Entries by Sam

Describe what type of lifting plan you followed this semester, has your relationship/thoughts changed on weight training at all during the semester (like it more, like it less etc), what are your strengths and weaknesses in the weight room.

Describe writing Final paper criteria: 1 page in length, describe what type of lifting plan you followed this semester, has your relationship/thoughts changed on weight training at all during the semester (like it more, like it less etc), what are your strengths and weaknesses in the weight room.

Discuss where you see your future-self in 5 and 10 years. Do you see yourself as a social worker? Why or why not? What area of practice would you like to work in? Why? What strengths do you currently possess to support your plan? In what areas do you need growth?

Interview a social worker various professional roles and perspectives of their professional experience. (1 page) Describe the roles and responsibilities of the social worker you “interviewed.” What was their population of interest? What did you find interesting about their experience(s)? What information did they share that surprised you? (1 page) The capacity to understand the […]

When viewing the article’s headline, what was your initial immediate reaction, opinion, or bias regarding the issue presented in the headline and tagline before reading it? As you read the article, explain how the article confirmed or challenged your initial opinion or bias. How was your opinion or bias affected (reinforced or changed) after reading the article about the issue?

View articles related to the earth, ecosystems, and the environment. Visit the website Science News For Students. View articles related to the earth, ecosystems, and the environment. Examples of topics include pollution problems, ecosystem analysis, climate change, water or ecosystem resources, sustainability, or other topics related to Environmental Science. Link to website: https://www.sciencenewsforstudents.org/topic/earth-environment Links to […]

Write a concise paper that integrates the course content with your views. values, worldview, belief systems, and work with diverse populations. How does your chosen theory align with your personal views and beliefs?

Wellness Question Over the course of the semester, we will examine different approaches to counseling. At this point, you should be developing your personal style, point of view, and approach to counseling. These will help determine the theoretical approach that best fits your counseling style and needs. For this assignment, you will choose one or […]

State what organization you selected to review and briefly summarize the organization’s mission and vision statements. Discuss the difference between a vision and mission statement. Discuss the difference between a vision and mission statement.

Rehab Select a healthcare organization in KSA and review the organization’s mission and vision statements. State what organization you selected to review and briefly summarize the organization’s mission and vision statements. Discuss the difference between a vision and mission statement. Discuss the difference between a vision and mission statement. Analyze the selected organization’s mission and […]

Choose a social work setting that interests you (e.g., medical, school, mental health, etc). Write a three paged paper answering the following: “As a social worker working in this social work setting.”

knowledge and values in a social work setting Choose a social work setting that interests you (e.g., medical, school, mental health, etc). Next, choose a local social work agency from that setting. You can use the agency where you completed your social worker interview. Then, you will write a three paged paper answering the following: […]

Summarize what you learned from your textbook and your two scholarly articles by answering these questions: What are the two best ways to learn to listen actively? Analyze the current models on how to listen. How can you utilize your new knowledge to use these current models to be a better listener?

Effective listening Discussion 1. Read Chapter 4 of textbook (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1deSQAy2Ylmd8eUYhh….) Find two scholarly articles that discuss the importance of listening effectively. 2. Summarize what you learned from your textbook and your two scholarly articles by answering these questions: What are the two best ways to learn to listen actively? Analyze the current models on how […]

Discuss the history, aims, and progress thus far of the Patient Experience Measurement Program. Locate a recent patient experience study in Saudi Arabia from the Saudi Digital Library and summarize the study.

Discussion 4-4 The Patient Experience Measurement Program is one of the national transformation initiatives in Saudi Arabia. Discuss the history, aims, and progress thus far of the Patient Experience Measurement Program. Locate a recent patient experience study in Saudi Arabia from the Saudi Digital Library and summarize the study. Report on the methods and measurements […]