Describe how you see this TED Talk making a productive contribution to the topic of architecture.

Essay 2

1. Essay must be 500 words (Do not use cited information)

2. Describe how you see this TED Talk making a productive contribution to the topic of architecture.

3. link to the TED talk :

Were Spyke and Wide-Eye bad products? Do you think these products were marketed in objectionable or misleading ways? If you were in charge of marketing Spyke and Wide-Eye, what approach would you have taken to promote the products, while mitigating the adverse publicity associated with them?

Alcohol advertising

Read the material regarding the history and regulation of alcohol advertising found on pp. 538–548 of the text. Also read the article, Diageo; Study Finds Self-Regulation of Alcohol Advertising Is Working, and watch this Milton Freidman interview: Milton Friedman-Regulation in a Free Society.

In your post, consider the following questions:

  • Were Spyke and Wide-Eye bad products? Justify your answer.
  • Do you think these products were marketed in objectionable or misleading ways? Explain your answer.
  • If you were in charge of marketing Spyke and Wide-Eye, what approach would you have taken to promote the products, while mitigating the adverse publicity associated with them?
  • Do you believe there is a need for government to place more restrictions on alcohol advertising? Why or why not? If so, what limits are needed and how would any restrictions that you propose meet the Central Hudson guidelines?

This professor is tough, remember to answer each of question carefully.

Do not have to be long, around 300-400 words is enough.


Develop a table consisting of a list of 5 items that 1 compares the two. Which is more common in the world today?


The architecture of the Raspberry Pi is ARM, while that of most desktops and laptops today is often referred to as (Intel) x86 AMD64 .

Develop a table consisting of a list of 5 items that 1 compares the two. Which is more common in the world today?

Cite your reference(s). Use your own words as submissions will be checked with SafeSource.


Analyze a building and connect it to the architectural style using the architect and other buildings.

Architectural style

Analyze a building and connect it to the architectural style using the architect and other buildings. It is not to analyze an architectural style by itself.

Evaluate the Contractors performance on the project how helpful was he with preconstruction assistance and what approaches did he use to move issues to resolution, what could he have done differently to benefit the project.

High Rise

Book Review from the book HIGH RISE by JERRY ADLER. Review must cover the following:
Address the below topics related to the content of your book. You can also support your report with other research.
The Architect selection process; how it was conceived and implemented; who were the influencers and what expectations did the Owners Group have of the Architect and were they achieved.
Postulate on what the outcome might have been if they had a different Architect team.
The book includes various stories of details and materials and the process in selecting and implementing them. In at least four examples describe the issues involving the important points (i.e.: marketing, perception, functional suitability, schedule and cost) what process was used to resolve them and how effective or ineffective it was, who and what helped towards the resolution and what hindered it.

Evaluate the Contractors performance on the project how helpful was he with preconstruction assistance and what approaches did he use to move issues to resolution, what could he have done differently to benefit the project.
Describe the relationship between the Owner, Architect and Contractor Groups and what was effective and what was disruptive and not helpful.
Summaries the successes of the project and failures.

Compare two hotels particulars in the city of Paris, France. How do these structures reflect contemporary taste and the style of the period? What conclusions can be drawn regarding the social context of the patrons?

Hotel de Soubise vs Hotel de Sully

Compare two hotels particulars in the city of Paris, France. How do these structures reflect contemporary taste and the style of the period? What conclusions can be drawn regarding the social context of the patrons? Comment on the relationship between the exterior facade and the courtyard, and the interior of the building, as well as the architects and various important refurbishments.

Your paper should have a clear thesis statement or focus, and should have an introductory paragraph, body and substantial conclusion. It is easiest to do so in chronological order.
You must consult a minimum of FOUR printed (i.e., scholarly) sources, reference them in your footnotes or end notes, and list them alphabetically by author’s last name on your bibliography (note: you do not have to have read the entire book or article to include it on your bibliography).
All information that is not direct personal observation or common knowledge MUST be followed by a citation, at the end of the paragraph at the latest.

Find the probability that the value of is within .02 of the population proportion.


According to a Pew Research Center nationwide telephone survey of American adults conducted by phone between March 15 and April 24, 2011, 25% of American college graduates said that their student loans make it harder for them to buy a home (Time, May 30, 2011). Suppose that this result is true for the current population of American college graduates. Let be the proportion in a random sample of1000 American college graduates who will say that their student loans make it harder for them to buy a home. Find the probability that the value of is

a. Within .02 of the population proportion

b. Not within .02 of the population proportion

c. Greater than the population proportion by .025 or more

d. Less than the population proportion by .03 or more

What is the architectural or interior design style? What elements do you like? What elements could be improved? Why did you choose this case study?

