In two to three pages, write a clear and succinct summary of Walter Gropius’ intentions for the Bauhaus school, as expressed in both readings (in Gropius’ program for the school’s curriculum and in his address to the new students).

ARCH 3313.D05:  Modern Architecture

Assignment 3:  Summary

Walter Gropius, “Programme of the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar” and “Address to the Bauhaus Students”

Read the following two assigned readings:

Walter Gropius, “Programme of the Staatliches Bauhaus in Weimar” (1919), in Programs and Manifestoes on 20th-Century Architecture, edited by Ulrich Conrads, rev. ed. (Cambridge, MA:  The MIT Press, 1970), 49-53.

Walter Gropius, “Address to the Bauhaus Students” (July 1919), in Form and Function:  A source book for the History of Architecture and Design, 1890-1939, edited by Tim and Charlotte Benton (London, 1975), 79-80.

In two to three pages, write a clear and succinct summary of Walter Gropius’ intentions for the Bauhaus school, as expressed in both readings (in Gropius’ program for the school’s curriculum and in his address to the new students).

Try to place the ideas into your own words, and do not rely upon quoting the text (only do so sparingly).  But remember, you still must cite all ideas from the text with in-line citations.


Submissions must be typed.  Use 12-point Times (or Times New Roman) typeface.  At the top upper-left corner of the first page, in single-spaced lines, provide your full name, the course number (ARCH 3313.D05), state that this is “Assignment 3:  Walter Gropius and the Bauhaus,” and provide the date of submission.  The body of your summary must be double-spaced.  Upload your completed summary to Blackboard as a .pdf file.

Major ideas of the author, as well as direct quotations, must be cited.  For the purposes of this two-source assignment, simply use an “in-line” parenthetical citation with the author’s last name, an abbreviated title (“Address” or “Programme”, and page number.  For example: “Some day you will break free of your limitations” (Gropius, “Address,” 80).


This is an exercise in reading comprehension and recognizing major concepts in key architectural writings.  Grading will take into account the clarity of your thought and expression, the logical organization of your content, and your overall understanding of the readings.


Argument and recommend which architectural typology is to be favoured on this land, using precedents and references for the argumentation. Develop a diagrammatic proposal that will address the at least 2 of the above-mentioned issues and opportunities.

Case Study: Le Port, La Reunion

ASSESSMENT 3 (20%): Problem-solving
Le Port is a small town of the French tropical island La Reunion.
Right in its centre (red triangle on the satellite pictures), there is unused land that needs to be redeveloped. Several stakeholders have shown their interest, including the nearby School of Architecture, the body of social housing (SIDR), the local government of Le Port and private developers. The State architecture and urban planning office needs your expertise to make a decision.

Based on your assessment of the existing urban forms and architectural typologies, write a note that will:
● Summarise your assessment of the existing urban forms and architectural typologies, including issues and opportunities.
● Argument and recommend which architectural typology is to be favoured on this land, using precedents and references for the argumentation.
● Develop a diagrammatic proposal that will address the at least 2 of the above-mentioned issues and opportunities (no scale required).

Write an essay that examines the effect of metaphysical ideas on the development of ancient and contemporary Chinese cities; you might for instance, explore the role of geomancy, Daoism and/or Feng Shui in the production of ancient and modern Chinese planning and architecture.

Effects of Daoism on Contemporary Chinese Architecture

It has to clarify that kind of impacts that Daoism made on Chinese architecture (including Hong Kong and Taiwan)

Write an essay that examines the effect of metaphysical ideas on the development of ancient and contemporary Chinese cities; you might for instance, explore the role of geomancy, Daoism and/or Feng Shui in the production of ancient and modern Chinese planning and architecture.

Describe and analyse the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch.

The Studio System

The Studio System Key point about the studio system could be: Despite being one of the biggest industries in the United States, indeed the World, the internal workings of the ‘dream factory’ that is Hollywood is little understood outside the business. The Hollywood Studio System: A History is the first book to describe and analyse the complete development, classic operation, and reinvention of the global corporate entities which produce and distribute most of the films we watch.

If the project was to be changed to a “Design and Build” (D&B) type of construction, how would personnel change – who would be appointed? Provide an explanation of how the construction information would be different for D&B, and how might this benefit the client and the project, or not ?

Unit 6: Construction Information (Drawing, Detailing, Specification)

Task 1

1. Make a list of the construction information (plans, drawings, specifications and templates) indicating which member of a design team would produce them with a brief explanation of how the information will be used in the project.

2. Produce either a 2D plan with elevations, or a 3D model of the new grooming parlour using one of the free downloadable CAD or sketching tools, (see links to free on-line CAD tools in the reference section at the end of this assignment brief). Using the drawings, produce door and window schedules and an outline bill of quantities with approximate costs.

3. Compose a “Schedule of Works” document for the building, think about the different designers involved and the works and activities involved to meet the project requirements. Explain the application and importance of the different designer’s specifications.

