Critically analyse about the sustainability and its effect on the aesthetics of the interior

2000 word visual essay compiled with a literature review and a case study to critically analyse about the sustainability and its effect on the aesthetics of the interior

Demonstrate clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information,

‘Architecture is the masterly, correct and magnificent play of masses seen in light’. Le Corbusier

A number of architects have deliberately set out to cultivate the idea of the heroic architect. Major architects such as Le Corbusier and Frank Lloyd Wright were excellent publicists and this was undoubtedly good for business. The iconic buildings designed by heroic architects were also a means of cultural and economic regeneration and the promotion of tourism in their cities.

Learning Outcome:

Recognize the variety of professional practices undertaken by an architectural engineer.
Define fundamental concepts involved in the construction and building processes.
Demonstrate clear and precise questions, use abstract ideas to interpret information, consider diverse points of view, reach well-reasoned conclusions, and test alternative outcomes against relevant criteria and standards.

In this assignment, you are requested to analyze zaha hadids opera house “Guangzhou Opera House”.

Through your assignment, you are asked to discuss the following:

A. Background information about the building

Who is the architect and what is their style and design concept
Why do you consider this building unique (is it the structure, the design, the materials, or something else)?
B. Analysis of the building:

The architectural design of the building’s spaces.
Light and dark (shadow) relationships in the buildings.
Analysis of the building’s masse, height, textures, rhythm or repetition, and spaces
The proportion of the design elements in relation to each other.You need to include a cover page with the name and number of the course, the number of the assignment, and your name.Also, you need to include the references/resources that you used to generate this assignmentPlease make sure to paraphrase the text before adding it to your assignment (plagiarism is not going to be tolerated)You will be evaluated on meeting the above requirements and the quality of writing and illustrations.

Explain methods that are used to generate, store, retrieve and interrogate the information generated.

Individual Report on “The Impact of Digital Technologies in the Management of Domestic Construction Projects”


You must select a function of the construction process from one of the following areas.

-Design (architectural technology)
-Construction (production, construction project planning)
-Quantity Surveying and Commercial Management (costing & estimating)

-Information Management
Explain methods that are used to generate, store, retrieve and interrogate the information generated. (3 subheadings)

-Computer Networks
Describe how information is transfer across the construction team. (3 subheadings)

*Introduction setting out the scope of the work
Logical structure of the report covering the scope set out in the introduction.
*The report must have a conclusion that relates to the scope and aim of the report.
*The report relates directly to the topic selected.
*You must support your work with an appropriate rationale
*Your work must be supported with appropriate references
*You must write in the third person
*You must have a conclusion
*Word Count should NOT exceed 1500 words.

Explain the challenges on implementation of restoration strategies on urban wetlands in Kigali city.

Explain the challenges on implementation of restoration strategies on urban wetlands in Kigali city. case study of rwampara wetland

discuss the advantages and benefits of using this method, its origins, who has used it, how and to what ends.

The Essay Book is to be an analysis of the Research and Design Methods from the lectures and reading seminar workshops, a developed physical essay series, where you select 5 methods from the lectures to study and research in further detail. The book will be a physical artefact and you will make a 3 minute film of it against a plain background
(wall/floor/table top) to show how it works/how you read it. You will also submit a diary of weekly readings, 2 A5 pages for each of the weekly readings to summarise the reading and could include a visual excerpt that you like – ‘My reading of the text’ verbal and visual.
The essay book comprises 5 short essay sections which can be a combination of text, image, photograph, film stills, drawings, etc. (1500 words). Each essay section will analyse a
discuss the advantages and benefits of using this method, its origins, who has used it, how and to what ends. It will discuss the concepts and ideas contained within it and finally propose what the method might offer for thinking about design in the studio and to the wider contemporary architectural debates. It will be a well considered designed and made book, with typed text and image as appropriate. It will be A5 size portrait/vertical to comply with the overall exhibition. You will need to select 5 research and design methods to investigate further, (including further reading and analysis in your own study time) and to represent as images and a 1500 word text, fully UWE Harvard Referenced. You will need to attend the lectures and group seminar readings to develop answers to set questions about the research. The diary of readings should be 2 A5 pages a week to fit at the end of the essay book. The 3 minute film should show how to read the book as an artefact- how does it work?

Write a proposal for this site.


Firstly, please select a study site in Williamsburg (Virginia). A “site” could be a specific place (a Main street of a village, a battlefield, a landmark, a tourist attraction) or a ‘landscape type’ (such as a field type, a forest, a waterway, a road network). Secondly, please write a proposal for this site.

