Entries by Sam

Select an example of a PUBLIC DELIBERATION that has occurred in the last 6 MONTHS and write a short, 1-page explanation of the various “sides” of the deliberation and how you would decide or judge those sides.

PUBLIC DELIBERATION Select an example of a PUBLIC DELIBERATION that has occurred in the last 6 MONTHS and write a short, 1-page explanation of the various “sides” of the deliberation and how you would decide or judge those sides. This can be about ANY topic – local, state wide, national, or in other countries – […]

Using accurate terminology, describe what makes “Artist 47”, “Artist 47”.

Writing Question Do Kanye or lauryn hill – Research Paper on Artist Must be 5 pages in length Must detail the Artist’s background Do they play an instrument, are they a trained musician, when did they start playing/writing music, etc. Must detail the Artist’s style Using accurate terminology, describe what makes “Artist 47”, “Artist 47”. […]

Identify the predictor. Identify the criterion. Compute the regression line. Using the regression line – identify the predicted profiling score for a person with a score of 8 for prejudice.

PSY212: Graded Assignment #5 Chi Square and Regression 80 points  This assignment includes conceptual and computations problems regarding regression as well as SPSS. Please note that each problem has several parts. For full credit, please respond to each part completely and show all your work. Take a picture and insert your work for all hand […]

Python’s pow function returns the result of raising a number to a given power. Define a function expo that performs this task, and state its computational complexity using big-0 notation.

Complete questions only 1- 3 Projects 1. A sequential search of a sorted list can halt when the target is less than a given element in the list. Define a modified version of this algorithm, and state the computational complexity, using big-0 notation, of its best-, worst-, and average-case performances. 2. The list method reverse […]

Find all Nash equilibria sand ubgame perfect equilibria of this game.

Game Theory Consider the following conflict among tenant and landlord about a deposit: When the rental agreement starts, the tenant leaves a deposit x with landlord. On termination of the rental agreement, the landlord returns y. The returned amount y is either the full deposit or a fraction: y ∈ [0, x]. The tenant can accept or refuse […]

Create a 7-point Adlerian leadership pocket card style reminder. Pay attention to how psychological birth order and family atmosphere might affect one’s leadership style.

Adlerian Leadership Pocket Card Create a 7-point Adlerian leadership pocket card style reminder. Pay attention to how psychological birth order and family atmosphere might affect one’s leadership style. Your reminder can be written as a narrative or as a bullet point document. It should be convincing. You must use at least one direct reference and […]

For problem size n, algorithms A and B perform n2 and 1/2 n2 + n instructions, respectively. Which algorithm does more work? Are there particular problem si for which one algorithm performs significantly better than the other? Are the particular problem sizes for which both algorithms perform approximatel e same amount of work?

Search Algorithms Assume that each of the following expressions indicates the number of operations performed by an algorithm for a problem size of n. Point out the dominant term of each algorithm, and use big-0 notation to classify it. a. 2″ — 4n2 + 5n b. 3n2 + 6 c. n3 +n2 —n For problem […]