What are the questions that scholars have asked?Is there a debate/s around this object, and if so, what is it or are they,

Project3:Object Study
This project is for anyone who wants to learn about a specific objector building or part of a building related to course material in greater depth.The goal of your work is to provide an analysis of the “state of the research”on this topic, that is: what is known about this topic, what are the questions that scholars have asked?Is there a debate/s around this object, and if so, what is it or are they, and who says what (and what evidence do they use to support their argument)?Can you think of what has not been studied and what should be considered for this object?You do not need to answer every one of these questions, they are just there to help guide your thinking.For the additional reading: you will need to find a minimum of five research articles or books online.

Compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain.

Prompt: The film Frida (based on the book by Hayden Herrera) depicts the iconic Mexican painter Frida Kahlo. For this paper assignment, you are to watch Frida and conduct some additional research on the artist. Then in 4 pages, you compare and contrast how facets of Kahlo’s life are portrayed in the film to how they appear in at least two of her artworks. Your thesis should articulate whether or not her life is portrayed in the film in a similar manner to her biography and artwork. In your paper, compare and contrast how the film and paintings depict Kahlo’s personality, physical appearance, life experiences, relationships, politics, and/or pain. You must reference specific scenes from the film as evidence, in addition to thorough descriptions and interpretations of the paintings. You should further comment on how the artist’s work influenced the film’s art direction. Your paper should conclude with an evaluation of the film. Did it do a fair job in depicting the life of Kahlo? Were parts of her life overlooked or overemphasized? Link to Watch the Film: https://digitalcampus.swankmp.net/piercecollege336742/watch/DD9BA5BA77AC3C98?referrer=direct (Links to an external site.)You can watch Frida through Swank (paid for by Pierce). You will have to set up an account before streaming the film. Please do not wait until the last minute to watch the film if you have difficulty setting up an account or running into technological problems. Artwork Selection: Your paper must include descriptions and interpretations of two of Kahlo’s paintings, other than The Two Fridas, which you have already written about. Please be certain to identify the paintings’ title and the date and include descriptions and interpretations of the works’ formal properties and subject matter. Research Guidelines: You must consult at least two sources in addition to the film and required textbook Oles, James. Art and Architecture in Mexico. Thames & Hudson World of Art, 2013. (articles are preferred; the Pierce librarians can help you access article databases). You may also access museum websites and khanacademy.org. Do not read reviews of the film. This is to be your assessment of the film, and it should not reflect critics’ opinions. Select either MLA or The Chicago Manual of Style for formatting in-text citations or footnotes and the bibliography (select one style guide and use it properly throughout your paper). Formatting Guidelines: All papers must be at least 4 full pages (and no more than 5 full pages of text), typed in Times New Roman 12-point font, double spaced, with 1” margins, and page numbers. Include a bibliography and reproductions of the discussed paintings at the end of your paper. Please follow the instructions carefully, as failure to do so will negatively affect your grade on the assignment. Plagiarized assignmenfktts will not receive credit.

What are the signs of eliminationism, or forms that it takes, as it begins to appear in the media?

/Please answer the following questions with details. 1.Pablo Picasso said:“We all know that Art is not truth. Art is a lie that makes us realize truth, at least the truth that is given us to understand. The artist must know the manner whereby to convince others of the truthfulness of his lies”. What do you think he meant by this? What is the “truth” that art makes us realize? 2.Research Dada artist Marcel Duchamp and his infamous piece titled “Fountain”, as well as his “readymades.” (see link below). We will discuss this work in class. Why do you think many have called “Fountain” one of the most important works of art of the twentieth century? https://www.artsy.net/article/artsy-editorial-duchamps-urinal-changed-art-forever 3.1. Pay careful attention to James Montgomery Flagg’s “I Want You” recruitment poster , and Saville Lumley’s “Daddy, what did YOU do in the Great War?” poster . What is being communicated in each of these propaganda posters? More importantly, how is the message expressed in these posters? In other words, what kind of voice or tone is the speaker using to persuade the audience? 4.What is eliminationism? What are the signs of eliminationism, or forms that it takes, as it begins to appear in the media? Can you think of a contemporary (last 20 years or so) example of this?

How and why is art a powerful means for the expression of sociopolitical concerns?