Project 3 | Mixed Use Building

For this project we work with in small groups to design a mixed use building.

The two owners of this property want to create a new building. This building needs to have a space where they can both live, have a business that they will run with their partner and another three spaces to rent out.

P3 Client Profiles

DUE on 10/19 (At the end of the class)

As a team create a client profile for your project.

Who are your two clients? Please be as specific as you can about this two people.

Tell us their:

  1. Names and ages.
  2. Background.
  3. Profession.
  4. Hobbies.
  5. Current life scenario.


We will present to the group next class. Make sure that you submit to canvas before next class.

Please only submit you final images in a PDF.


This assignment will be graded on:

  • Depth of analysis to each case study.

This assignment is worth 10 points of Project 3.

part 2

Project 3 | Mixed Use Building

For this project we work with in small groups to design a mixed use building.

P3 Step 1: Case Studies

DUE on 10/19 (At the end of class)

As a team –meaning the design team choose all the buildings together –find case studies, both buildings and spaces, that reflect the design intent for your design. You will need 4 buildings that reflect the exterior design and 2 for each of your interior spaces.

Analyze each one of them and discuss:

  1. What is the architectural or interior design style?
  2. What elements do you like?
  3. What elements could be improved?
  4. Why did you choose this case study?
  5. What are the similitudes and differences between this and your other case studies?


You can use any format that you want, as long as you have a good photo of the case study and respond the provided questions for each one of them.


We will present to the group next class. Make sure that you submit to canvas before next class.

Please only submit you final images in a PDF.


This assignment will be graded on:

  • Complete number of case studies
  • Depth of analysis to each case study


n a project to build a movie theater, architects are evaluating the relationship between the number of rows and the number of seats in each row. The initial project foresees a room for 304 people. If 19 rows are used, the number of seats per row will be?

Movie theater

In a project to build a movie theater, architects are evaluating the relationship between the number of rows and the number of seats in each row. The initial project foresees a room for 304 people. If 19 rows are used, the number of seats per row will be?

  1. a) 14.
  2. b) 15.
  3. c) 16.
  4. d) 13.
  5. e) 12.


Identify the destroyed data items for applicable instructions. Indicate in your code the overhead data in bytes for applicable instructions. Indicate the code size for each instruction. For all memory reference instructions, provide the total bytes transferred.

Instruction Sets, Memory Address Alignment, RISC-V Assembly

This homework assignment is based on the information covering the topics of instruction sets, memory address alignment, and RISC-V assembly language programming.

  1. The four classes of instruction sets discussed in class are the stack, accumulator, register-memory and register-register. For this assignment, use the following specifications that are defined for each.

For all classes, opcodes are 8 bits (1 byte) and memory references are 64 bits (8 bytes).  For the register-memory and register-register classes, register references are 4 bits, and available registers are referenced R1 – R6. Memory references are labeled A – F.

  1. For each class, write the code sequence to compute the following:

C = A + B;

D = A – E;

F = C + D;

  1. To analyze and compare the differences between the four code sequences from part A, complete the following a table with the identified items:

Your code sequence should be listed in the first column labeled Code, then complete these remaining items in the table:

  1. Identify the destroyed data items for applicable instructions.
  2. Indicate in your code the overhead data in bytes for applicable instructions.
  3. Indicate the code size for each instruction.
  4. For all memory reference instructions, provide the total bytes transferred.

At the end of the table, total the values for the overhead data, code size and moved memory data and identify which instruction set class has the smallest of these total values.

  1. Complete the provided RISC-V assembly language program to implement the code sequence. Test and verify the correctness of the program using the RARS software.  Attach your .asm source file to your assignment submission in Blackboard.
  2. Consider the following example data structure that might be defined in a program written in C. The data size for the different data types on a 64-bit system are shown in the table.

The compiler allocates each element of the structure in memory in the order given in the struct definition. Alignment restriction forces data items to be aligned at memory addresses based on data size as shown in the table on page 8 in the lecture slides. How much total memory in bytes is required for the structure if all data items are required to be aligned based on data size?

  1. Rearrange the order of the struct definition so that the minimum possible size is achieved.