Entries by Eunice

Reflect on the differences between the types of diabetes, including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.

Diabetes is an endocrine system disorder that affects millions of children and adults (ADA, 2015). If left untreated, diabetic patients are at risk for several alterations, including heart disease, stroke, kidney failure, neuropathy, and blindness. There are various methods for treating diabetes, many of which include some form of drug therapy. The type of diabetes […]

How are gender roles and ideas about gender structured and shown in what you’ve observed?

https://carnegieendowment.org/2018/02/20/tackling-women-s-underrepresentation-in-u.s.-politics-comparative-perspectives-from-europe-pub-75315 The first 400-600 words of this should be a factual report on what you have observed in following your blog/website. Start off by telling us what your period of observation is, and what you have seen. It’s ok to use bullet points in this. The rest of the report should consist of your critical […]

How does this disease process impact the patient’s and/or their care provider’s ability to care for themselves? Consider Maslow’s hierarchy of needs

You are caring for a 58-year-old electrician admitted to your emergency room for purulent drainage from his incision site. He is one-week post-CABG. His cardiologist reports positive blood cultures. Hospital admission reports no health insurance, and the patient shares he has being having difficulties paying for his medications. His wife is at the bedside. Case […]