Discuss the political, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence food markets. In your answer, you must assess the relative importance of trade agreements, tariffs. subsidies, operation of free market systems as well as the importance of international agreements on trade and its impact on the environment.

Global food production

QUESTION 1 -1800 Words Within the context of global food production, discuss the term ‘food security’. Your answer must address the impact at a global, national, and local level highlighting the main challenges and potential impact on markets both in terms of supply and price. (50 marks]

QUESTION 2 – 1800 Words Discuss the political, social, economic, and environmental factors that influence food markets. In your answer, you must assess the relative importance of trade agreements, tariffs. subsidies, operation of free market systems as well as the importance of international agreements on trade and its impact on the environment. [50 marks]

QUESTION 3 1800 Words
Analyse the potential impact post BrexitlCovid-19 on the market for an agricultural enterprise of your choice. Your answer must address factors affecting the marketing of produce from the enterprise (political, social, economic, and environmental), the legislation and policy shaping the industry, and the impact of any potential change on the future demand for and the supply of the commodity or commodities being discussed.
[50 marks]

Talk about the history of hemp in America and the uses of it back in the day. Talk about the future of hemp and how it is becoming increasingly more popular today in America.

Hemp, The Forsaken One

In the essay, talk about the history of hemp in America and the uses of it back in the day. Also, research the false advertising related to hemp in the 1930s that sparked the war on drugs. Furthermore, talk about the future of hemp and how it is becoming increasingly more popular today in America. Funding of many hemp related projects are taking place. Talk about the many benefits of Hemp and how its related to engineering and technologies ie. biofuels, clothing, hemp-products etc. Lastly, talk about how hemp became federally legal under the 2018 Federal Farm Bill in the USA.

Write a discussion of how easy or how difficult it is to find placement in the sector. An explanation of why that particular career looks more appealing to you than the rest.

A career in agronomy

1. An introduction to the topic of the paper.
2. A good definition of the career.
3. The thesis statement which clearly explains the focus of the paper.
• The body paragraphs:
1. The most important features of the career.
2. The nature of the job and a list of the responsibilities.
3. The minimum qualification required for the purpose. (Educational Requirements)
4. The challenges involved in pursuing the career.
5. A discussion of how easy or how difficult it is to find placement in the sector.
6. The amount of hours you will need to dedicate and the pay scale you can expect. (entry level, 5 years exp, 10+years) (Benefits provided -medical, leave, retirement, etc.)
7. The possibilities for growth in the career sector.
8. An explanation of why that particular career looks more appealing to you than the rest.
9. Your skills which complement the career responsibilities.
10. Your shortcomings which might come in the way of your career and how you plan to tackle those situations.

• The conclusion:
1. A summary of the most relevant points.
2. A reinstatement of the thesis stated in the introduction.
3. A concluding statement which effectively winds up the discussion.

whats fusarium head blight (FHB)-what is modeling plant disease

Models to forecast the risk of fusarium head blight

-whats fusarium head blight (FHB)
-economic importance of the disease
-what is modeling plant disease
-approaches in a modeling plant disease
-significance of modeling

How do the effects of taxes on sellers compare to those levied on buyers?

“Use agricultural marketing, business marketing or value chain analysis principles to answer a relevant question relating to the marketing of an agricultural or food product”.

Elasticity and tax incidence

In what proportions is the burden of the tax divided?

How do the effects of taxes on sellers compare to those levied on buyers?

The answers to these questions depend on the elasticity of demand and the elasticity of supply.

Write a 5 page essay on testosterone in food.

Write a 5 page essay on testosterone in food.

Develop educational flyers or posters to educate other health care professionals about farmworker sexual harassment

propose and conduct an action project for BASTA Coalition of WA: Preventing Farmworker Sexual Harassment (10-15 hours total) by doing the following: 1) Develop educational flyers/posters to educate other health care professionals about farmworker sexual harassment

Discuss How technology can help agriculture workers.

Discuss How technology can help agriculture workers.

Discuss the importance of food scientist

Discuss the importance of food scientist

How might incentives and strategies for core brands differ from those of Natural and Organic brands? What effect will shifting consumer dynamics among core and accelerator brands have on General Mills’ near and long-term strategy?

Answer these questions:
1. How should Vernon (from the Natural and Organic Operating Unit) make the case for regenerative agriculture to her peer presidents of core brands and to the General Mills corporate leadership team?

2. How might incentives and strategies for core brands differ from those of Natural and Organic brands? What effect will shifting consumer dynamics among core and accelerator brands have on General Mills’ near and long-term strategy?

3. What is General Mills committing to? What outcomes should General Mills expect if the regenerative agriculture commitment is successful? If it is not successful?

4. What are the strategic implications of the public commitment and partnering with other organizations – even competitors – to more quickly and broadly expand regenerative practices? How should General Mills’ competitors respond?

5. Should General Mills, as a business, be responsible for the broader implications of climate change? If so, in what ways?