week Eight, and respond to the following: Describe a scenario involving an individual with complex health concerns. Include the physical, psychosocial, cultural, economic, educational, […]

Is the post persuasive and/or rhetorically effective? What is the central argument? Who is the intended audience? Why has the author created this post?

Rhetorical Analysis Essay: For this project you will be asked to select a social media post that is engaged in discourse about social (in)justice and write a rhetorical analysis on it. In your analysis make sure to observe the rhetorical strategies (e.g. Logic, Ethics, Emotion) being employed by the piece. Is the post persuasive and/or […]

What does someone need to know in order to best understand an issue and what sort of conclusion(s) does that understanding suggest would be best to draw?

15 Dollar Minimum Wage The English word research comes to us from the Old French cercher “to seek, which reminds us that the point of research is to find answers. Research is not about justifying the idea you already have; it is about testing that idea and potentially discovering better ones. With that in mind, […]

What do the themes tell you about the specific values and beliefs of medieval society? How do the themes of sacred & secular literature differ or are they so closely bound together that it is impossible to separate them?

Literature of the early and late middle ages Look at 3 selections from the Readings in “The Humanities Culture, Continuity, and Change 3rd edition, Ch. 8-10”. Reading 8.5 From Augustine’s Confessions, Reading 9.1 Surah 47 Muhammad, and Reading 10.4 Hildegard of Bingen, Scivias Discuss how this literature reveals some of the major themes and concerns […]