Create a rough script or outline with thumbnails, describing the images necessary for your Advertisement. Determine the age range of the Kids in your target audience. What Super/Action Hero will you use to promote your product?

Super Hero Product Advertisement for Kids

Advertising Storyboards/Pitch Board

The traditional approach to advertising boards is creating images to be able to pitch or sell an idea to the client.

1. Create a rough script or outline with thumbnails, describing the images necessary for your Advertisement
2. Determine the age range of the Kids in your target audience
3. What Super/Action Hero will you use to promote your product?
4. Incorporate a protagonist (leading character) and an antagonist (an adversary)
5. Use the storyboard as a guide, to help you layout your “scenes” in a manageable order

Super Hero Ad Pitch should include the following:
Brand Identification – Super Hero affiliated with a brand of your choice
Close-ups – Your product is the hero of your commercial.
Open With the Fire – You have 30 seconds to grab their attention.
Sound Effects – think of a sound that will make a positive difference.
Supers – Reinforce your promise by setting it in type
Show the Product in Use – Show the product and if possible the end result.

How has this brand responded to the challenges and/or opportunities discussed in this subject to sustain strong brand equity across diverse consumer markets?

Brand equity

How has this brand responded to the challenges and/or opportunities discussed in this subject to sustain strong brand equity across diverse consumer markets?

What are the most important concerns and how is it affecting the targeted audience? What if any intervention programsicommunit3 initiatives have they developed to prevent the spread of disease?

Campaign cat

Planning a Campaign cat As part of the final project you will work on one health issue that is of concern. in the U.S. (or a country of your choice) and people n motivated to change their havior. Egn smoking, drinking and driving mental illness/stress/ depression child care, drugs, vaccinating children, preventing c outh, Spread of HIV/AIDS, eating fruits and vegetables. Include the following in your Report

1, What are the most important concerns and how is it affecting the targeted audience? iny past campaigns and results of those campaigns, low widespread is the disease in 3 different countries?

2. What kind of campaigns are they running to create awa)Th mo vatton among the people? .

3. What if any intervention programsicommunit3 initiatives have they developed to prevent the spread of disease?

4. Based on the above a You need to create awareness in your conimunity on the problem and persuade people to change.

5. Create TWO advertisementsiposter. Come up with interesting headlines, visuals,, a short copy and a slogan to motivate people to change to be printi newspapers and as a poster to be put in local outlets aa across campuses, bus bays, kiosks etc. Follow the format given below

6. Suggest any two other supporting intervention programs to educate the target audience to change their behaviors or adopt the practices being advertised.

7. Suggest the media that you will use forpromoting the Campaign Mass and Social Media

8 Pretest c campaign on a few people of the target group to evaluate the effectiveness of the message content of the campaign and analyze the data that you gel target.

9 Write out the report and the put the campaign together, and post it in the dropbox.


What is happening socially, culturally, politically or economically that would warrant such a portrayal? What does this portrayal reveal about contemporary society. You may want to ask how such a portrayal reinforces or contests particular ideologies?


Start by asking critical questions as to why advertising is portraying something in a particular way.

-It could be a particular identity; i.e. gender, age, race, class, sexuality, able/disabled bodies, Canadian identity
-It could be a particular issue or topic; i.e. education, family, religion, science, aging, celebrity, politics, motherhood, love,
-It could be a particular type of product/activity i.e. smoking, cars, alcohol, gambling, condoms, organic food, children’s food

What is happening socially, culturally, politically or economically that would warrant such a portrayal? What does this portrayal reveal about contemporary society. You may want to ask how such a portrayal reinforces or contests particular ideologies?

You could look at the ways a particular advertising campaign, or issue, or advertising medium, promotes the ideology of consumer culture.

For ideas on topics look up the Journal of Consumer Culture. There are lots of great scholarly articles in there.

Note: DO NOT write an essay about the effects of advertising. You do not have the resources to be able to adequately assess how a particular advertising campaign has an immediate identifiable effect on an individual or population. Also effects based research is really, really problematic.

