Entries by Sam

How do you think this Graduate Degree can help you achieve your career goals? Describe your greatest achievement. What motivates and inspires you?

Applying for Master of Administrative Science – Global Technology Administration at FDU Fairleigh Dickinson University uses the answers to these questions to evaluate if the applicant is the right fit for the program. FDU also uses it to evaluate their writing skills. Please write a genuine response to each of the following questions. 1. How […]

Select a developmental stage of life you are interested in and choose a topic that intrigues you from the following list. Research the developmental topic using the UMGC library, focusing on fundamental issues, questions, and controversies that bear relevance to the developmental stage you have selected.

Applied Final Project: What are the Issues – An Investigative Essay This assignment will leverage your curiosity and reinforce your understanding of lessons learned throughout the course. It will invite you to explore your ideas and to connect lifespan development concepts to daily living. The What are the Issues paper is an integrative assignment that […]

Develop a hypothetical presentation/talk intended to be delivered to healthcare providers and/or family/partners/carers; to provide psychoeducation on ONE chronic physical health condition population (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or chronic pain).

Health Information Talk BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF COURSEWORK This coursework component requires you to develop a hypothetical presentation/talk intended to be delivered to healthcare providers and/or family/partners/carers; to provide psychoeducation on ONE chronic physical health condition population (diabetes, cardiovascular disease, or chronic pain). Healthcare providers and family/partners/friends play a key role in supporting people living with […]

In words, state what the monotonicity assumption means in the context of randomizing the location of VCT centers where the experimental participants could get their HIV test results? What do you think about the plausibility of this assumption?

Designing Experiments Homework #4 Individual Questions Thornton estimates the CACE (LATE) using two-stage least squares regression, which allows her to take advantage of the fact that she randomized (i) whether people received an incentive, (ii) the incentive amount, and (iii) the distance to the voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) centers where they could obtain their […]

What was unique about the leader? How did they rate overall on an empirical scale? How does biology impact their personality traits? How does their personality trait impact their leadership development and engagement?

Trait Theory Select and research 2 athletic leaders of your choice. One leader should be someone that you like and the second leader should be someone that you dislike. Apply the Five-Factor Trait Theory to analyze both leaders on each of the 5 parameters. Write a 1-page blog post that examines the personality traits of […]

Identify a real life process and produce a presentation (about 20 pages in PowerPoint) or a written report.

Lean Six Sigma Project Description The final project for this class requires students to identify a real life process and produce a presentation (about 20 pages in PowerPoint) or a written report (5 pages single space) covering the following aspects:  Process description.  Lean Six Sigma Tool(s) applied.  Results or expected results.  […]

Summarize Kerry’s key points in his report to the Senate Committee. Consider what would be motivating a veteran to say the things he was saying. What was Kerry hoping to accomplish by focusing on the material he did in his report?

History Question Review the following, Review the Lyndon B. Johnson and John Kerry presentation (opens in a new window) Review Peace Without Conquest, 1965 (opens in a new window) by President Lyndon B. Johnson’s Address at Johns Hopkins University Review Vietnam War Veteran John Kerry’s Testimony (opens in a new window) to the Senate Foreign […]

What are the various methods of estimating cost functions? Explain each method with suitable numerical examples.

Cost Accounting Assignment Question(s):   (Marks 15) Q1. Differentiate with suitable examples the relevant cash flows and irrelevant cash flows. What relevant role do these cash flows provide in management decision-making? Provide a suitable example in context to an organization to support your answer.       (3 Marks) Note: Your answer must include suitable examples of relevant and […]