Entries by Eunice

Discuss the pedagogical approaches that were, or could be used to support pupil learning, making specific links to your subject.

First part is a literature review 750 words and comparing two articles Hondzel & Hanson (2015) Associating creativity, context, and experiential learning second article is Edmiston (2003) What’s My Position? role, Frame and Positioning when Using Process Drama • Use the generic article (hodzel and hansen) plus select one subject specific article (Brain Edminston 2003), […]

Critically analyse how you would feel about volunteering ‘as an occupation’ as part of your university course.

Assignment Part A: Look at the definition of ‘occupation’ by Pierce, D., (2001). Imagine you had to volunteer for a charity of your choice one day per week for 3 months. Critically analyse how you would feel about volunteering ‘as an occupation’ as part of your university course. – (approx. 2000 words). Assignment Part B: […]