What is the organisations current purpose and how will this shift? Why is this change happening and why would the audience benefit? What is the promise, the single minded proposition related to the project What channels, methods and resources must be orchestrated to communicate this change creatively? Why would the audience engage, take notice and care?

Personal project challenge

Change is the only constant…

Take an existing organisation and write the brief that enables it to pivot.

In the commercial world being able to explain your thinking in simple communications is critical to growth, attraction of clients and survival in an ever changing business environment.

You are required to find an organisation, charity or business you connect with. One that means something to you.

This must be an existing entity but it can be an SME, growing enterprise or international corporation.

The challenge

You can choose to look at a brand led project, advertising campaign or website project offering services or digital interactions as a basis.

Your organisation or business has decided that a key pivot of focus must happen due to a change in audience, competition or business environment. You must write the brief that will be answered by creative agencies to solve this communications and organisational challenge.

In this task

This is an individual task that counts towards your final mark and is purposefully designed to help you use the theory we will cover in a practical, real world way.

Think about a organisational task that needs your attention, then produce a briefing document no longer than 5 pages that is clearly laid out and is well presented with diagrams and key points called out. (Creatives often have a short attention span!)

What is the organisations current purpose and how will this shift?

Why is this change happening and why would the audience benefit?

What is the promise, the single minded proposition related to the project

What channels, methods and resources must be orchestrated to communicate this change creatively?

Why would the audience engage, take notice and care?

Present this as an a4 document in Powerpoint or Word or as a canva presentation. This document should be 5 pages long (with additional references and notes as required) and will show thinking, development, background information and your proposed personal single minded proposition so you are ready to brief an agency or creative team.

What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the psychology behind these ads, what can you conclude from them?

Advertising world

The 50s were a major stepping stone in the advertising world, with WWII still fresh in the memory of the people, society was hopeful, cheerful and very enthusiastic for the future.

Research the 1950s. What elements were mostly used (color, styles, typography)? Where did companies advertised the most? What products or services? Look at the psychology behind these ads, what can you conclude from them?

Write a 2-page research paper about the 50s and remember to include at least 2 references.

What did it do for companies? what problems did it create for companies? Additionally, explain the style used in the 90s to advertise. jingles? storytelling? long commercials? short commercials? what was “hot” to advertise during this decade?

Advertising industry

As many of you know, a very important thing was created in the 90s that influenced the entire advertising industry: THE INTERNET. This tool enabled companies access to an entirely new dimension in advertising. To run an ad on a website could cost between $25K-$30K for only three months. Crazy, right?

This week, research the good and the bad influences the internet had in advertising for companies. What did it do for companies? what problems did it create for companies? Additionally, explain the style used in the 90s to advertise. jingles? storytelling? long commercials? short commercials? what was “hot” to advertise during this decade?

Which jar of tea (1) looked human (2) looked alive (3) had human elements (4) had mind of its own (5) had free will, on a 7-point scale (1= Keemun, 4= no difference, 7= Nilgiri) later combined into anthropomorphic perceptions index (α =.73).



The participant completed the study individually in a lab with a one-way mirror and they were video recorded as they interacted with the stimuli. Each participant was exposed to three kinds of teas in small glass jars (all black and similar in texture), either with handwriting or typewriting labels depending on which condition he/she was in. They were then asked to evaluate the teas on a 5-item scale (favorable/positive/good/ pleasant/like), later combined into an evaluation index (α = .97). They finally reported aesthetic appeal in terms of the extent to which they agreed that the labels were aesthetically pleasing, attractive, and unique (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree; α = .80).

  1. Evaluate the advertisement

Study 2.

Which jar of tea (1) looked human (2) looked alive (3) had human elements (4) had mind of its own (5) had free will, on a 7-point scale (1= Keemun, 4= no difference, 7= Nilgiri) later combined into anthropomorphic perceptions index (α =.73). Finally participants were asked which tea they would evaluate (1) more favorably (2) more positively, and, would be (3) more likely to purchase on a 7-point scale (1= Keemun, 4= no difference, 7= Nilgiri), combined into evaluation index (α = .89). They finally completed two manipulation check questions, in which they reported their agreement with the following statements of a 7-point scale (1 = strongly disagree, 7 = strongly agree; r =.75) (1) the label on the left looks like it is handwritten (2) the label on the right looks like a standard mechanical (typewritten) font.