Provide two artworks as examples to support your answer. Your essays must be 400-500 words each. Essays that are not the required length will not be read and no points will be given. Each essay is worth twenty (20) points, for a total of forty (40) points. Part 4: Longer Answer EssayFor this part of the exam please answer both of the following questions in essay format. Please include at least two (2) art examples to illustrate each answer with the artist’s name (the last name is sufficient) and the title of the artwork for each question. These questions are to gauge the knowledge you have acquired over the course of the entire semester, so you may use any artwork or period (1780-1965) we have covered to answer these questions thoroughly. However, you may not choose works of art, artists, or periods we did not discuss. Do not do internet research for this portion of the exam. Use your notes from class and your textbook only. You may use an outline to structure your essay and then use that outline as a reference whifktle you are taking the exam.

Producea post contract award BIM Execution Plan for the development of an information model capturing geometry and asset information contained within a domestic home.

Page | 1BIM Execution Plan: Domestic AIM CreationIntroduction:The purpose of this assignmentis to producea post contract award BIM Execution Plan for the development of an information model capturing geometry and asset information contained within a domestic home. This must be done in response to an Employers Information Requirement (EIR) provided(BRE123-BRE-XX-XX-SP-K-001).Theexercise is to be delivered asanindividual assignment.1.Project Information:The following information has been provided to each studentand is needed to compile a post contract award BIM Execution Plan:1.1.Role as specified by PAS 1192-2:2013:Client:BREBucknalls Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9XXEmployers Representative:<Lecturer>BREBucknalls Lane, Watford, Hertfordshire, WD25 9XXMobile:077009005500The supply chain for delivery of this information model may be seenbelow:Lead Designer/ Contractor:Discipline: ArchitectsAlexander M TurnbullCreative Architects LTD (CAR)24 Wrexham RoadFelbridgeRH19 1WPMobile: 077 8384 6877

Page | 2Task TeamsDiscipline: Mechanical EngineerEdward J CrawfordSpanners LTD (SPN)98 Stroude RoadBirminghamSR 34GPMobile: 078 8438 5855Discipline: Electrical EngineersLouise J LyonsSparks Electricals LTD (SEL)5 Hendford HillLondonHR8 9RRMobile: 077 4434 40311.2.Plan of work stages:The Post Contract-award BEP should only cover stage 6 (Handover& Closeout) where there is a requirement of information exchange between the client and the supply chain.Section 3.1 ofBRE123-BRE-XX-XX-SP-K-001 explains exactly what information is required in response to the Plain Language Questions outlined in Appendix A. Studentsare not expected to produce this information physically as it has already been provided. Themodels, COBie files and drawings have all been included. What studentsare required to do is to use this information to create TIDPs, an MIDP and a Responsibility Matrix which form part of the BEP.The files provided are listed below:Model Files:BRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-M3-A-0001.rvtBRE123-SEL-ZZ-ZZ-M3-E-0001.rvtBRE123-SPN-ZZ-ZZ-M3-M-0001.rvtDrawings:BRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-M2-A-1000.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-1001.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-2001.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-3001.pdfBRE123-CAR-ZZ-ZZ-DR-A-6001.pdfCOBie:BRE123-CAR-ZZ-XX-IE-A-0001.xlsxBRE123-SEL-ZZ-ZZ-IE-E-0001.xlsxBRE123-SPN-ZZ-ZZ-IE-M-0001.xlsxThese files can be found withinMoodle.

Page | 32.Deliverables:The BEP should include the following Appendices:Task Information Delivery PlansMaster Information Delivery PlanResponsibility MatrixAttribute DataSchedule of Existing InformationTo help with the development of the BEP, an example copy from DanRossiter’sblog, 7001-BBH-XX-XX-MS-A-0001and the CPIx Post Contract-award BEP Template havealso been provided.It would also be advantageous to visit Dan Rossiter’s blog @ https://bimblog.house/3.QUB Criteria for Grading:3.1.The BEP Assignment constitutes 50% of your overall mark for this module.3.2.On the cover page put: project title, university logo, module name & number, university name,studentname & numberandyear.3.3.The Assignmentis to be handed in digitally.3.4.Check for plagiarism before submission.3.5.The BEP should contain all the headings specifiedin section 7.2, PAS 1192-2:2013. 3.6.Assessment of the BEP will be on:Structure of report (layout, spelling, grammar, professionalism of style, references, coherence and logic of information)Completion and accuracy of documents.4.Submit via Canvas

Write an essay that explains how TWO of the images on the back (which you should fully identify) illustrate this.

