Entries by Eunice

The challenges in accessing Covid-19 vaccines and other such essential medicines have exposed the flaws of the patent system as it does not have adequate mechanisms in place to ensure access to medicines.Critically discuss.

The expansion of trademark functions is a flawed development in trade mark law as it has resulted in over-protection of rights granted to trade mark owners, without adequately balancing these rights with public interest.Critically discuss in light of relevant academic literature and UK and CJEU decisions. The challenges in accessing Covid-19 vaccines and other such […]

How does evolution explain the diversity of life, while God explains that existence of life in the first place? Do you think Darwin would have agreed with the Big Bang Theory as the primary cause of the universe, or do you think he still would have argued for a creator God – why or why not?

In On the Origin of Species, Charles Darwin argues that God functions as the primary cause of the universe, while evolution functions as the secondary cause of the universe. What does Darwin mean by this distinction? How does evolution explain the diversity of life, while God explains that existence of life in the first place? […]

Explain how the Federal Reserve Board, or the Fed, might assist the United States in the event of a recession or depression with examples.

Explain how the Federal Reserve Board, or the Fed, might assist the United States in the event of a recession or depression with examples. You can use the recent 2007 recession as supporting information. Discuss the tools that the Fed uses to adjust money growth. Be sure to integrate the responsibilities or functions of the […]

Identify, evaluate and explain internet investigation concepts, processes and procedures, supporting communicating in a range of complex and specialized contexts.

1. Identify, evaluate and explain internet investigation concepts, processes and procedures, supporting communicating in a range of complex and specialized contexts. 2. Autonomously research and identify the key components of an internet investigation including the appropriate techniques for the extraction and analysis of relevant device and application data. 3. Identify and develop advanced techniques for […]