Entries by Sam

What techniques or coping skills from “Becoming Aware” textbook that you might use to deal with the issue(s) that you presented earlier? What would you do differently now to enhance the quality of your life in regard to this issue(s)?

Counseling 5 DEALING WITH CONFLICT Final Paper You will write a four to five page, double spaced final paper. Remember to look back at your draft paper you turned in during Week/Module Four. You can use that same topic or choose a new topic. Final Paper Guidelines Selecting the Topic On the journey we call, […]

Should the rules be changed to allow performance enhancing drugs, especially if they were deemed safe and administered by a licensed physician appointed by the sport’s governing body?

Spot doping slides Instructions Explore performance enhancing drug use in professional sports from the perspectives of the governing body trying to enforce the rules and the athlete trying to get a competitive edge. Research the sport’s official policy on these drugs and any one of the players suspected of using steroids and the arguments presented […]

Are the recommendations feasible given the finances and capabilities of the firm? How would you have strengthened the team’s recommendations, if they were generally on track?

Business Question Watch the presentation below and answer the following questions: (NOT in an essay format) 1 . Are the recommendations feasible given the finances and capabilities of the firm? 2 . How would you have strengthened the team’s recommendations, if they were generally on track?

Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others. Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others.

Instructions According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019 Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others. Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others. (How does this apply to COVID-19?) Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and […]

Based on your research from Questions 5 & 6, describe how the relationship between salary and cost-of-living could impact your spending power and ability to meet expenses/pay bills.

Academic and Career Planning – 30 Points – Estimated time to complete – 90 minutes Grades are based on standards outlined in Grading & Assignment Expectations in Content (How to Download, Upload, and Format Assignments and How to Meet College-Level Writing Expectations). Responses should be original, in your own words, not copy and paste from […]

Write a 500-600 word research paper reflecting on your learning experience in the course and where you are on your journey or becoming a “college-level writer as described above.

A4 I Argument Essay (15%) I Reflection The ability to write clearly and coherently using standard language to share informed views on a given topic is a crucial skill for college students. Consider the goals and outcomes of the Written Communication course as stated in the syllabus and also what you have learned or unlearned […]

Describe what a VLAN is and why it is more prevalent today in networks. What are the advantages of a VLAN? Are there any disadvantages? What are the security issues, if any with a VLAN?

Programming Question Write a paper. It should be double-spaced and be between 9 – 12 pages. The paper will need to be double spaced and comply with either the APA or MLA styles required by the college. Use a minimum of 7 sources (not including the book). And, your last slide (or page if you […]

What are the biggest risks and threats to the Province of New Brunswick, Canada from climate change to 2050. What information did you use to determine that?

Report on New Brunswick Province (CLIMATE CHANGE) 1. What are the biggest risks and threats to the Province of New Brunswick, Canada from climate change to 2050. What information did you use to determine that? 2. How ready is New Brunswick to manage those threats today? Is it working to become better at managing those […]

Identify environmental issues round your home area, which have come about as a result of environmental degradation.

LESSON 1: THE NEED FOR ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION Identify environmental issues round your home area, which have come about as a result of environmental degradation. By the end of this lesson you should be able to; Explain the factors that  necessitated the introduction of environmental education. Define the terms; environment, and environmental education. Describe the approaches used to teach environmental education. Outline and explain the goals, objectives, guiding principles, and target groups of environmental education. […]