Question 1 (3-4 typed, double-spaced pages). We have seen that for many designers and builders, architecture meant something more conceptual or emotional than simply putting up a useful building within a certain budget. Write an essay that explains how TWO of the images on the back (which you should fully identify) illustrate this. Your essay should address ONE of the issues below. The essay MUST, before you start discussing the buildings, begin with one or two paragraphs explaining why the issue you chose was important in architecture, and narrating some general facts, dates, writers and arguments that were important to it. You must also refer to architects and buildings not illustrated in the exam. (The assigned chapters on myWPI from Kenneth Frampton’s Modern Architecture do this well. Wikipedia essays not so much—andIn addition to correct identifications and solid descriptions and explanations, your essay should demonstrate a range of understanding of the topic—that is, coverage of more than one architect, style, period, building type.

Discuss the main ethical issues in tenders of this nature that need to be addressed.

Coursework 2: Draft a 3000-word report on the tendering procedure and tender documentation for public sector projects. In particular, you are required to:

  • Elaborately discuss and evaluate the tendering procedure for major infrastructure projects. What are the main differences compared to tendering of smaller-sized projects?
  • As client’s QS, discuss the main criteria in assessing the submitted tenders.
  • Discuss the main ethical issues in tenders of this nature that need to be addressed.
  • Investigate the implications of e-tendering in similar public sector projects.

Mark breakdown:

  • A brief introduction 5%
  • Elaborately discuss and evaluate the tendering procedure for major infrastructure projects (20 marks). What are the main differences compared to tendering of smaller-sized projects (5 marks)? (25%)
  • As client’s QS, discuss the main criteria in assessing the submitted tenders. (20%)
  • Discuss the main ethical issues in tenders of this nature that need to be addressed. (20%)
  • Investigate the implications of e-tendering in similar public sector projects. (20%)
  • Presentation of report 10% (Layout, structure, visual presentation, use of language, clarity of expression, referencing within text and bibliography)


Explain what is meant by yield stress and proof stress and explain why they are important in structural design.

A1. Comment on the effect of increasing carbon content on the mechanical properties(Note 1) of steel and compare the steel results with the aluminium results. You should explain the meaning of your results and interpret the graphs. You should include examples of where the materials are used in construction with reference your own results and independent research. Compare your calculated results with published data. Explain why your results deviate from published values. Note: Any variances do not necessarily mean that your results are incorrect.

A2. What is meant by stress and strain and why are these terms important?

A3. Explain what is meant by yield stress and proof stress and explain why they are important in structural design. (In this context, structural means load bearing).Note 1. The mechanical proertes are: stress; strain; toughness; and stiffness.The discussion is the most important part of this section the coursework and must be carefully written. You should structure you discussion with separate subheadings to answer each question in turn. Page 5 of 13

Discuss earlier-twentieth-century architects’ fascination with “literal” transparency in the context of W. Benjamin’s and M. Foucault critique.

  1. Consider you mini-paper as a rehearsal for the final paper. Unless you decide to take on a completely new topic, your final paper (due on the finals week) should be an improved (upon my comments) and expanded version of your mini-paper (due on week 10).
  2. You are free to choose your own topic, e.g., if you are fascinated with the concept of the phenomenal transparency, you are free to dedicate the entire paper to this subject
  • Discuss the avant-garde’s attempts to challenge existing norms vs. users’ complaints that their requirements were not met (consider, among other sources, Greenberg’s and Gutman’s essays)
  • Discuss earlier-twentieth-century architects’ fascination with “literal” transparency in the context of W. Benjamin’s and M. Foucault critique.
  • Discuss the seventeenth century debate between the “ancients” and the “moderns” as a prelude to the debate between “spectacular” architecture and non-representational design techniques.
  • Discuss the search for origins as a philosophy, which, between the early eighteenth century and the middle of the twentieth century drove much of architectural theory discourse. Explain the essence of J. Rykwert’s and R. Krauss’s criticism of the notions such as “origins” and “originality?”
  1. Style: refer to “critical writing guidelines” (see, “Mini-Paper”, in “Assignments”).
  2. Sources: one of the main purposes of this exercise is to learn how to draw from multiple—and somewhat contradictory—sources. Make sure that you cite no less than two (preferably three or four) different pieces of architectural theory. However, for your mini-paper, you should be able to use only those essays that we have discussed during our Virtual Debates. For the final paper, you will be required to compliment them with your own independent research—but we will discuss it closer to the end of the term.


What are the possibilities and limitations of urban planning in reducing disaster risks?

What are the possibilities and limitations of urban planning in reducing disaster risks?