Entries by Eunice

Discuss the nature and characteristics of mental calculation.

This assignment should critically discuss the features of effective pedagogy in one area of mathematics. How might this impact on classroom practice? Topics How do mental calculation strategies support addition and subtraction? This should include 1. Introduction Clearly state what question will be addressed or reflected in this paper. Point out why choose ‘mental calculation’ […]

Discuss how your findings can be useful to policy makers. What policy implications can be drawn from this analysis?

TheExcelfile“money.xlsx“(availablefromSurreyLearn/Coursework)providesadatasettoanalyse the demand for moneyin the US. The data represent a sample observed over the period 1950.Q1–2000.Q4. The description of the variables (all seasonally adjusted) in the file is givenbelow:M1(m)=real money supply.INF(inf)=inflation rate.REALGDP(y)=real GDP.TBILRATE(tbilrate)=treasury bills (a proxy for the interestrate). QuestionsUse the data provided to answerALLthe questionsbelow. Q1. Plot the time series of all the […]

Research the misuse and abuse of the government assistance programs causing a lack of available resources for people who are in real crisis and a possible plan on how it can be fixed.

Research the misuse and abuse of the government assistance programs causing a lack of available resources for people who are in real crisis and a possible plan on how it can be fixed. The paper must include the resource “Understanding Advocacy for Children and Young People 1st Edition” by Boylan as well as at least […]

Explain how discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in general employment.

Explain how discrimination can come into recruitment and selection activities and in general employment. (2.1) Apply this to the recruitment and selection practice and performance management of Bernard Reader in Zuzu’s Newcastle, making reference to applicable case law. Explain how the contractual terms and conditions of staff employed at Zuzu’s in the last 2 years […]