Entries by Eunice

Provide information on any ethical, if any, considerations that govern the service specifications you have developed or that need to be taken into account

Title Page: Executive Summary: The purpose of the executive summary is to provide the most essential information up-front. The summary is to be written as if the reader is totally uninformed about your project. It must include a short description of the project, the process, the results, and final recommendations. It also must describe how […]

How might a person’s culture impact behavior?

Forensic populations are some of the most diverse of all treatment populations, thus making cultural competence an important attribute for those who administer treatment in forensic settings. In fact, nearly all professional codes of conduct emphasize multicultural competency as a vital skill for clinical practice. Cultural awareness and competency are necessary for the skilled treatment […]

Give at least one example of how you view adolescents in a new light.

For this discussion you will reflect on your view of adolescents. Based on the information in the module and the assigned readings, develop a main response in which you address the following: Give at least one example of how you view adolescents in a new light. Describe how your ideas about schools, classrooms or teaching […]

Develop ten questions that will evaluate the alignment of IT projects with organizational strategic planning and external environment.

The current literature is replete with information on the value of information technology in healthcare. As the industry further seeks achievement of safe quality care, cost control, access, HIT enhancement or new projects must be aligned with organizational strategic planning and demand of external environment. HIT governance has an important role in addressing alignment between […]