Entries by Eunice

Describe how the topic, concept or discussion contributed to your understanding or even challenged your growth or career goals

Reflection paper about informatics and cognates: The purpose of this reflection paper is to help you articulate to your readers (myself and your employers) your understanding of a key concept or issue in Informatics, how this impacts one of the cognates, and how your reflection on this has contributed to your understanding or challenged your […]

Discuss the paradoxical relationship between Arabic and Romance literary cultures in medieval Sicily.

What does scripture say about genetics or inheritance? Does this support or conflict with anything that you read in your text?

This is a graded discussion: 20 points possible 5/4: DISCUSSION 5 Based on your reading of Chapters 9 and 10,  post an original response to the following discussion questions, as well as two interactive replies to peer posts. 1. What accounts for the diversity seen among siblings? Give 3 specific reasons. 2. What does scripture […]