Entries by Eunice

write a properly formatted general problem, as well as a specific problem.

Based upon the research, please find an existing problem within a business. You can select a program listed in this link: https://www.hiscox.co.uk/business-blog/the-10-biggest-challenges-businesses-face-today-and-need-consultants-for Once the problem has been identified, write a properly formatted general problem, as well as a specific problem. The general problem should begin exactly as follows: The general problem to be addressed is…. […]

What permissions would you set for each folder for the user and for the group, if you want only members of your group to access your directory?

TopicThe family structure resembles the Linux directory and file structure, and each of its elements. In this discussion, you will examine permissions and security in terms of what that would look like in a family.On paper, design a directory and file structure for your family. Your family has members, which are users. You have two […]

Discuss the effects of social media on customer loyalty and retention.

1. Visit a website such as Amazon or Barnes and Noble and locate three recent books that discuss the effects of social media on customer loyalty and retention. 2. Prepare a one-page report summarizing three pieces of key information from each book. Often the websites have a section for each book that gives an Overview […]

Explore the command in detail using the Internet and man pages.

TopicAprocess is a running instance of a program in Linux. You can have foreground and background processes in Linux. One of the strengths of Linux is the way processes are handled in the kernel. You have lots of tools available to you to manage Linux processesand memory on your system. Some examples are ps, top, […]

What are the differences between Freudian and Jungian theory?

Chapter 2, The Freudian Revolution (Chapter 33) (please answer questions in complete sentences.) Book uploaded. 1)Who was Sigmund Freud? Why is he such an important figure and what was the revolution that he represented? 2)What are the differences between Freudian and Jungian theory? 3)According to Tripartite Psyche, what does the “superego” represent? 4)What, according to […]