Discuss how the Palette of King Narmar establishes both visual and iconographic conventions that will guide Egyptian art for centuries.

In a 300-500 word essay discuss how the Palette of King Narmar establishes both visual and iconographic conventions that will guide Egyptian art for centuries. Provide specific examples of works that demonstrate this influence.

Discuss the transformation of the step pyramid design into the better known smooth-sided version.

In a 300-500 word essay, discuss the transformation of the step pyramid design into the better known smooth-sided version. What changes in the culture and the pharaoh’s job description caused changes in the design?

Provide a short written commentary, explanation or question as a response to each of the following five quotes from the article.

Assignment Two:

Read Kenneth Frampton’s article ‘Towards a Critical Regionalism: Six Points for an Architecture of Resistance’. Provide a short written commentary, explanation or question as a response to each of the following five quotes from the article. Responses should be no more than three (3) sentences.

  1. Today the practice of architecture seems to be increasingly polarized between, on the one hand, a so-called high-tech approach predicated exclusively upon production and, on the other, the provision of a “compensatory facade” to cover up the harsh realities of this universal system. (Frampton- pp. 18)
  2. The arts could save themselves from this leveling down only by demonstrating that the kind of experience they provided was valuable in its I own right and not to be obtained from any other kind of activity.’ (Frampton quoting Clement Greenberg- pp. 21)
  3. Architecture can only be sustained today as a critical practice if it assumes I an arriere-garde position, that is to say, one which distances itself equally from the Enlightenment myth of progress return and from a reactionary, unrealistic impulse to return to the architectonic forms of the preindustrial past.  (Frampton- pp. 22)
  4. “Western civilization habitually identifies itself with civilization as I such on the pontifical assumption that what is not like it is a deviation, less advanced, primitive, or, at best, exotically interesting at a safe distance. ” (Frampton quoting Aldo van Eyck- pp. 24)
  5. The bulldozing of an irregular topography into a flat site is clearly a technocratic gesture which aspires to a condition of absolute placelessness, whereas the terracing of the same site to receive the stepped form of a building is an engagement in the act of “cultivating” the site. (Frampton- pp. 29)





What do these two buildings have in common? How do they differ?

  1. Position yourself. (100 to 200 words)

There’s an oft-quoted saying, “Writing about music is like dancing about architecture,” that seems to suggest that art needs to be experienced directly and that writing or analysis is beside the point. What’s your initial reaction to this saying? What do you think it means, and do you agree?

  1. Summarize and analyze. (200 to 400 words)

Start by familiarizing yourself with two educational buildings: the Brown Center on the MICA campus (designed by Ziger/Snead and Charles Brickbauer and completed 2003) and the Rolex Learning Center at the École Polytechnique Fédérale in Lausanne, Switzerland (designed by SANAA and completed in 2010). What do you remember of your experiences taking classes in Brown, visiting for lectures or exhibitions, or using the building for other activities? What activities take place here? Who uses the building? How does it seem to be organized? What does it look like? How does it relate to the MICA campus and to the neighborhood? Then watch the video on the Rolex Learning Center, asking yourself the same questions.

What do these two buildings have in common? How do they differ?

Read through the two reviews of these buildings, both published in major professional journals shortly after the building’s completion. What do you learn from each review? What ideas and information does each author convey? Does the author take a position on the value or significance of the building?

  1. Evaluate. (200 to 400 words)

In what ways do these two articles help you better understand the buildings they describe? Are the claims they make about the buildings supported by your own experiences or your own observations of the video? Do the authors emphasize certain aspects of the building over others? Do they seem to miss anything important?

Describe the abstraction and aesthetic qualities of the work.

650 words Formal analysis, describe the abstract visual communication of the art, describe how the audience is meant to perceive and move through the artwork visually and abstractly. Describe the abstraction and aesthetic qualities of the work. Develope an essay with a thesis statement/introduction, supporting body and conclusion that synthesizes the statements and thesis into a final idea about what the audience should remember or take away from the assignment. Use description as evidence to support the thesis and any other supporting statements. Summarize the overall appearance, then describe details of the object, describe the composition and then move across the subject to the other side, describe things in order in which they draw your eye around the object, starting with the first thing you notice and moving to the next.

Conduct research on the art work using at least 4 sources written by experts.

