What effects does a high-level consistency BIM-based Model Quality Checking (BMC) have on the use of model(s) throughout the stages of the project, and how can BMC be effectively used to meet project requirements?

 Implementation of Building Information Modeling for BIM-Based Model Quality Checking in the Design Stage:

A Case Study of Irish Student Accommodation Building.

Problem Statement: The reason for selecting this topic is because the literature says that currently there is no best practice for implementing high-level consistency BMC of 3D models. 3D model errors inevitably lead to failures in model coordination, future uses of the models such as 4D (geometry + time) and 5D (geometry + time + costs) or Facility Management because information is missing or isn’t relevant for defined purposes.

Research Question: What effects does a high-level consistency BIM-based Model Quality Checking (BMC) have on the use of model(s) throughout the stages of the project, and how can BMC be effectively used to meet project requirements?

Drawing on the art and architecture of the period, compare and contrast the influence of cultural syncretism on Mayan, Indian, Chinese and Japanese thought and life.

Architecture: Influence of Cultural Syncretism

Drawing on the art and architecture of the period, compare and contrast the influence of cultural syncretism on Mayan, Indian, Chinese and Japanese thought and life.


How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages? On what sources do the monastic traditions draw for their direction and what intellectual and spiritual roles do they serve?

Castles and Faith: Architecture in the Middle Ages

Research the Internet to find out about the development of the castle as a fortress and residence in the Middle Ages. The following website, which discusses the development of castles in the UK, provides a good starting point for your research and will give you an overview of how castle architecture evolved over time from relatively simple designs to very sophisticated structures. Although the examples are from the UK, the architectural developments shown reflect general trends that also took place throughout most of medieval Europe.

You can widen your search using terms like “motte and bailey castles”, “ringwork castles”, “concentric castles”, “Edwardian Castles”, to gain a more in depth understanding of castles.

Consider also the magnificent monastic fortresses at Mont St. Michel off the coast of Normandy and that at St. Michael’s Mount in Cornwall.

How does the architecture of the castle converge with that of the monastery and does that say anything about the relation of the secular and the spiritual, even of reason and faith in the Middle Ages? On what sources do the monastic traditions draw for their direction and what intellectual and spiritual roles do they serve?


Using the British Geological Survey (BGS) Geology of Britain viewer tool, the soil type for the site has been identified as Winter Hill Gravel (a gravel and sand mix). Borehole surveys at nearby sites reveal a mix of gravel, sand and clay to a depth of four metres. Use this information to explain what the foundation options are, what your professional recommendation is for the foundations for the proposed frame and why. What are the principal concerns and issues that need to be addressed in such a strategy and how do your accessibility and lighting proposals effectively address these?

Provide a professional report which considers and evaluates a number of issues that are outlined below

You work in a junior role for a firm of Built Environment professionals, specialising in sustainable community buildings. Sonning Village Community Centre Management Committee (SVC) have received a very substantial Government grant. The terms of the grant stipulate that the money should be invested in a new community centre to replace the existing one (Appendix A).

The SVC’s brief includes the following requirements:
• a light, suitablysized clear space that can be used for large meetings, dance, choral presentations;
• a kitchen and serving/café area which will encourage the public to use the building;

• separate male and female WCs, an accessible toilet, and baby changing facilities;

• a twoperson office;

• two storage rooms;

• one small meeting room;

• all spaces need to be on the same singlestorey with no steps throughout the building and with Inclusive design’ as a key priority;

• to be as sustainable and inclusive as possible, the design should:

o maximise natural light;
o be responsive to people’s needs where appropriate;

o enable maximum flexibility of the internal layout so that future changes and changed requirements can easily be accommodated.

SVC have engaged consultants and their initial proposals have not been met with much enthusiasm from the Committee. They have suggested a traditional loadbearing masonry building and have proposed the attached floor plan (Appendix B). The Committee want to consider alternatives. You have been engaged to provide a professional report which considers and evaluates a number of issues that are outlined below.

a. Using the British Geological Survey (BGS) Geology of Britain viewer tool, the soil type for the site has been identified as Winter Hill Gravel (a gravel and sand mix). Borehole surveys at nearby sites reveal a mix of gravel, sand and clay to a depth of four metres.
Use this information to explain what the foundation options are, what your professional recommendation is for the foundations for the proposed frame and why. This part of your report must include a proportionally accurate sketch section through the foundation selected, together with a small section through the ground floor construction. Assume that SVC decide on a steel portal framed building:

b. A proposal for the:
• accessibility and signage; and

• day lighting and lighting strategy for the centre.

