How can biophilic design improve mental wellbeing of cancer patients

How can biophilic design improve mental wellbeing of cancer patients

 Describe the role of a 21st Century architect, the architecture profession as it moves into the future

Describe the role of a 21st Century architect, the architecture profession as it moves into the future and their relationship

to sustainability, ecology, geography, humanity, climate, safety, weather, health and well being of the citizenry and the planet.

Is Airport and Architecture providing Freedom and Environment?

Is Airport and Architecture providing Freedom and Environment?

Compare and contrast the approach taken by JCT and NEC to construction projects.

write a short report to advise the client about the:
• The general principles of law governing construction contracts (5 marks)
• The key differences between JCT SBC/Q 2016 and 2011 (15 marks)
• The key differences between NEC 4 ECC and NEC 3 ECC (15 marks)
• Compare and contrast the approach taken by JCT and NEC to construction
projects. (15 marks)

Reflect a growing understanding of ecology and the ability to critically evaluate ideas pertinent to ecology as related to environmental design.

Base the provide lectures and reading materials, select one of the reading and combine it with a topic in the lecture for reflective analysis(check the examples provided, you can write similarly)

The  response you might reflect on a personal experience, determine a solution to a problem, compare two ideas, or make an argument. In all instances, a strong discussion topic should formulate a connection between two or more of the items being reviewed while also linking these ideas to themes and ideas in course content. your response will reflect a growing understanding of ecology and the ability to critically evaluate ideas pertinent to ecology as related to environmental design.

Identify the main components of your project and define these in a clear project specification.

Scenario: “Residential Hospital in Derbyshire”
You have recently gained employment as an Assistant Project Manager for a large general contracting firm. The firm specialises in community/ government projects. As part of the company’s drive to provide better services to clients and increased efficiencies, they seek to provide greater sustainability in the projects they undertake. While they have identified a range of different ways to address sustainability, they believe that they may achieve the most significant impact by implementing Modern Methods of Construction (MMC).
Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) is a broad term that covers many different approaches to the way in which we design and construct our built environment. From offsite construction and modular buildings to new materials and even 3D printing, MMC is a link between technology and the construction industry. Your firm has decided to focus on a particular MMC approach that is Modular/volumetric construction for their new projects.
Your first project with this firm is the construction of a community hospital and an accommodation suitable for doctors and nurses in Derbyshire (guiding floor plans are included). For the report, you may choose to focus on either the hospital building or the medical staff accommodation building. Please note the floor plans given below are only a rough guide and you may choose another appropriate floor plan for either building with an area between 200𝑚2 and 250𝑚2. The building you will choose to design will comprise of three floors with very similar floor plans, with the possibility to extend it in the future to include more floors. You should propose a suitable site for the residential hospital considering the logistics of this project.
Your final report should consider the overall project process and advise on project management solutions. The report should include the following:
• Clearly set out the aims of your project. You should identify the main components of your project and define these in a clear project specification. In addition, you will need to explain why clear specification of the project is key to a successful outcome.
• Develop your project work through an iterative process. The first idea is seldom the best idea and all ideas can be developed further. You should keep notes of the process and your progress throughout the project in a Logbook or reflective journal. The Logbook should include a summary of the project developments and the research you have carried out every week (with dates), and summary of the progress meetings you had with the unit tutor. This will be submitted as part of your final report and serves as an important record of your development process.
• You should try your best to comply with the National Health Service (NHS) Health Technical Memoranda (HTMs), Health Building Notes (HBN) and Building Regulation Approved Documents. Your report should also investigate the merits of offsite construction and its impact on the sustainability of the project.


present the main idea of a research essay discussing a key issue or core concept from the history of housing through the comparison of two or more, built or un-built, architectural projects, or other works.

In 300 words, present the main idea of a research essay discussing a key issue or core concept from the history of housing through the comparison of two or more, built or un-built, architectural projects, or other works. Your proposal should set up a research problem: its objective, conditions, method, important question(s) and a potential preliminary claim in response. This claim will be your thesis statement. Your proposal should have a working title. This title may be phrased as a research question. It may focus on issues of (among others): architectural typology, historical themes, or the evolution of housing concepts; social organization and change; private, communal, or public spaces; everyday, individual, family, communal or public life; work, leisure, domesticity, transit, infrastructures or utility; historical urban developments or socio-political context; formal, functional, structural, technological or symbolic organization; issues of invention, repetition, aggregation, flexibility, freedom, identity or community; crisis, vision or commonplace. Please ensure to list all the sources of your research proposal

In 200 words, write an essay outline

Challenges faced by construction contractors that are interested in implementing sustainable construction

Challenges faced by construction contractors that are interested in implementing sustainable construction

How did you rank the credits in effectiveness for achieving the new rating?

Research and find information about a BREEAM assessed building, and research all the necessary documents to understand the environmental assessment of the building.
select any type of building as long as it is located in the UK.
The report should consist of two main parts.
the first is to describe the project and actual credits in breeam, how the building is assessed and go through the credits given to rate the building in different categories and discuss the final rating in regard to the credits that weren’t used.
The second part of the report is to reflect on the assessment process and the way it was commissioned in the case study building then critically evaluate the building in light of the first part findings and making suggestions of ways to earn more efficient credits.
1. Describe the building, the assessment, and what credits it has.
2. How can you suggest improvements towards the current rating?
3. How did you rank the credits in effectiveness for achieving the new rating?
3000 words total not including references.

pdf of proposed building, if you can find the necessary information to complete the report and the needed suggestions. or if it is easier a different building can be used. just let me know