Conduct research on the art work using at least 4 sources written by experts. Please use only academic sources.
How to write paper:
Your paper should consist of a sound argument (aka, thesis) and you must successfully support it
with evidence-based research. This is how research progresses. An academic art history paper is
much closer to math than it is to creative writing: it’s like a puzzle that needs solving. You’re
basically stating your opinion BUT your opinion is based on factual research! It shouldn’t be
based on your personal feelings or opinions. An argument also is not something that we already
know. So, “Leonardo da Vinci was an artistic genius” isn’t a great argument because we all
know that (and everyone knew it when he was alive, too). A better one would be “Venice’s
architecture reflects its broad and lucrative trading networks in northern Europe and with the
Middle East.” I will provide a writing guide attached.

Do Summary on “The Gothic Cathedral” Rebuttal on “02_Greg Lynn”

Please do Summary on “The Gothic Cathedral”
Rebuttal on “02_Greg Lynn”
We only need one paragraph for each

Develop a background study on community values associated with public open space and living next to or near a riparian urban environment.

Words: 2500-3000 wordsDESCRIPTIONThe assignment is to develop a background study on community values associated with public open space and living next to or near a riparian urban environment. This assignment is considered as a baseline study to understand the topic (academically and professionally), site and policy context. As part of this, students will undertake a four-pronged report:

•Conduct a literature review of the environmental values (use, cultural diversity, conservation, interactions and ecosystem services of public open spaces) as perceived by the community and what price they are prepared to pay for conserving it. The review should contribute in understanding and motivation towards achieving the prescribed objectives of the project (approx. 1500 words). Use of scholarly articles is highly recommended with systematic literature review approach.

•Identify who the direct stakeholders are and what role they have in the study area. (400 words dot pointed with brief description)

•What policy and legislation that impact the area in terms of planning and environmental management (approx. 500 words – you may need to quote relevant parts).

•Identify the riparian hazards that living in the study area (approx. 700 words, you must use maps to delineate specific areas). Consider public open spaces and other environmentally sensitive components relating climate change and other risk factors in the study area.Format:

•Academic reporting format and students are encouraged to use statistical evidence/maps/graphs/diagrams.

•Use paraphrasing while use secondary sources or use citation with page number for directquotes (should be kept minimum). Direct quotes are allowed for less than 40 characters.

•Use an introduction and conclusion.

•Use cover page, table of contents, page number, table and figure numbers.

•Table and figures must be referred inside text.

•Use Chicago referencing style

Draft a memorandum to the city council of your community.

Memorandum to City Council
Chief officers are often viewed as the subject-matter expert in anything related to fire department functions, including fire code issues. As a chief officer, it is vitally important to facilitate strong, concise, and accurate information to the governing body, particularly when it comes to the matter of fire code issues.
Draft a memorandum to the city council of your community. Click here to view a sample memorandum. Be sure to provide an overview of the problem of large loss-of-life fires in the United States in areas where people gather. Include a review of findings of the facility you have used in your research in the previous two units.
Your memo should include the following items:
concerns about what could occur based on information from previous incidents in the United States;
concerns about evacuation capacities and other items discovered during your inspection performed in the Unit II assignment;
a summary of how cue recognition, decision-making, and individual differences affect exit selection;
an explanation of how reaction time is a part of the validation process and how it can affect exit decision-making;
at least three summary statements that compare your findings to the recommendations performed in the Unit III assignment; and
an introduction, findings, and a summary.
Highlight the importance of these factors in your recommendations for your council to consider to reduce the risk of an incident of a large loss of life in an assembly occupancy in your jurisdiction.
Your assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length. You may include sources from your required reading or any other supporting references. Your assignment, which includes citing outside sources, must follow APA style.

Why is the NMA a postmodern building? What are its key attributes?

Reading are attached for individual questions.
Please write 200 words for each questions.
Q1. [Building] Why is the NMA a postmodern building? What are its key attributes?
Q2. [Building] The Hiroshima Park ends a controversial history of Japan’s involvement in the Pacific War. Yet it also turns the tables on war and peace and of victim and oppressor. What are your views on this subject? Discuss Kenzo Tange’s design for the memorial museum.
Q3. [Movement] What is Orientalism? How does it affect the planning of colonial cities?
Q4. [Architect] Bawa has been described as indigenising modernist programs. How do you see his work? Discuss using an institutional building.
Q5. [Movement]Identify three features, how is Asian modernism different from modern colonial architecture in Asia?

– [ ] is a main subject (please check uploaded the detailed guideline)
– 5 questions x 200 words responses (total up to 1000words)
– References to readings allocated.
– Images are not needed.