You must indicate how these proposals would fit into an overall inclusive design strategy for the building. What are the principal concerns and issues that need to be addressed in such a strategy and how do your accessibility and lighting proposals effectively address these?

c. An option appraisal which details the proposed external walls: What are the requirements, options, and recommendations for the centre and why? Select a specific product from a UK manufacturer, which fits your recommendation, and include an image of it. This part of your report must include an appropriately proportioned drawing: a cross section through your
proposed external wall from, and including, a small section of the roof, down through a window or an external door.

How can smell and design help dementia people? How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes? How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? How is smell and memory related? Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes?

My project is a 3500 words with a project proposal. My project is about Using smell for way finding. Patients will know their way from smells.

Abstract – broad overview of project


Introduction to project- About smell research, case studies, project intro.

Outlining proposal- The questions (1. How can smell and design help dementia people? / 2. How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? / 3. How is smell and memory related? / 4. Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

Outlining programme- It will be a system integrated into the site to allow patients remember their way around. As smell triggers memory. they will be taught of each smell for each space which then they’ll start remembering when they smell particular odor they should know where to go next.

Site research – Signature Parklands Manor, write what activities there are, about the site, history of it. i’ll do an Interview (to be written in 2 days)

Case studies – 1. Maggie centre design of how it can help/treat patients. 2. restaurant of mistaken orders- to help understand dementia patients. State why did i choose these case studies and how it is related to my project.

3. You can choose any third case study about a project related to carehome or dementia (using specific ideas to help dementia patients) my project is also about creating a design/system that could help dementia people.

Precedents and theory – Theories or research’s about smell and memory. how can smell keep us in the moment instead of memory. Sensory design as a way finding system. compare and analyse.

Ideas development: (i’ll do that but include it in contents and state there will be experiments for smell as way finding.)

How can smell and design help dementia people? How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes? How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? How is smell and memory related? Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes?

My project is a 3500 words with a project proposal. My project is about Using smell for way finding. Patients will know their way from smells. I’ve already purchased a 1500 paper before but I want you to edit it and include: *you can add photos*

Abstract – broad overview of project


Introduction to project- About smell research, case studies, project intro.

Outlining proposal- The questions (1. How can smell and design help dementia people? / 2. How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? / 3. How is smell and memory related? / 4. Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

Outlining programme- It will be a system integrated into the site to allow patients remember their way around. As smell triggers memory. they will be taught of each smell for each space which then they’ll start remembering when they smell particular odor they should know where to go next.

Site research – Signature Parklands Manor, write what activities there are, about the site, history of it. i’ll do an Interview (to be written in 2 days)

Case studies – 1. Maggie centre design of how it can help/treat patients. 2. restaurant of mistaken orders- to help understand dementia patients. State why did i choose these case studies and how it is related to my project.

3. You can choose any third case study about a project related to carehome or dementia (using specific ideas to help dementia patients) my project is also about creating a design/system that could help dementia people.

Precedents and theory – Theories or research’s about smell and memory. how can smell keep us in the moment instead of memory. Sensory design as a way finding system. compare and analyse.

Ideas development: (i’ll do that but include it in contents and state there will be experiments for smell as way finding.)

How can smell and design help dementia people? How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes? How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? How is smell and memory related? Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes?

My project is a 3500 words with a project proposal. My project is about Using smell for way finding. Patients will know their way from smells. I’ve already purchased a 1500 paper before but I want you to edit it and include: *you can add photos*

Abstract – broad overview of project


Introduction to project- About smell research, case studies, project intro.

Outlining proposal- The questions (1. How can smell and design help dementia people? / 2. How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? / 3. How is smell and memory related? / 4. Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

Outlining programme- It will be a system integrated into the site to allow patients remember their way around. As smell triggers memory. they will be taught of each smell for each space which then they’ll start remembering when they smell particular odor they should know where to go next.

Site research – Signature Parklands Manor, write what activities there are, about the site, history of it. i’ll do an Interview (to be written in 2 days)

Case studies – 1. Maggie centre design of how it can help/treat patients. 2. restaurant of mistaken orders- to help understand dementia patients. State why did i choose these case studies and how it is related to my project.

3. You can choose any third case study about a project related to carehome or dementia (using specific ideas to help dementia patients) my project is also about creating a design/system that could help dementia people.

