Pick 3 of the clinical application listed below that were listed in the chapters covered this semester. Define the Condition. State who the condition primarily affects and explain why.

Clinical application

Pick 3 of the clinical application listed below that were listed in the chapters covered this semester. For each of the 3 topics, you must answer the following:

1. Define the Condition.

2. State who the condition primarily affects and explain why.

3. Name the body system and organs the condition affects.

4. Discuss Treatments and prevention of each condition.

Clinical application Topics:

Chapter 9:

  • Muscular Disorders
  • TMJ Syndrome

Chapter 10

  • Migraines
  • Multiple Sclerosis

Chapter 11

  • Traumatic Brain Injury
  • Parkinson Disease

Chapter 12

  • Middle Ear Infections
  • Cochlear Implants

Chapter 14

  • Sickle Cell Disease
  • Leukemia

Chapter 15

  • Heart Transplants
  • Hypertension

Chapter 16

  • Immunotherapy

After you have chosen one of the above organs or organ systems, discuss how it is intricately connected to any of the major topics that were covered this session in BIOS256. How are these systems integrated? How do they work together to contribute to the overall homeostasis of the human body?

Week 8 discussion and Reply

Initial Post Instructions

For the Week 8 discussion of BIOS256, go back in time. Think back to previous sessions and consider the various organs and organ systems that were discussed in BIOS251, BIOS252, and BIOS255. Choose one of the following organs or organ systems:

  • Integumentary system
  • Skeletal system
  • Joints
  • Muscular system
  • Nervous system
  • Special senses
  • Endocrine system
  • Blood and hemodynamics
  • Cardiovascular system
  • Immune system
  • Respiratory system

After you have chosen one of the above organs or organ systems, discuss how it is intricately connected to any of the major topics that were covered this session in BIOS256. How are these systems integrated? How do they work together to contribute to the overall homeostasis of the human body?

For example, in week 1 and 2 we discussed the digestive system, and the importance of intrinsic factor to red blood cell production. One approach would be to discuss the connection between dietary absorption of intrinsic factor, its relationship to vitamin B12, and the maintenance of a healthy hematocrit.

Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following group of muscles.


1.Write a short note on the Origin,Location, Insertion,Function, Blood supply,Nerve supply and Venous drainage of the following group of muscles :

  • A.Deltoid
  • B.Biceps
  • C.Triceps
  • D.Thenar and Hypothenar muscles of the hand -listing the individual thenar and hypothenar muscles and their functions.
  • E 1.Pectoralis Major,Minor and the Diaphragm,
  • E 2. Rectus Abdominis and Serratus Anterior
  • F.Flexor Muscles of the Thigh-Vastus Lateralis,Intermedius,Medials and Sartorius.
  • G.Extensor Muscles of the Thigh- Gluteus Maximus,Minimus and the Hamstrings.
  • H.Gastrocnemeus Muscles and The Soleus Muscles.
  • E.Diaphragm

Functions of the muscles should include movements like Flexion, Extension ,Abduction, Adduction, Internal rotation and External Rotation.

2.List The muscles of the Rotator Cuff.

What might explain the difference between male and female heart attack rate before age 55? What could cause heart attack rates in males and females to be similar after age 55? Based upon the answer to these questions, can you think of any treatment that might be available to prevent heart disease in older females (or males)? Is there any evidence that such a treatment is effective or safe?

Anatomy Question

For this assignment, you will be required to write a five-paragraph essay on the topic outlined below. The essay must be type‐written and printed in a legible typeface. The due date for this essay is indicated on the syllabus. The assignment is worth 10 pts., and will be graded according to the following criteria:

  • 1. Does the essay answer the central question posed in a reasonable fashion? (2 pts.)
  • 2. Does the essay present adequate evidence for the answer given? (2 pts.)
  • 3. Does the essay present reasonable speculation for further study? (2 pts.)
  • 4. Is the essay presented in the proper format? (2 pts.)
  • 5. Is the grammar and spelling used in the essay correct? (2 pts.)

Examine the following table and graph:

Age (years) Male Female
25-34 10.8 5.3
34-44 50.7 19.2
45-54 131.5 49.2
55-64 206.9 199.2
65-74 492.3 498.1
75-84 823.40 812.30

Screen Shot 2020-06-10 at 10.14.39 AM.png

Questions: What might explain the difference between male and female heart attack rate before age 55? What could cause heart attack rates in males and females to be similar after age 55? Based upon the answer to these questions, can you think of any treatment that might be available to prevent heart disease in older females (or males)? Is there any evidence that such a treatment is effective or safe?

Answer each of these questions and present any evidence for your conclusions. Present any reasonable speculation for further study based on what you have learned while researching the answer to these questions. it is a long nails off the show.

Does facial acupuncture rejuvenate the skin?

Research Paper Essay

Does facial acupuncture rejuvenate the skin?

How important do you think it is to take calcium supplements for bone health when you’re younger? Do you think the public has enough awareness of the calcium cycle between blood and bones?

Discussion Essay

How important do you think it is to take calcium supplements for bone health when you’re younger? Do you think the public has enough awareness of the calcium cycle between blood and bones? Do you think that only pregnant women should be concerned with calcium supplements for bones or should recommendations apply to everyone?

Draw and trace the flow of blood through the heart starting at the right atrium and ending in the right atrium, example right atrium,a tricuspid,right ventricle, and etc


Draw and trace the flow of blood through the heart starting at the right atrium and ending in the right atrium, example right atrium,a tricuspid,right ventricle, and etc


Do you think schools or sports organizations that promote these children’s sports should create regulations to try to decrease the number of injuries to children’s skeletal systems? Why or why not?


We covered some bone and joint injuries such as fractures and dislocations in this unit. These types of injuries are becoming increasingly common in children due to competitive sports like soccer or Little League baseball. Do you think schools or sports organizations that promote these children’s sports should create regulations to try to decrease the number of injuries to children’s skeletal systems? Why or why not?

Should muscle strength training be recommended for good overall health (the way cardio exercise is recommended)? What would be the benefits of strength training for people of different ages and backgrounds? What would be the drawbacks?


Should muscle strength training be recommended for good overall health (the way cardio exercise is recommended)? What would be the benefits of strength training for people of different ages and backgrounds? What would be the drawbacks?

Provide a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs. Provide a subpar introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs.

Kidney Stones

Description of Pathology (10 points)


Student provides a comprehensive introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs.

(Up to 10 points)

Student provides a subpar introductory section of the condition in 1-2 paragraphs.

(Up to 7 points)

Student provides an inadequate introductory section.

(Up to 3 points)

Normal Anatomy of body system (15 points)