The proposal should include two parts:

  1. Introduction
  2. Thesis Statement. You can write the sentence like, I will argue that……

Write a reading response for the articles.


  1. Please write a reading response for the articles.
  2. Please put forward one question at the end of your reading response and answer it briefly.
  3. Please do not write the reading response for each article, you need to write an overall reading response. The intent is not to summarize, but to raise interesting thoughts/questions.

Required Readings:

La Fauci, Lauren. “Taking the Southern Waters: Science, Slavery and Nationalism at the Virginia Springs” Anthropology and Medicine 18:1 (April 2011) 7-22.


  1. Please add a new title to your reading response.
  2. The reading response should offer an opinion or critical remark.


Explain why the subject is relevant today and how it relates to your design project or practice as a future architect.

3000 word essay excluding bibliography. All sources must be appropriately referenced using the Harvard referencing system.

A description of the subject. Try and be as precise and specific as possible, think carefully about the scope of your essay: does it cover a certain time period? Several disciplines and if so which ones?

Research question(s): what questions are you trying to answer with this essay? Thinking about specific questions might help to frame your enquiry, again, try and be as specific as possible. Be ambitious but also realistic about what you will be able to do in the allocated timeframe and 3500 word count limit. If you start with a broad question, try and break it down into more manageable smaller ones.
Explain why the subject is relevant today and how it relates to your design project or practice as a future architect.

Your methodology: how do you intend to answer your question
Which sources will you be using: books, articles, artworks, scientific journals, interviews, films, fieldwork, visuals, drawings, photographs? Be specific, tell us exactly which sources you will be using. Remember that your methodology can be creative as well as critical.
Explain the motivations behind your choice of sources (why did you pick them?)
Explain how you intend to use your sources. How will they help your investigation? Are the ideas presented by the author important to your argument or do you disagree with them? Are you trying to expand on what the author is saying? Have you discovered something new through drawing? Etc…

The final submission should contain the following:
· Contents, Knowledge and Understanding of the subject area
· Structure and organisation of the thesis
· Speculative Thought and Conclusions
· Editorial Presentation including graphic presentation, use language and referencing

Explain the various elements included in your design, using sketches where appropriate.

Specify the design of the site: Your proposed development should be more than one building and
you must justify the reason for the design from a sustainability perspective. You are also expected
to explain the various elements included in your design, using sketches where appropriate. The
sustainable urban design principles that informed your choice of the following must be clearly
 Building mix and use of space
 Landscaping and drainage system
 Relation to immediate architecture
 Road network/primary traffic
 Public services
 Building orientation
 Outdoor facilities
 Any other elements and/or features of your design in addition to the above
2. Specify materials, services and construction techniques: As a member of the team, you have
been commissioned to design and construct an exclusive private dwelling within the
development. The design is to focus on three major aspects of your private dwelling including:
 Sustainable construction materials
 Sustainable construction methods, techniques, processes and site management practices
 Sustainable building services, resources and facilities
Your report should justify the choice of materials, methods, construction management approaches, as
well as sustainable services, resources and facilities, with particular emphasis on specifications that
consider various indices of sustainability. Among others, the following indices of sustainability could be
used for justifying the choices made:
 The life cycle, environmental cost and embodied energy of chosen materials
 The effect of indoor climate on the health, comfort and productivity of users
 The social aspects of the building in its suitability for different kinds of users (e.g. elderly
people, parents with young children and disabled).
 Access to services needed by the users of the building
 Support for social cohesion and relationships.
 Economic justification for materials choice and construction technology
 The choice of energy and building services
You are expected to identify and explain the guiding sustainability principles for your proposal, choice of
materials, services, construction method and project management decisions.
Submission Requirements
The assignment submission will be in report format, approximately 4,500 words in length, conforming to
appropriate written assignment standards. Dividing the submission into sections by using sub-headings
makes presentation and reading easier, and a robust conclusion (drawing on arguments presented in your
writing) is a vital element. Reference sources can be freely drawn on but remember to cite the source(s)
used and identify them properly in the References section

Summarize and analyze 4-6 important readings related to topic.

Research report should that desmostrate critical thinking about topic. Summarize and analyze 4-6 important readings related to topic. try to discern a particular argument and point of view in each than compare and contrast them and what ideas they share, do they disagree, engage the readings and authors critically in the process you will reveal your own sensibility about these but not use first person or write directly about your opinions. use arguments with evidence to prove your point for make your case. an annotated bibliography is also required.