Task 1 covers the following Learning Outcomes and Assessment Criteria LO1; P1, P2, M1, D1 & LO2; P3, P4, M2

Task 2

1. Using 2 separate copies of the plans or model that you produced in Task 1,

a) mark one of the base building layouts with all the furniture items you think are required , to scale

b) on the second set of base building layout, indicate the following building services, lighting, positions, small power outlets and radiators on the walls. Where applicable draw these to scale on the drawings.

c) Once you have completed these two sets of mark ups, review the COMBINED furniture and building services layouts by cross referencing and identify any clashes between the furniture, and the building services.

d) Prepare a “Red pen mark up” of the drawings to highlight any errors or clashes and briefly write up a report of the findings of this red pen exercise.

2. If the project was to be changed to a “Design and Build” (D&B) type of construction, how would personnel change – who would be appointed? Provide an explanation of how the construction information would be different for D&B, and how might this benefit the client and the project, or not ?

As a conclusion, provide a critical evaluation of the different types of information produced by different participants on construction projects highlighting the relationship between different bodies of information and how they work in conjunction. How could the different parties producing this

Provide a critical reflections upon individual performances within the group during the module; discussions should include but are not limited to, communications, leadership, trust and conflict resolution

Individual Reflection Report

The aim of the reflective writing submission is to reflect on the team working experience undertaken throughout this module. The report will afford you the opportunity to discuss your team experiences and should have the following key components within your report;

1. Critical reflections upon individual performances within the group during the module; discussions should include but are not limited to, communications, leadership, trust and conflict resolution (300 words)

2. Reflect on core competencies related to team working, use your discipline related professional bodies guidelines i.e., RIBA, CIAT, CIOB, RICS (400 words)

3. Submit minutes of your group meetings and reflect on the experience of chairing YOUR group meeting. It is the intention that each group member will chair a group meeting (400 words) These minutes must be substantial charting the week number and stage of the project. Identification needs to be made as to what was agreed by whom, completion dates, identifying persons responsible for the task

What is the proper methodology to evaluate and develop the Renaissance-era buildings in Kuwait City to avoid demolishing?

What is the proper methodology to evaluate and develop the Renaissance-era buildings in Kuwait City to avoid demolishing?

• To Demonstrate the history of Renaissance era in Kuwait to Crystalize importance of Renaissance-era in Kuwait Architectural heritage

• To Identify the risk of Brusselisation and its impact in the urban society

• To Investigating the reasons of demolishing in Kuwait and Discuss its impact the Architecture Heritage.

Identify each stakeholder’s role selected for the flow diagram. Discuss whether this space worked or did not work for each stakeholder. Identify your cross points. Do they create hubs that could reduce foot traffic? Identify whether the flow supports current build of the facility and FGI guidelines.

Healthcare Facility Flow Diagram

Overview of the entire assignment:

When designing facilities, there are many stakeholders who will be affected by its design. It is important to understand that each of the stakeholders will have a unique perspective of the facility based on their role.

Imagine you and your team are stakeholders (i.e., nurse, physician, patient, family member of patient, or janitorial staff) who will use the facility that was presented by the design team.

Select a stakeholder:

  • Nurse
  • Physician
  • Patient
  • Family member of patient
  • Janitorial staff
  • A different stakeholder; get faculty approval three days prior to assignment due date

As a team, review the facility and consider how the perspective of the stakeholder you selected may be different from another stakeholder, such as a physician versus a patient. It is important to consider the stakeholder’s role and use of the facility (i.e., who they interact with, functions they perform, and departments they interact with).

Complete the Facility Diagram presented by the design team.

You will notice the doors are missing on the facility presented. As a team, label where you will add doors into rooms.
Label the rooms in the facility presented.
Consider adding basic equipment to the space to help you with orientation and use for your stakeholders.

Complete a flow diagram using the facility diagram you added doors to and label rooms above. Make sure to use your research of FGIs.

The flow diagram needs to show your stakeholder’s use (flow) of the facility.
The flow should show the use from dirty to clean and clean to dirty.
The flow diagram needs to clearly indicate each stakeholder selected. Consider using different markers (i.e., color, shapes).

As a team, write a 350- to 700-word summary of your review of the facility. Your summary should:

Identify each stakeholder’s role selected for the flow diagram.
Discuss whether this space worked or did not work for each stakeholder.
Identify your cross points. Do they create hubs that could reduce foot traffic?
Identify whether the flow supports current build of the facility and FGI guidelines.
Identify 1 possible improvement or alternative that would support sustainable health care facility design and the stakeholder flow in this facility.
Describe the steps you would take to implement the improvements or alternative designs.
Identify at least 2 evaluation techniques that are used to measure project success.
Consider the type of data needed to evaluate success.

Provide an analysis of urban transformation of benghazi through architectural identity.

Urban transformation of Benghazi

Provide an analysis of urban transformation of benghazi through architectural identity.

Write an essay on the question of housing in Angola, Brazil, China, Ghana, India, Sweden, Vietnam, or pertaining to Indigenous peoples in Canada, Australia and/or New Zealand, based on the five course readings per topic. Include footnotes and a bibliography.

Reading reflection

Write an essay on the question of housing in Angola, Brazil, China, Ghana, India, Sweden, Vietnam, or pertaining to Indigenous peoples in Canada, Australia and/or New Zealand, based on the five course readings per topic. Include footnotes and a bibliography.