Entries by Eunice

Assess the vulnerability and risk to the supply chain of your selected company.

Vulnerability and Risk Management This unit provided a series of interesting and intriguing concepts on vulnerability and risk management in the assigned readings and media. After you have completed the text and article readings and viewed the videos, it is time for application to your selection Fortune 1000 company. In this discussion, assess the vulnerability […]

Demonstrate your ability to describe an overview and foundation of psychiatric/mental health nursing care and to articulate your assessment using language of the discipline of psychiatric mental health practitioners.

448X –Learning Path Assessment #11Assessment 1: MentalHealth Foundations -Short Answer PaperRelated Competency Set: NURS 448X Mental Health Nursing Across the Continuum of CareCompetency assessment description:In this assessment, students demonstrate competency with processes associated with mentalhealth assessment including application of a theoretical model, and standards of psychiatric/nursing practice.How to complete this Competency Assessment A.Familiarize yourself with […]

Does preparation for success against irregular threats aid the Marine Corps’ ability to fight and win a major war against a near-peer competitor or is it a detriment? Why?

Question 1: Does preparation for success against irregular threats aid the Marine Corps’ ability to fight and win a major war against a near-peer competitor or is it a detriment? Why? Question 2: What is the role of a Marine SNCO in the development of young officers so the leadership team is prepared to overcome […]

What forces have been driving the increased internationalization of business?

Use each question as your subject header and respond to it as fully as possible, relating it to the course content and giving an example from your current or prospective industry: Discussion Questions 1 What forces have been driving the increased internationalization of business? 2 What are the various organizational situations in which an HR […]

How could you use reinforcement principles to improve this situation?

You are in charge of a group of fifth-grade children that meets regularly for recreation. Other members of the group have excluded a younger girl and a very shy boy from activities. How could you use reinforcement principles to improve this situation? (Include techniques aimed at both the excluded children and the group.)

Who identified the need- department of health, compared to national statistic?

Assessment of Needs and Rationales (30%) Topic for project/ paper –  Diabetes mellitus on adults population (New Diagnosed Client) Location/ Site- Arlington free Clinic Address- 2921 11th St South, Arlington –VA, 22204. Students required are to do online article research about the assigned clinic for the project or other articles pertaining to the work as […]