Study3 Pretest

One hundred and seventy five individuals recruited from Amazon’s Mechanical Turk (53.1% female, 46.9% male; MAge = 34.98, SDAge = 11.23) were randomly assigned to assess one of the four product categories. The pretest assessed the extent to which they perceived the products to elicit an approach-avoidance response using the following items (How risky do you perceive the product to be?; To what extent would you pay attention to the message/picture on this product’s packaging to alert you to any harmful or damaging consequences you might experience by using the product; How cautious/vigilant you are when you interact with this product? 1=not at all, 7= very much). We also assessed the extent to which the participants perceived the product to be hedonic (How hedonic do you perceive the product to be? Hedonic is defined as “pleasant and fun, something that is enjoyable and appeals to your senses) and utilitarian (How utilitarian do you perceive the product to be? Utilitarian is defined as “useful, practical, functional, something that helps you achieve a goal. 1=not at all, 7= very much). The pretest results for the product category dyads used in study 3 and 4 will be presented accordingly.



: Participants were told that the study involved the evaluation of a new product line of home sprays. Participants were shown an image of the spray (either cockroach killer or air freshener) with either a handwritten or typewritten font on the product label (see Appendix D for stimuli). They were then asked questions regarding their purchase likelihood, on a 7-point scale (How likely are you to purchase this product? 1= not at all likely, 7= very likely; I would feel good about buying this product. 1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree) later combined into purchase likelihood index (r=.84) Anthropomorphic perceptions were measured after the main dependent variable, on a 7-point scale (1= not at all, 7=extremely) by asking participants to indicate the extent to which the product represents or make them think of words indicative of (1) human (2) object (3) alive (4) machine . The “object” and “machine” items were reverse-coded and later combined with the other two items to create anthropomorphic perceptions index (α=.64). Finally, several other control variables (uniqueness, attractiveness, quality, authenticity, effort) were measured on 7-point scales (1=strongly disagree, 7=strongly agree) based on the notion that these could potentially underlie the handwritten font effect. Uniqueness was measured by two items (The spray looks unique to me; The spray is one-of-a-kind). Attractiveness was measured by two items (The spray is aesthetically pleasing; The spray looks attractive; r= .91). Authenticity was also measured by one item (The spray looks authentic). Quality was measured by the following item (The product is most likely of : 1=low quality, 7=high quality). Finally, effort was measured by two items (not effortful/effortful to produce, not difficult/difficult to produce).

Study 4.

Main study: One hundred and fourteen undergraduate students (45% male) participated in a between-subjects laboratory experiment for extra credit. Participants were randomly assigned to one product category condition, either hot sauce or jam. They were then asked to imagine the following scenario:

“You are going to a friend’s place for a get together (picnic with your friends), and your friends have asked you to pick up a hot sauce (jam) to go with the food you will be eating that evening. You stop at iBurn (Chatham jam and jelly shop), a speciality store that sells “all things spicy (jam and jelly)”. Here, they were provided images of the store. .

You enter the store and look around. There are hot sauces and spices (jams and jellies) on the aisles. Here, they also looked at a picture from inside the store.

You move towards the center store display and look at the range of hot sauce (jams). The store manager comes up to you and tells you that these are the most popular hot sauces (jams) in the store.

Now look at the four bottles of sauces (jars of jams) in front of you and spend a minute or two deciding which one to choose exactly like you would in the store.”


Critically review the research which explores the role of emotion in advertising and propose how the findings may explain the audience response to the British Army advertising campaign.

British Army advertising campaign

Read the case study attached on the British Army advertising campaign

Critically review the research which explores the role of emotion in advertising and propose how the findings may explain the audience response to the British Army advertising campaign.

Critically discuss and evaluate a range of marketing and promotions strategies.

Marketing and promotions

Critically discuss and evaluate a range of marketing and promotions strategies.