Explain the two ways of thinking in cultural identity.

Explain the two ways of thinking in cultural identity.
Explain how Cozier, Campos Pons, and Ligon visually represent the diaspora in their work.
How does Afrofuturism contend with cultural identity?
Explain significance of time, space, and act of returning as it relates to the diaspora…provide examples.

Evaluate the impact of the planning and building reg’s processes

The scenario –
You have been provided with drawings for a construction project. The project’s client has asked for a detailed written and illustrated description of the processes involved in securing a successful planning approval and an effective Building Regulations approval.
Your response should include the following information:
An explanation of the key legislation and agencies in the planning and building control processes.
An explanation of how planning and building regulation decisions are made and the processes available to appeal and monitor them.
An analysis of the role of planning systems and agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.
An analysis of the application of building regulations in low and medium rise residential and commercial buildings.
An evaluation of the impact of planning systems and building regulations agencies in managing the development of land and buildings.
Tutor’s commentary –
To achieve the pass tasks, you need to clearly explain the processes of planning and building regulations. Your responses should relate to the project provided and current legislation.
To achieve the merit tasks, you need to analyse the processes mentioned above, for example by highlighting any scope for improvement and relating them to the project provided and the built environment generally.
To achieve the distinction task, you need to evaluate the impact of the planning and building reg’s processes, for example by discussing the strengths and weaknesses highlighted above and relating them to the project provided, its context and the built environment generally.

What, in your opinion, is the difference in decentralized/distributed (client/server) architecture and centralized (Cloud Computing or Mainframe) architecture?

Q1: What, in your opinion, is the difference in decentralized/distributed (client/server) architecture and centralized (Cloud Computing or Mainframe) architecture? Give an example of a business decision that would be affected by the choice of architecture
Q2: What do you think will be the impact of Cloud Computing (or SaaS) on business in the next few years? Will BYOD be an issue?
Q3: Do you think IT Security Decision Framework can help company in providing close to 100% security? Is it used in your company?

How does the article explain the dominant political narrative surrounding FOI?

How does the article explain the dominant political narrative surrounding FOI?

What are of the Motivations of people lodging FOI’s as outlined in the article?

Critically analyse and evaluate the relationship between the architecture of the ‘Historic Heart of Perth’ and its relationship to the ‘invisible’ history of Perth

A Research Essay in the context of this unit means a piece of work that asks you to investigate a subject, forming an understanding of it in the wider context of architectural ‘discourse’ – where it fits and what views of it are espoused by different voices and from different points of view – and then articulating your understanding, backed up with evidence from your research.
In this essay you are required to use diagrams, drawings and photographs (at least three of each) to illustrate your analysis.
Your essay MUST be written from a perspective that expresses your own critical evaluations.
Your submission must:
• be between 1700-2000 words in length
• use your own diagrams, drawings and photographs to illustrate your analysis,
• include at least three quotes from different reputable sources (minimum requirement for the number of sources consulted).
• If you are using web-based information (two sources maximum) in addition to other reputable texts/media (books, journal articles, films etc.) these MUST also be properly referenced
• include in-text references and reference list using Author-Date Chicago Referencing Style,
Topic 1:
Critically analyse and evaluate the relationship between the architecture of the ‘Historic Heart of Perth’ and its relationship to the ‘invisible’ history of Perth – the pre-Colonial (Invasion) and Indigenous history of this part of Western Australia – and how it manifests on the people’s land and cultural milieu which the City now occupies.
Research Essay Marking Criteria:
Demonstrated understanding of the research topic.
Relevance and accuracy of facts in relation to the research topic.
Level of critical analysis and evaluation.
Clearly stated and logically developed arguments and use of supporting evidence (quotes).
Quality of research sources and diversity of references used (in-text and reference list).
Clarity and quality of writing.
Quality of visual recordings (diagrams and drawings).
Inventiveness of approach and DEPTH of research.
Please note that failure to observe the word count for this assignment will result in mark penalties.

Choose 3 of the genres (Expository Writing, Proposal, Critique). Then write 300-400 words on each of those 3

Deeper Analysis— Choose 3 of the genres (Expository Writing, Proposal, Critique). Then write 300-400 words on each of those 3. Choose any 3 you wish—perhaps those that seem most commonly used in your field (architecture), that interest you the most, or that seem most important and significant to your field (architecture). Use examples of those kinds of writing form the field

Describe, in specific detail, what makes the work appealing and stimulating.


 As part of the assignments for this course, each student must attend a culture event or a center of their choosing. Cultural event or center refers to a social gathering for festive purposes or center where culture is promoted. Examples include a street festival, certain concerts, museum exhibitions, plays, etc. Approval must be sought from the instructor via the form found in Week 2 content.

Please keep in mind that these should be proper and befitting a college level course. Attendance of a Shakespearean play or other theatrical work from a professional company serves the idea well. Attendance of a k-12 production of any sort does not. Attendance of a sporting event does not count; however, attendance of a sporting museum may count if approached correctly. A Pink Floyd would not count (even though I love them) but attendance of a Pink Floyd enhanced light show backed up by the Atlanta Philharmonic would.  Think and choose wisely. If it seems even the slight bit questionable, choose something else.

