Explain how environmental sustainability and social justice are implied and addressed in five characteristics of Curitiba.

Read the case study titled ”Curitiba Strives to Be an Eco-city” on pages 287 to 288 of Miller and Spoolman.
Explain how environmental sustainability and social justice are implied and addressed in five characteristics of Curitiba. In your response, provide an argument supporting or opposing the concept of an eco-city and refuting the opposing position.–1200 words.

Who are the labourers that produce the commodity?

“Commodity Stories” are methodological analyses that seek to uncover the diverse social, environmental, political, and economic relationships that underpin the production, distribution, and consumption of everyday items we purchase. In 2000 words or less, write a “food commodity story” that follows the journey of one particular food item from field (or sea) to plate.

I have decided to do the potato – it may be easier to narrow it down to a particular region or maybe even country e.g. Asia or China (The biggest producer of potatoes to date)

The paper should address all of these following questions in a clear and logical manner:

– Why and when did the food commodity become a commodity in the first place?

– Where and how is the food commodity produced?

– What impact (if any) does the commodity have on the environment?

– Who are the labourers that produce the commodity?

– Which actors (if any) profit from the commodity, which actors (if any) suffer?

– Who consumes the food commodity and why do they consume it (taste, culture, cost, meaning, etc).

Please note, your paper does not require a specific argument or thesis statement, although you are welcome to make one. This written assignment should be ‘descriptive’ rather than ‘argumentative.’ The primary objective of this paper is to develop your peer-review research skills, your writing skills, and your ability to combine and synthesize information from a diversity of sources. You are free to write as creatively as you like, so long at the information you present is clear and properly cited.

Your bibliography will have at least 10 sources. At least 5 of the sources must be peer-reviewed, The other sources can come from government websites, advocacy organization reports, or data from the institutions like the FAO. Please use your discretion when considering such sources.

Please include a title page