Precedents and theory – Theories or research’s about smell and memory. how can smell keep us in the moment instead of memory. Sensory design as a way finding system. compare and analyse.

Ideas development: (i’ll do that but include it in contents and state there will be experiments for smell as way finding.)

Discuss and compare four buildings from four different historical periods (four lectures), one from lecture 5, the second from lecture 6, the third from lecture 7, and the last from lecture 8.

History & Culture

For this fortnightly assignment, you will discuss and compare four buildings from four different historical periods (four lectures), one from lecture 5, the second from lecture 6, the third from lecture 7, and the last from lecture 8.

How to form your essay:

– Follow the uploaded template for forming your essay: On the first page, you need to arrange eight images in a grid to illustrate the significance of your buildings. You will use two images to highlight each building. (4 buildings = 8 images). Images should be followed by correct captions (building name, date, and endnote referencing for sources). Students should follow endnote referencing (Chicago 16th or 17th edition).

– On the second page, add an 800-word text discussing the significance of the buildings in relation to their historical period.

-The last paragraph of your essay should critically compare the buildings: this could be done by highlighting the differences, commonalities and transformations between the buildings’ interiors, exteriors and plans. Wrap up your comparison with a short statement, indicating your thoughts about the discussed periods or buildings.

See attached template, referencing each subject building.

How can smell and design help dementia people? How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes? How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? How is smell and memory related? Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

How can smell be used as a landmark way finding in dementia care homes?

My project is a 3500 words with a project proposal. My project is about Using smell for way finding. Patients will know their way from smells. I’ve already purchased a 1500 paper before but I want you to edit it and include: *you can add photos*

Abstract – broad overview of project


Introduction to project- About smell research, case studies, project intro.

Outlining proposal- The questions (1. How can smell and design help dementia people? / 2. How can we use odor as a landmark for way finding? / 3. How is smell and memory related? / 4. Can smell be used to keep patients in the moment?

Outlining programme- It will be a system integrated into the site to allow patients remember their way around. As smell triggers memory. they will be taught of each smell for each space which then they’ll start remembering when they smell particular odor they should know where to go next.

Site research – Signature Parklands Manor, write what activities there are, about the site, history of it. i’ll do an Interview (to be written in 2 days)

Case studies – 1. Maggie centre design of how it can help/treat patients. 2. restaurant of mistaken orders- to help understand dementia patients. State why did i choose these case studies and how it is related to my project.

3. you can choose any third case study about a project related to carehome or dementia (using specific ideas to help dementia patients) my project is also about creating a design/system that could help dementia people.

Precedents and theory – Theories or research’s about smell and memory. how can smell keep us in the moment instead of memory. Sensory design as a way finding system. compare and analyse.

Ideas development: (i’ll do that but include it in contents and state there will be experiments for smell as way finding.)

In two to three pages, write a clear and succinct summary of the essay emphasizing major points.  Try to place the ideas into your own words, and do not rely upon quoting the text.

ARCH 3313.D05:  Modern Architecture

Assignment 4:  Summary upload to Blackboard Assignments

Le Corbusier, “Towards a new architecture:  guiding principles”


Read the following assigned essay:
Le Corbusier, “Towards a new architecture:  guiding principles” (1920), in Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture, edited by Ulrich Conrads, rev. ed. (Cambridge, MA:  The MIT Press, 1970), 59-62.

In two to three pages, write a clear and succinct summary of the essay emphasizing major points.

Try to place the ideas into your own words, and do not rely upon quoting the text (only do so sparingly).  But remember, you still must cite all ideas from the text with in-line citations.



Submissions must be typed.  Use 12-point Times (or Times New Roman) typeface.  At the top upper-left corner of the first page, in single-spaced lines, provide your full name, the course number (ARCH 3313.D05), state that this is “Assignment 4:  Le Corbusier, “Towards a new architecture,” and provide the date of submission.  The body of your summary must be double-spaced.  Upload your completed summary to Blackboard as a .pdf file.


Major ideas of the author, as well as direct quotations, must be cited.  For the purposes of this one-source assignment, simply use an “in-line” parenthetical citation with the author’s last name and page number.  For example: “Our eyes are constructed to enable us to see forms in light” (Le Corbusier, 59).


Assessment:This is an exercise in reading comprehension and recognizing major concepts in a key architectural writing.  Grading will take into account the clarity of your thought and expression, the logical organization of your content, and your overall understanding of the reading.