General Requirements Checklist


For the Cover Page

Please include the following information on a title page on a COVER PAGE (Note: The cover page does not count as part of the page requirement):

Title (Keep it simple)

Full Name:

Student Id #:

Course Number with CRN:



For the Body of the Paper

  • Typed in English
  • 12 – point font.
  • 1” margins
  • Garamond or Times New Roman.
  • Do not use elaborate fonts or italics (except where appropriate, i.e. book titles).
  • Double spaced.
  • 2 -3 full pages (not including cover page). Please note that a partial page does not count as a full page. Ex. 1.75 pages are NOT acceptable.
  • Indent paragraphs 5 spaces on the first line.
  • Each page should include your last name and page number in the upper right-hand corner.
  • DO NOT INCLUDE NUMBERS ON THE COVER PAGE. If you do not know how to do this, look up a video or search online for help.

Make the paper clear and easy to read. Grammar and spelling will count. Avoid the use of passive voice. You may use the first person (I), so avoid constructions such as “in the museum, I saw that …”

Critique the work or event, avoiding such phrases as “the piece is “pretty” or “interesting”. Describe, in specific detail, what makes the work appealing and stimulating. Use the new terminology learned in the readings.


You must attend the artwork or event in person. You may not write about works or events already viewed, attended, found on the internet or in books. If you use words from another author, you must either put quotes around them or use a paraphrase. In either case, you must cite where the information comes from. For example, do not copy information from a museum catalogue or a placard without noting the source in your paper.




In these papers, you should begin by describing the event you at tended, including its location, and an overall summary. I want your intelligent opinions (critiques) of the art backed up with reasons, illustrations, and examples. In your introduction, you should have a key point that will tie all your specific examples together. For example, if you attend a sculpture exhibit, you could focus your paper around the use of texture in the pieces. Then your body paragraphs would include descriptions of specific examples.


In your body paragraphs you should choose two- or three-piece s that caught your attention and seem to best represent your point. The most important thing to remember here is to tie together the aesthetic elements with your feelings and thoughts about the piece(s). If you are describing the use of color in a painting, describe both what the colors are and how those particular colors contribute to your impression of the artwork. (This is only an example. You don’t have to discuss color usage if you critique a painting.)

Your summary should describe your overall impression of the event. Would you recommend this event to others? Why or why not? What is your evaluation of the event? Is there a way to improve it? Be sure to include analysis in this section.


See COURSE ASSIGNMENATS under PAPERS & GUIDELINES for full information. 


Describe the technical qualities of the work(s) (i.e., tools, materials, instruments).

Fill in ALL of the information above and then answer the following questions.  EACH answer MUST be more than five complete sentences, but not more than three paragraphs.  You can use the bulleted questions as a guide to your response.

  • Describe the event without using value words such as “beautiful” or “ugly.”:
  • Describe the elements of the work(s) (i.e., line movement, light, space). This is a chance to use your vocabulary, if applicable.
  • How do the elements of the work combine together?
  • Describe the technical qualities of the work(s) (i.e., tools, materials, instruments).
  • Describe the subject matter. What is it all about? Are there recognizable images or sounds?
  • Describe how the event is organized as a complete composition:
  • How is the work(s) constructed or planned (i.e., acts, movements, lines)?
  • Identify some of the similarities throughout the work (i.e., repetition of lines or melody, two songs in each act, similarities in shapes or colors, etc).
  • Identify some of the points of emphasis in the work (i.e., specific scene, figure, movement).
  • If the work has subjects or characters, what are the relationships between or among them?
  • Describe how the event makes you think and feel:
  • Describe the expressive qualities you find in the work. What expressive language would you use to describe the qualities (i.e., tragic, ugly, funny)?
  • How can the expressive qualities relate to your life experience?
  • Does the work use any tools to help relate its ideas? (i.e., analogy or metaphor)?
  • Present your opinion of the event’s success or failure:
  • What qualities of the work make you feel it is a success or failure?
  • Compare it with similar works that you think are good or bad.
  • What criteria can you list to help others judge this work?
  • How original is the work? Why do you feel this work is original or not original?

When did the modern (pre-modern) model of history emerge?

Please answer questions below:
When did the modern (pre-modern) model of history emerge? How did it differ from earlier concepts of history? Give example (s) of early modern historians.
Why did sociologist Margaret Crawford claime that as a profession, architects cannot be socially responsible?
Why did Augustine of Hippo believe that true architecture needs to be based on mathematics? Mention earlier sources of his philosophical position.
Explain various sources of Augustine attitude towards images and representations (as opposed to mathematics)
Explain why Andrea Palladio was interested in the housing typology such as “villa?” How his social interpretation of this typology coincided with his search for perfect geometry?
Discuss similarities and dissimilarities between Palladio’s, Le Corbusier’s, and Greg Lynn’s arguments in favor of mathematics as the foundation of architecture.
Why the Renaissance period is often characterized as “humanism?”
How does L. B. Alberti’s model of the architectural profession differ from medieval building practices?
Who do you think L. B. Alberti’s treatise was addressed to? What was his opinion of builders? How did Alberti’s concept of architectural practice affected architectural education?
What was the main subject matter of all Renaissance treatises? How their main argument was related to Plato’s theory of forms? Extra-credit (up to 5 points): How the Renaissance interpretation of Plato’s philosophy differ from similar influences during the Middle Ages?

What are the main issues the author addresses in the reading? What are the main point(s) the author argues?

Reading summaries should consist of two or three paragraphs and should include responses to the following questions:
1. What are the main issues the author addresses in the reading? What are the main point(s) the author argues?
2. What kinds of evidence does the author use to support the argument?
3. What are the key terms or concepts the author uses to describe the issues, and how are these terms defined? You
may list these with the definition the author gives, or if there is no definition, look it up.
4. Did you agree with the author’s point of view? Did you find the argument and the evidence convincing?