Entries by Eunice

Write a 3,500-word essay developing a stylistic analysis of a literary text of your choice which incorporates a discussion of a theoretical issue or framework in the field of Stylistics and evaluates it critically in light of the stylistic analysis.

Write a 3,500-word essay developing a stylistic analysis of a literary text of your choice which incorporates a discussion of a theoretical issue or framework in the field of Stylistics and evaluates it critically in light of the stylistic analysis.  

Explain why you selected this counselor to interview.

Using the Final Project Interview Subject Template in this week’s Learning Resources, write a one page summary and include: Who you are interviewing. Describe his or her professional license, setting, population/specialization, and any other relevant information. Explain why you selected this counselor to interview. Even though this assignment is only one page, you are expected […]

Compare and contrast the processes that were or should have been used to handle each type of problem. Propose recommendations and solutions that could or should have been used.

For this assignment, you will need to identify an example or examples from your personal experiences for each of the three types of problems listed below: a conflict, a complaint, and a mistake. You may use the same example if it covers all three types of problems, or you may include three different examples where […]