Entries by Eunice

Where was the product located (place/section/department of the establishment, gondola, and place in the gondola)?

Look for one or two products whose brands, labels, and/or packaging have caught your eye, then answer the following questions in essay format: What caught your attention? Where was the product located (place/section/department of the establishment, gondola, and place in the gondola)? What other product did it have around it? What made you select and […]

What kind of mindset does Reggie need to embrace to be successful?

Case Study and Questions Reggie works with Gloria and Lakeisha. He is a friendly older man who often talks about his plans for retirement in five years. He likes to make people laugh but often jokes about his struggles to learn new programs and technology. The company recently informed the team that there will be […]

Describe 2-3 individuals who provided professional mentoring or who helped guide you throughout the DNP program

Describe 2-3 individuals who provided professional mentoring or who helped guide you throughout the DNP program Describe 2-3 individuals who provided professional mentoring or who helped guide you throughout the DNP program. These individuals may include your preceptor or mentor, course faculty members, or others whom you developed a relationship, and who assisted you in […]

Evaluate the policy proposals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

1.Evaluate the policy proposals of Donald Trump and Joe Biden. For the purposes of this assignment, focus only on policy changes (immigration, health care, trade policy, military spending etc…) and not on questions of institutional design and democracy (increasing voter turnout, use of media, support for the Electoral College, etc…) 2.For each candidate, select one […]

Identify a practice change and a suitable alternative approach appropriate for your area of practice that you would like to see piloted/introduced in your workplace.

In this module, you will have the freedom to creatively envisage an innovative new way of working in your practice setting and the opportunity to hone your practice proposal writing skills. Have you ever seen something in practice that you have wanted to change? If so, and if evidence supports the change you would like […]

What is the difference between partisanship and ideology?

Political Psychology Fall 2020 Paper 1 Prompts Please pick one of the following prompts to answer for the first paper assignment. Papers should be 5 pages in length. Final drafts should be double-spaced and in 12-point font,. Include your name and the number of the prompt you are answering on your paper. Please cite relevant […]

Compare and contrast the two documents, examining how each author depicted slavery, and what solutions they offered for liberation.

David Walker’s Appeal, written in 1829, and Henry Highland Garnet’s “Address to the Slaves of the United States,” written 1843, were attempts by free African Americans to inspire resistance among the enslaved population. Compare and contrast the two documents, examining how each author depicted slavery, and what solutions they offered for liberation. What did Walker […]